
时间:2019-02-07 10:14:52

标签: java validation design-patterns


class ValidationHelper {
    void validateA(int a, String b) { /*...*/ }

    void validateB(int c, double d, String e) { /*...*/ }

    void validateC(int f) { /*...*/ }

class Controller {
    private ValidationHelper helper;

    void foo(int a, String b, int f) {
        this.helper.validateA(a, b);
        // .. Rest of foo

    void bar(int a, String b, int c, double d, String e) {
        this.helper.validateA(a, b);
        this.helper.validateB(c, d, e);
        // .. Rest of bar

我想知道是否有一种方法可以改进这种验证架构,因此验证逻辑中的任何增加都不会像当前的实现那样具有侵入性,并且验证变得更加简洁了吗?如果这无法实现,那么如果所有功能都具有完全相同的验证语句,您会提出任何建议吗? (例如foo()bar()仅包含this.helper.validateA(a,b)):

class Controller {
    void foo(int a, String b, int f) {
        this.helper.validateA(a, b);
        // .. Rest of foo

    void bar(int a, String b, int c, double d, String e) {
        this.helper.validateA(a, b);
        // .. Rest of bar

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



interface CoffeeMachine
    Coffee brew(Volume water, Volume milk);

class DarkRoastCoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMachine
    public Coffee brew(Volume water, Volume milk) {
         return new Coffee(Roast.DARK, water, milk);


class WaterEnforcingCoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMachine
    private CoffeeMachine delegate;

    public WaterEnforcingCoffeeMachine(CoffeeMachine delegate) {
         this.delegate = delegate;

    public Coffee brew(Volume water, Volume milk) {
         if (water.millilitres() < 50) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must use more than 50ml of water");
         return delegate.brew(water, milk);


CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new WaterEnforcingCoffeeMachine(
    new DarkRoastCoffeeMachine()
