
时间:2019-02-08 15:55:15

标签: plsql


我的PL / SQL代码:

   aux CLOB;
   cnt NUMBER := 0;
   cnt1 NUMBER := 0;      
   FOR rec IN (SELECT  xxxx)
      aux := rec.VALUE;
        UPDATE db
        SET VALUE = TO_CLOB(deletexml(
        WHERE id=rec.gb_ID;
          IF DBMS_LOB.compare(rec.VALUE, aux) = 0 THEN      
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('### ORDERS NOT CHANGED ###');            
            cnt1 := cnt1 + 1;  --count orders without any change
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(cnt1 || '- ' || rec.ORDER_PUBLIC_ID);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('### ORDERS CHANGED ###');
            cnt := cnt +1;  --count changed orders
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(cnt || '- ' || rec.ORDER_PUBLIC_ID);
          END IF;  
     END LOOP;
   -- Print count results
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Orders without changing: '|| cnt1 || ' orders.');
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Orders updated: '|| cnt || ' orders.');



















1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

创建游标时,它是运行select时存在的数据快照。在执行游标期间所做的任何表更改都不会反映在游标中。有关更多详细信息,请参见Do database cursors pick up changes to the underlying data?


 * Returns a List ArrayList containing the page source for the supplied web
 * page link.<br><br>
 * @param link (String) The URL address of the web page to process.<br>
 * @return (List ArrayList) A List ArrayList containing the page source for
 *         the supplied web page link.
public List<String> getWebPageSource(String webLink) {
    if (webLink.equals("")) {
        return null;
    try {
        URL url = new URL(webLink);

        URLConnection yc;
        //If url is a SSL Endpoint (using a Secure Socket Layer such as https)...
        if (webLink.startsWith("https:")) {
            yc = new URL(webLink).openConnection();
            //send request for page data...
            yc.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.95 Safari/537.11");
        //and if not a SLL Endpoint (just http)...
        else {
            yc = url.openConnection();

        InputStream inputStream = yc.getInputStream();
        InputStreamReader streamReader = null;
        String encoding = null;
        try {
            encoding = yc.getContentEncoding().toLowerCase();
        catch (Exception ex) {
        if (null == encoding) {
            encoding = "UTF-8";
            streamReader = new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream(), encoding);
        else {
            switch (encoding) {
                case "gzip":
                    // Is compressed using GZip: Wrap the reader
                    inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(inputStream);
                    streamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
                //streamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
                case "utf-8":
                    encoding = "UTF-8";
                    streamReader = new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream(), encoding);
                case "utf-16":
                    encoding = "UTF-16";
                    streamReader = new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream(), encoding);

        List<String> sourceText;
        try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(streamReader)) {
            String inputLine;
            sourceText = new ArrayList<>();
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
        return sourceText;
    catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
        // Do whatever you want with exception.
    catch (IOException ex) {
        // Do whatever you want with exception.
    return null;

 * This method will retrieve all links which are contained between specifically 
 * supplied String Tags where the desired Links may reside between and are related 
 * to the supplied <b>Reference String</b>. A String Start Tag and a String End Tag 
 * would be required as well.<br><br>
 * So, if any Web Page Source line that contains the Reference String of:<pre>
 *     "rel=\"dct:subject\""</pre><br>
 * is looked at and if <i>on the same source line</i> the supplied Start Tag 
 * String (ie: "href=\"") and the supplied End Tag String (ie: "\">") are found then 
 * the text between those tags is retrieved.<br><br>
 * This method utilizes the support method named <b>getBetween()</b>.<br><br>
 * @param referenceString (String) The reference string to look for on any web 
 * page source line.<br>
 * @param pageSource (List Interface of String) The List which contains all the 
 * HTML Web Page Source.<br>
 * @param desiredLinkStartTag (String) The Start Tag String where the desired 
 * Link or links may reside after. This can be any string. Links are retrieved 
 * from between the Start Tag and the End Tag.<br>
 * @param desiredLinkEndTag (String) The End Tag String where the desired 
 * Link or links may reside before. This can be any string. Links are retrieved 
 * from between the Start Tag and the End Tag.<br>
 * @return (1D String Array) A String Array containing the Links Found.<br>
 * @see #getBetween(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean...) getBetween()
public String[] getRelatedLinks(String referenceString, List<String> pageSource, 
        String desiredLinkStartTag, String desiredLinkEndTag) {
    List<String> links = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < pageSource.size(); i++) {
        if (pageSource.get(i).contains(referenceString)) {
            String[] lnks = getBetween(pageSource.get(i), desiredLinkStartTag, desiredLinkEndTag);
    return links.toArray(new String[0]);

