Function Work_Days(dateReceived As Variant, firstFollowUp As Variant) As
Dim wholeWeeks As Variant
Dim dateCount As Variant
Dim endDays As Integer
wholeWeeks = DateDiff("w", dateReceived, firstFollowUp)
dateCount = DateAdd("ww", wholeWeeks, dateReceived)
endDays = 0
Do While dateCount <= firstFollowUp
If Format(dateCount, "ddd")<> "Sun" And
Format(dateCount, "ddd")<> "Sat" Then
endDays = endDays + 1
End If
dateCount = DateAdd("d", 1, dateCount)
Work_Days = wholeWeeks * 5 + endDays
Exit Function
答案 0 :(得分:0)
的“ AfterUpdate”事件中。
Me.firstFollowUp = DateAdd('d',8,Me.DatePaperworkreceived)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function AddWorkDaysA(lngDays As Long, _
Optional dtmDate As Date = 0, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant) As Date
' Add the specified number of work days to the
' specified date.
' In:
' lngDays:
' Number of work days to add to the start date.
' dtmDate:
' date on which to start looking.
' Use the current date, if none was specified.
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value, if that's what you want.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' The date of the working day lngDays from the start, taking
' into account weekends and holidays.
' Example:
' AddWorkDaysA(10, #2/9/2019#, Array(#2/18/2019#, #2/20/2019#))
' returns #2/26/2019#, which is the date 10 work days
' after 2/9/2019, if you treat 2/18 and 2/20 as holidays
' Did the caller pass in a date? If not, use
' the current date.
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim dtmTemp As Date
If dtmDate = 0 Then
dtmDate = Date
End If
dtmTemp = dtmDate
For lngCount = 1 To lngDays
dtmTemp = NextWorkdayA(dtmTemp, adtmDates)
Next lngCount
AddWorkDaysA = dtmTemp
End Function
Public Function NextWorkdayA( _
Optional dtmDate As Date = 0, _
Optional adtmDates As Variant = Empty) As Date
' Return the next working day after the specified date.
' In:
' dtmDate:
' date on which to start looking.
' Use the current date, if none was specified.
' adtmDates (Optional):
' Array containing holiday dates. Can also be a single
' date value.
' Out:
' Return Value:
' The date of the next working day, taking
' into account weekends and holidays.
' Example:
' ' Find the next working date after 5/24/19
' dtmDate = NextWorkdayA(#5/24/19#, #5/27/19#)
' ' dtmDate should be 5/28/19, because 5/27/19 is Memorial day.
' Did the caller pass in a date? If not, use
' the current date.
If dtmDate = 0 Then
dtmDate = Date
End If
NextWorkdayA = SkipHolidaysA(adtmDates, dtmDate + 1, 1)
End Function
Private Function SkipHolidaysA( _
adtmDates As Variant, _
dtmTemp As Date, intIncrement As Integer) As Date
' Skip weekend days, and holidays in the array referred to by adtmDates.
' Return dtmTemp + as many days as it takes to get to a day that's not
' a holiday or weekend.
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strFieldName As String
Dim lngItem As Long
Dim blnFound As Boolean
On Error GoTo HandleErrors
' Move up to the first Monday/last Friday, if the first/last
' of the month was a weekend date. Then skip holidays.
' Repeat this entire process until you get to a weekday.
' Unless adtmDates an item for every day in the year (!)
' this should finally converge on a weekday.
Do While IsWeekend(dtmTemp)
dtmTemp = dtmTemp + intIncrement
Select Case VarType(adtmDates)
Case vbArray + vbDate, vbArray + vbVariant
blnFound = FindItemInArray(dtmTemp, adtmDates)
If blnFound Then
dtmTemp = dtmTemp + intIncrement
End If
Loop Until Not blnFound
Case vbDate
If dtmTemp = adtmDates Then
dtmTemp = dtmTemp + intIncrement
End If
End Select
Loop Until Not IsWeekend(dtmTemp)
SkipHolidaysA = dtmTemp
Exit Function
Resume ExitHere
End Function
Private Function IsWeekend(dtmTemp As Variant) As Boolean
' If your weekends aren't Saturday (day 7) and Sunday (day 1),
' change this routine to return True for whatever days
' you DO treat as weekend days.
If VarType(dtmTemp) = vbDate Then
Select Case Weekday(dtmTemp)
Case vbSaturday, vbSunday
IsWeekend = True
Case Else
IsWeekend = False
End Select
End If
End Function
Private Function FindItemInArray(varItemToFind As Variant, _
avarItemsToSearch As Variant) As Boolean
Dim lngItem As Long
On Error GoTo HandleErrors
For lngItem = LBound(avarItemsToSearch) To UBound(avarItemsToSearch)
If avarItemsToSearch(lngItem) = varItemToFind Then
FindItemInArray = True
GoTo ExitHere
End If
Next lngItem
Exit Function
Resume ExitHere
End Function
firstFollowUp.Text = AddWorkDaysA (8, yourDateFiled.Text, Array(#1/1/2019#, #2/18/2019#, #5/27/2019#, #4/4/2019#))