
时间:2019-02-10 06:22:11

标签: python file count word




[(1,'C:\ Users \ .... \ Desktop \ Sense_and_Sensibility.txt')]


注意: ....出于发布目的而被替换,因为我的计算机用户名是我的全名)。



1 :打开文件,将所有标点符号替换为空格,将所有单词更改为小写,然后将其存储在字典中。

2 :查看将从原始词典中删除的单词(停用词)列表。

3 :对剩余单词进行计数并根据频率进行排序。

fname = r"C:\Users\....\Desktop\Sense_and_Sensibility.txt"  # file to read
swfilename = r"C:\Users\....\Desktop\stopwords.txt"  # words to delete

with open(fname) as file:                 # have the program run the file
    for line in file:  # loop through
        fname.replace('-.,"!?', " ")  # replace punc. with space
        words = fname.lower()  # make all words lowercase

        word_list = fname.split()  # separate the words, store

        word_dict = {}  # create a dictionary

with open(swfilename) as delete:  # open stop word list
    for line in delete:
        sw_list = swfilename.split()  # separate the words, store them
        sw_dict = {}

        for key in sw_dict:
            word_dict.pop(key, None)  # delete common words

for word in word_list:  # loop through
    word_dict[word] = word_dict.get(word, 0) + 1  # count frequency

word_freq = []  # create index
for key, value in word_dict.items():  # count occurrences
    word_freq.append((value, key))  # append freq list

word_freq.sort(reverse=True)  # sort the words by freq
print(word_freq)  # print most to least

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

与Mac和Linux OS相比,使用python在Windows中导入文件有一些不同

只需更改fname = r"C:\Users\....\Desktop\Sense_and_Sensibility.txt"中的文件路径

fname = "C:\\Users\\....\\Desktop\\Sense_and_Sensibility.txt"


答案 1 :(得分:0)



fname = r"C:\Users\....\Desktop\Sense_and_Sensibility.txt" #file to read
swfilename = r"C:\Users\....\Desktop\stopwords.txt"        #words to delete

with open(fname) as file:                 #???(1) have the program run the file  
    for line in file:                     #loop through                                     
       fname.replace ('-.,"!?', " ")         #???(2) replace punc. with space
       words = fname.lower()                 #???(3) make all words lowercase

       word_list = fname.split()             #separate the words, store 

       word_dict = {}                        #???(4) create a dictionary 

    with open(swfilename) as delete:       #open stop word list
        for line in delete: 
            sw_list = swfilename.split()   #separate the words, store them 
            sw_dict = {}

            for key in sw_dict:
                word_dict.pop(key, None)    #???(5) delete common words

    for word in word_list:                            #???(6) loop through
        word_dict[word] = word_dict.get(word, 0) + 1  #???(7) count frequency

    word_freq = []                                    #???(8)create index
    for key, value in word_dict.items():              #count occurrences           
        word_freq.append((value, key))                #append freq list         

    word_freq.sort(reverse = True)                  #sort the words by freq
    print(word_freq)                                #print most to least
  1. (次要)file是Python中的保留字,这是一种很好的做法,不要在执行操作时用于自定义目的
  2. (主要).replace()会将左侧的确切字符串替换为右侧的确切字符串,但是您要做的是执行某种multi_replace(),您可以实现自己(例如作为函数),例如循环(或使用.replace())连续调用functools.reduce()
  3. (主要)fname包含文件名(实际上是路径),而不包含您要使用的文件的内容。
  4. (主要)您正在循环浏览文件的各行,但是如果为每行创建word_listword_dict,则将在每次迭代时“覆盖”内容。另外,word_dict被创建为空并且从不填充。
  5. (主要)您要实现的逻辑不适用于字典,因为字典不能包含多个相同的键。一种更有效的方法是通过排除filtered_listword_list创建一个stop_words。然后可以使用字典来实现计数器。我确实了解您可能需要学习如何实现计数器,但是请记住,标准库中的模块collections.Counter()(因此可以使用import collections进行访问)完全可以满足您的要求。
  6. (主要),因为此时代码中没有任何用处,但是循环遍历原始列表而不是经过过滤的列表将不会获得与停用词有关的信息。
  7. (主要)dictionary[key]既可用于访问(您不执行),也可用于(您执行)写入与字典中特定键相关联的值。
  8. (次要)显然,您可以根据词频进行排序,但更好的方法是使用key.sort()的参数sorted()
  9. li>
