Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic (X)
word1 word4 word(a)
word2 word5 word(b)
word3 word6 word(c)
鉴于上面的文本与主题2中的单词匹配,我想为此标签分配一个新列。如果可以通过“ tidy-verse”软件包来完成,则是首选。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
input<- c("This is an example of text that I want to classify based on the words that are matched from a list. This would be about 2 - 3 sentences long. word4, word5, text, text, text")
df <- data.frame(Topic1 = c("word1", "word2", "word3"),Topic2 = c("word4", "word5", "word6"))
## This splits on space and punctation (only , and .)
input<-unlist(strsplit(input, " |,|\\."))
newcol <- paste(names(df)[apply(df,2, function(x) sum(input %in% x) > 0)], collapse=", ")
inputdf<- data.frame(title=c("This is an example of text that I want to classify based on the words that are matched from a list. This would be about 2 - 3 sentences long. word4, word5, text, text, text", "word2", "word3, word4"))
input <- strsplit(as.character(inputdf$title), " |,|\\.")
inputdf$newcolmn <-unlist(lapply(input, function(x) paste(names(df)[apply(df,2, function(y) sum(x %in% y)>0)], collapse = ", ")))