Azure devops管道dotnet生成找不到项目

时间:2019-02-08 15:24:08

标签: .net-core azure-devops

我有一个回购协议,除了自述文件和azure-pipelines.yml YAML之外,其他内容都没有。在dev分支(我要构建和部署并具有CI的分支)上,有3个文件夹MVC,Test,Console,每个文件夹包含一个项目(ASP.NET Core MVC的MVC版本,Net Core Console和Xunit)测试项目)。我想运行dotnet restore并在MVC项目上构建,但收到错误:

2019-02-08T15:09:20.9373945Z ##[section]Starting: CmdLine
2019-02-08T15:09:20.9468192Z ==============================================================================
2019-02-08T15:09:20.9468291Z Task         : Command Line
2019-02-08T15:09:20.9468353Z Description  : Run a command line script using cmd.exe on Windows and bash on macOS and Linux.
2019-02-08T15:09:20.9468441Z Version      : 2.146.1
2019-02-08T15:09:20.9468490Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation
2019-02-08T15:09:20.9468565Z Help         : [More Information](
2019-02-08T15:09:20.9468629Z ==============================================================================
2019-02-08T15:09:22.4499876Z Generating script.
2019-02-08T15:09:22.5206191Z ##[command]"C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C "CALL "D:\a\_temp\21484123-df40-47c7-9383-7f526daaa124.cmd""
2019-02-08T15:09:22.8173263Z MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist.
2019-02-08T15:09:22.8173430Z Switch: MVC
2019-02-08T15:09:23.1247189Z Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.20+g88f5fadfbe for .NET Core
2019-02-08T15:09:23.1308513Z Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
2019-02-08T15:09:23.1308714Z MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist.
2019-02-08T15:09:23.1308801Z Switch: MVC
2019-02-08T15:09:23.2993350Z ##[error]Cmd.exe exited with code '1'.
2019-02-08T15:09:23.3158684Z ##[section]Finishing: CmdLine


# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:

- dev
- master

  vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016'

#- task: DotNetCoreInstaller@0
#  inputs:
#    version: '2.2.103' # replace this value with the version that you need for your project

- script: |
    dotnet restore MVC
    dotnet build MVC
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1

- script: |
    echo Add other tasks to build, test, and deploy your project.
    echo See
  displayName: 'Run a multi-line script'

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1


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