要恢复数据库mysql,我使用了此类“ phpMyImporterClass.php”,直到php 7更新为止。我认为mysql_select_db已过时,但我找不到如何修改它。我尝试通过mysqli_select_db更改mysql_select_db,但是没有结果。请你能帮我吗?
class phpMyImporter
* @access private
var $database = null;
var $connection = null;
var $compress = null;
var $utf8 = null;
var $importFilename = null;
* Class constructor
* @param string $db The database name
* @param string $connection The database connection handler
* @param boolean $compress It defines if the output/import file is compressed (gzip) or not
* @param string $filepath The file where the dump will be written
function phpMyImporter($db = null, $connection = null, $filepath, $compress = false)
$this->connection = $connection;
$this->compress = $compress;
$this->importFilename = $filepath;
$this->utf8 = true;
return $this->setDatabase($db);
* Sets the database to work on
* @param string $db The database name
function setDatabase($db)
$this->database = $db;
if (!@mysql_select_db($this->database)) return false;
return true;
* Read from SQL file and make sql query
function importSql($file)
// Reading SQL from file
echo '
<div class = "container">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="form-signin">
<div align="center"><img src="img/download_60px.png" border="0" align="absmiddle" width="40px"/></div>
<h3 class="form-signin-heading">Restauration de la Base de Données</h3>
<hr class="colorgraph"><br>
<div align="center">';
echo "Vérification du fichier : "; //$this->importFilename."': ";
//echo "<br>";
if ($this->compress)
$lines = gzfile($file);
$lines = file($file);
echo " OK!";
echo "<br>";
echo "Restauration des données : "; //$this->database."':";
//echo "<br>";
$x = 0;
$importSql = "";
$procent = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line)
// Print progress
$numOfLines = count($lines);
if ($x % (int)($numOfLines / 20) == 0)
$procent += 5;
if ($procent % 25 == 0) echo "$procent% ";
else echo "";
// Importing SQL
$importSql .= $line;
if (substr(trim($line) , strlen(trim($line)) - 1) == ";")
$query = @mysql_query($importSql, $this->connection);
if (!$query) return false;
$importSql = "";
return true;
* Import SQL file into selected database
function doImport()
if (!$this->setDatabase($this->database)) return false;
if ($this->utf8)
$encoding = @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $this->connection);
if ($this->importFilename)
$import = $this->importSql($this->importFilename);
if (!$import) echo "\n" . mysql_error($this->connection) . "\n";
else echo '<div align="center"><img src="img/process_ok_60px.png" border="0" align="absmiddle" width="50px"/></div>';
echo '<span style="color:green";>Restauration terminée !</span>';
echo '
return $import;
return false;