假设我有这个lon / lat:33.33333,22.22222
如何在X英里/公里范围内随机选择另一个lon / lat?
答案 0 :(得分:10)
以下有点复杂,但应该给你“更好”的结果。 (这可能是没有必要的,但我想要去:))。
注意:笛卡尔< - >这里使用的球面坐标变换与文献中通常的不同。我唯一的动机是让z轴(0,0,1)
* Given a $centre (latitude, longitude) co-ordinates and a
* distance $radius (miles), returns a random point (latitude,longtitude)
* which is within $radius miles of $centre.
* @param array $centre Numeric array of floats. First element is
* latitude, second is longitude.
* @param float $radius The radius (in miles).
* @return array Numeric array of floats (lat/lng). First
* element is latitude, second is longitude.
function generate_random_point( $centre, $radius ){
$radius_earth = 3959; //miles
//Pick random distance within $distance;
$distance = lcg_value()*$radius;
//Convert degrees to radians.
$centre_rads = array_map( 'deg2rad', $centre );
//First suppose our point is the north pole.
//Find a random point $distance miles away
$lat_rads = (pi()/2) - $distance/$radius_earth;
$lng_rads = lcg_value()*2*pi();
//($lat_rads,$lng_rads) is a point on the circle which is
//$distance miles from the north pole. Convert to Cartesian
$x1 = cos( $lat_rads ) * sin( $lng_rads );
$y1 = cos( $lat_rads ) * cos( $lng_rads );
$z1 = sin( $lat_rads );
//Rotate that sphere so that the north pole is now at $centre.
//Rotate in x axis by $rot = (pi()/2) - $centre_rads[0];
$rot = (pi()/2) - $centre_rads[0];
$x2 = $x1;
$y2 = $y1 * cos( $rot ) + $z1 * sin( $rot );
$z2 = -$y1 * sin( $rot ) + $z1 * cos( $rot );
//Rotate in z axis by $rot = $centre_rads[1]
$rot = $centre_rads[1];
$x3 = $x2 * cos( $rot ) + $y2 * sin( $rot );
$y3 = -$x2 * sin( $rot ) + $y2 * cos( $rot );
$z3 = $z2;
//Finally convert this point to polar co-ords
$lng_rads = atan2( $x3, $y3 );
$lat_rads = asin( $z3 );
return array_map( 'rad2deg', array( $lat_rads, $lng_rads ) );
答案 1 :(得分:6)
$longitude = (float) 33.33333;
$latitude = (float) 22.22222;
$radius = rand(1,10); // in miles
$lng_min = $longitude - $radius / abs(cos(deg2rad($latitude)) * 69);
$lng_max = $longitude + $radius / abs(cos(deg2rad($latitude)) * 69);
$lat_min = $latitude - ($radius / 69);
$lat_max = $latitude + ($radius / 69);
echo 'lng (min/max): ' . $lng_min . '/' . $lng_max . PHP_EOL;
echo 'lat (min/max): ' . $lat_min . '/' . $lat_max;
答案 2 :(得分:1)
选择x1,一个0到x之间的数字。 选择x2,一个介于0和x之间的数字。 您的经度是(1/2)x1 +原始经度,纬度是(1/2)x2 +原始纬度。
答案 3 :(得分:0)
以下Matlab代码示例在指定的椭圆体内均匀分析 中心点的距离。
function [lat, lon] = geosample(lat0, lon0, r0, n)
% [lat, lon] = geosample(lat0, lon0, r0, n)
% Return n points on the WGS84 ellipsoid within a distance r0 of
% (lat0,lon0) and uniformly distributed on the surface. The returned
% lat and lon are n x 1 vectors.
% Requires Matlab package
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/39108
todo = true(n,1); lat = zeros(n,1); lon = lat;
while any(todo)
n1 = sum(todo);
r = r0 * max(rand(n1,2), [], 2); % r = r0*sqrt(U) using cheap sqrt
azi = 180 * (2 * rand(n1,1) - 1); % sample azi uniformly
[lat(todo), lon(todo), ~, ~, m, ~, ~, sig] = ...
geodreckon(lat0, lon0, r, azi);
% Only count points with sig <= 180 (otherwise it's not a shortest
% path). Also because of the curvature of the ellipsoid, large r
% are sampled too frequently, by a factor r/m. This following
% accounts for this...
todo(todo) = ~(sig <= 180 & r .* rand(n1,1) <= m);
此代码在方位角等距的圆内均匀采样 投影以 lat0 , lon0 为中心。径向,分别。方位, 这个预测的比例是1,相应的。 R / M 。因此是区域 失真是 r / m ,这是通过接受这些点来解决的 概率 m / r 。
此代码还说明了 r0 大约一半的情况 地球的周长,避免双重采样几乎反对 分。