在詹金斯中,有两个项目A和B都是Maven项目,并且从STS进行清洁和安装后,两个项目都运行良好。 但是,当同一项目在jenkins中被称为maven项目时,它无法解决Project A的依赖性。
当我将依赖项明确放入jenkins .m2文件夹存储库中时,它将起作用
请参考下面的项目B POM。
Problem is coming like not able to resolve dependency:
enter code here
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project rpg4xref: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.xyz.xa:B:jar:13.2.00-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find com.xyz.abc:abc:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in file:/// was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of localRepsoitory has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]