
时间:2019-02-07 11:03:11

标签: python pandas csv

我必须将大txt文件的信息放入pandas数据框中。 文本文件的格式是这样的(我无法以任何方式更改它):

Z_0  S_1  C_1 
  foo     bar
     foo_1  foo_2  foo_3   foo_4
      0.5    1.2    3.5     2.4 
        X[m]            Y[m]            Z[m]            alfa[-]        beta[-]
 -2.17142783E-04  3.12000068E-03  3.20351664E-01  3.20366857E+01  3.20366857E+01
 -7.18630964E-04  2.99634764E-03  3.20343560E-01  3.20357573E+01  3.20357573E+01
 -2.85056979E-03 -4.51947006E-03  3.20079900E-01  3.20111805E+01  3.20111805E+01
Z_0  S_2  C_1 
  foo     bar
     foo_1  foo_2  foo_3   foo_4
      0.5    1.2    3.5     2.4 
        X[m]            Y[m]            Z[m]            alfa[-]        beta[-]
 -2.17142783E-04  3.12000068E-03  3.20351664E-01  3.20366857E+01  3.20366857E+01
 -7.18630964E-04  2.99634764E-03  3.20343560E-01  3.20357573E+01  3.20357573E+01
 -2.85056979E-03 -4.51947006E-03  3.20079900E-01  3.20111805E+01  3.20111805E+01
Z_1  S_3  C_1 
  foo     bar
     foo_1  foo_2  foo_3   foo_4
      0.5    1.2    3.5     2.4 
        X[m]            Y[m]            Z[m]            alfa[-]        beta[-]
 -2.17142783E-04  3.12000068E-03  3.20351664E-01  3.20366857E+01  3.20366857E+01
 -7.18630964E-04  2.99634764E-03  3.20343560E-01  3.20357573E+01  3.20357573E+01
 -2.85056979E-03 -4.51947006E-03  3.20079900E-01  3.20111805E+01  3.20111805E+01



import os
import pandas as pd

my_path = r"C:\Users\212744206\Desktop\COSO"
my_file= os.path.join(my_path ,'my_file.dat')

istart = False
with open(my_file) as fp:
    for i, line in enumerate(fp):
        if (line[0] != 'o'):
            if line.split()[0][0] == 'Z':
                iZ  = int((line.split()[0]).split('_')[1])
                iS  = int((line.split()[1]).split('_')[1])
                iC  = int((line.split()[2]).split('_')[1])
            elif (line.split()[0] == 'X[m]') or (len(line.split()) == 2) or (len(line.split()) == 4):
                dfline = pd.DataFrame(line.split())
                dfline = dfline.transpose()
                dfline.insert(0, column='C' , value=iC)
                dfline.insert(0, column='S' , value=iS)
                dfline.insert(0, column='Z' , value=iZ)

                if istart == False:
                    df_zone = dfline.copy()
                    istart = True
                    df_zone = df_zone.append(dfline, ignore_index=True, sort=False)


...但是对于我的应用程序来说非常慢(结尾处的打印显然是出于调试原因,我不会在大文件中使用它)。我该如何以更“ pythonic”和有效的方式编写它?接受所有建议!谢谢

编辑: 不幸的是,我的“有用”数据可以有3、4、5或任意数量的行...此外,我需要解析“ Z_0 S_1 C_1”行,因为我需要这样的输出:

   Z  S  C                0                1               2               3               4  
0  0  1  1  -2.17142783E-04   3.12000068E-03  3.20351664E-01  3.20366857E+01  3.20366857E+01  
1  0  1  1  -7.18630964E-04   2.99634764E-03  3.20343560E-01  3.20357573E+01  3.20357573E+01  
2  0  1  1  -2.85056979E-03  -4.51947006E-03  3.20079900E-01  3.20111805E+01  3.20111805E+01  
3  0  2  1  -2.17142783E-04   3.12000068E-03  3.20351664E-01  3.20366857E+01  3.20366857E+01  
4  0  2  1  -7.18630964E-04   2.99634764E-03  3.20343560E-01  3.20357573E+01  3.20357573E+01  
5  0  2  1  -2.85056979E-03  -4.51947006E-03  3.20079900E-01  3.20111805E+01  3.20111805E+01  
6  1  3  1  -2.17142783E-04   3.12000068E-03  3.20351664E-01  3.20366857E+01  3.20366857E+01  
7  1  3  1  -7.18630964E-04   2.99634764E-03  3.20343560E-01  3.20357573E+01  3.20357573E+01  
8  1  3  1  -2.85056979E-03  -4.51947006E-03  3.20079900E-01  3.20111805E+01  3.20111805E+01  