 * Retrieves a specific Link from within the Related Links List generated by 
 * the <b>getRelatedLinks()</b> method.<br><br>
 * This method requires the use of the <b>getRelatedLinks()</b> method.
 * @param relatedArray (1D String Array) The array returned from the <b>getRelatedLinks()</b> 
 * method.<br>
 * @param desiredStringInLink (String - Letter Case Sensitive) The string title 
 * contained within the link to retrieve.<br>
 * @return (1D String Array) Containing any links found.<br>
 * @see #getRelatedLinks(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) getRelatedLinks()
public String[] getFromRelatedLinksThatContain(String[] relatedArray, String desiredStringInLink) {
    List<String> desiredLinks = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < relatedArray.length; i++) {
        if (relatedArray[i].contains(desiredStringInLink)) {
    return desiredLinks.toArray(new String[0]);

 * Retrieves any string data located between the supplied string leftString
 * parameter and the supplied string rightString parameter.<br><br>

 * This method will return all instances of a substring located between the
 * supplied Left String and the supplied Right String which may be found
 * within the supplied Input String.<br>
 * @param inputString (String) The string to look for substring(s) in.
 * @param leftString  (String) What may be to the Left side of the substring
 *                    we want within the main input string. Sometimes the
 *                    substring you want may be contained at the very
 *                    beginning of a string and therefore there is no
 *                    Left-String available. In this case you would simply
 *                    pass a Null String ("") to this parameter which
 *                    basically informs the method of this fact. Null can
 *                    not be supplied and will ultimately generate a
 *                    NullPointerException.
 * @param rightString (String) What may be to the Right side of the
 *                    substring we want within the main input string.
 *                    Sometimes the substring you want may be contained at
 *                    the very end of a string and therefore there is no
 *                    Right-String available. In this case you would simply
 *                    pass a Null String ("") to this parameter which
 *                    basically informs the method of this fact. Null can
 *                    not be supplied and will ultimately generate a
 *                    NullPointerException.
 * @param options     (Optional - Boolean - 2 Parameters):<pre>
 *      ignoreLetterCase    - Default is false. This option works against the
 *                            string supplied within the leftString parameter
 *                            and the string supplied within the rightString
 *                            parameter. If set to true then letter case is
 *                            ignored when searching for strings supplied in
 *                            these two parameters. If left at default false
 *                            then letter case is not ignored.
 *      trimFound           - Default is true. By default this method will trim
 *                            off leading and trailing white-spaces from found
 *                            sub-string items. General sentences which obviously
 *                            contain spaces will almost always give you a white-
 *                            space within an extracted sub-string. By setting
 *                            this parameter to false, leading and trailing white-
 *                            spaces are not trimmed off before they are placed
 *                            into the returned Array.</pre>
 * @return (1D String Array) Returns a Single Dimensional String Array
 *         containing all the sub-strings found within the supplied Input
 *         String which are between the supplied Left String and supplied
 *         Right String. You can shorten this method up a little by
 *         returning a List&lt;String&gt; ArrayList and removing the 'List
 *         to 1D Array' conversion code at the end of this method. This
 *         method initially stores its findings within a List object
 *         anyways.
public static String[] getBetween(String inputString, String leftString, String rightString, boolean... options) {
    // Return nothing if nothing was supplied.
    if (inputString.equals("") || (leftString.equals("") && rightString.equals(""))) {
        return null;

    // Prepare optional parameters if any supplied.
    // If none supplied then use Defaults...
    boolean ignoreCase = false; // Default.
    boolean trimFound = true;   // Default.
    if (options.length > 0) {
        if (options.length >= 1) {
            ignoreCase = options[0];
        if (options.length >= 2) {
            trimFound = options[1];

    // Remove any ASCII control characters from the
    // supplied string (if they exist).
    String modString = inputString.replaceAll("\\p{Cntrl}", "");

    // Establish a List String Array Object to hold
    // our found substrings between the supplied Left
    // String and supplied Right String.
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

    // Use Pattern Matching to locate our possible
    // substrings within the supplied Input String.
    String regEx = Pattern.quote(leftString)
            + (!rightString.equals("") ? "(.*?)" : "(.*)?")
            + Pattern.quote(rightString);
    if (ignoreCase) {
        regEx = "(?i)" + regEx;
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regEx);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(modString);
    while (matcher.find()) {
        // Add the found substrings into the List.
        String found = matcher.group(1);
        if (trimFound) {
            found = found.trim();

    String[] res;
    // Convert the ArrayList to a 1D String Array.
    // If the List contains something then convert
    if (list.size() > 0) {
        res = new String[list.size()];
        res = list.toArray(res);
    } // Otherwise return Null.
    else {
        res = null;
    // Return the String Array.
    return res;


    SET VALUE = TO_CLOB(deletexml(
    WHERE id=rec.gb_ID;

由于游标是快照,它将始终以“未更改”的形式返回,因此您必须从基表中重新选择该值,或使用SQL%ROWCOUNT来检查更新语句是否影响了任何行(请参见{{ 3}}),以获取有关如何使用它的详细信息。