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不附加数据框。这是一个非常慢的操作。理想情况下,我将执行两次遍历:一次遍历文件以 count 行,然后倒退文件,创建适当大小的数据框,然后通过直接索引将其填充到第二遍中


答案 1 :(得分:1)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
from scipy.misc import comb
from time import time


# Array buffer increment size
array_size = 1000
# Data file (output and input)
filename = "stack_output.dat"

def generate_data(m):
    """Generate synthetic (dummy) data to test performance"""

    # Weird string appearing in the example data
    sep_string = "".join(["o--"]*26)
    sep_string += "o\n"

    # Generate ZSC data, which seem to be combinatoric in nature
    x = np.arange(m)
    Ngroups = comb(m, 3, exact=True, repetition=True)

    # For each group of ZSC, generate a random number of lines of data
    # (between 2 and 8 lines)
    Nrows = np.random.randint(low=2, high=8, size=Ngroups)

    # Open file and write data
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        # Loop over all values of ZSC (000, 001, 010, 011, etc.)
        for n, ZSC in enumerate(combinations_with_replacement(x, 3)):
            # Generate random data
            rand_data = np.random.rand(Nrows[n], 5)
            # Write (meta) data to file
            f.write("Z_%d  S_%d  C_%d\n" % ZSC)
            f.write("foo    bar\n")
            f.write("X[m]   Y[m]   Z[m]   alpha[-]   beta[-]\n")
            for data in rand_data:
                f.write("%.8e  %.8e  %.8e  %.8e  %.8e\n" % tuple(data))

    return True

def grow_array(x):
    """Helper function to expand an array"""
    buf = np.zeros((array_size, x.shape[1])) * np.nan
    return np.vstack([x, buf])

def parse_data():
    """Parse the data using a growing buffer"""

    # Number of lines of meta data (i.e. line that don't
    # contain the XYZ alpha beta values
    Nmeta = 3

    # Some counters
    Ndata = 0
    group_index = 0

    # Data buffer
    all_data = np.zeros((array_size, 8)) * np.nan

    # Read filename
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        # Iterate over all lines
        for i, line in enumerate(f):
            # If we're at that weird separating line, we know we're at the
            # start of a new group of data, defined by Z, S, C
            if line[0] == "o":
                group_index = i
            # If we're one line below the separator, get the Z, S, C values
            elif i - group_index == 1:
                ZSC = line.split()
                # Extract the number from the string
                Z = ZSC[0][2:]
                S = ZSC[1][2:]
                C = ZSC[2][2:]
                ZSC_clean = np.array([Z, S, C])
            # If we're in a line below the meta data, extract the XYZ values
            elif i - group_index > Nmeta:
                # Split the numbers in the line
                data = np.array(line.split(), dtype=float)
                # Check if the data still fits in buffer.
                # If not: expand the buffer
                if Ndata == len(all_data)-1:
                    all_data = grow_array(all_data)
                # Populate the buffer
                all_data[Ndata] = np.hstack([ZSC_clean, data])
                Ndata += 1
    # Convert the buffer to a pandas dataframe (and clip the unpopulated
    # bits of the buffer, which are still NaN)
    df = pd.DataFrame(all_data, columns=("Z", "S", "C", "X", "Y", "Z", "alpha", "beta")).dropna(how="all")
    return df

t0 = time()
t1 = time()
data = parse_data()
t2 = time()

print("Data size: \t\t\t %i" % len(data))
print("Rendering data: \t %.3e s" % (t1 - t0))
print("Parsing data: \t\t %.3e s" % (t2 - t1))


Data size:           99627
Rendering data:      3.360e-01 s
Parsing data:        1.356e+00 s




import pandas as pd
filename = "data.dat"

data = pd.read_csv(
    filename, names=("X", "Y", "Z", "alpha", "beta"), delim_whitespace=True,
    skiprows=lambda x: x % 9 < 6,