
时间:2019-02-06 01:14:47

标签: c# .net udp udpclient nic




    public void StartListening()
        if (init == true)
            running = true;

            //Props.NICIP = NIC of reciever, listenport is recievers port

            listenEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(Props.NICIP, Props.ListenPort);

            //creates UDP client with set out NIC ip and a decided port
            udp = new UdpClient(listenEndpoint);
            init = false;

        if (running == true)
            this.udp.BeginReceive(Receive, new object());

    private void Receive(IAsyncResult ar)
        //reference ip from sender
        IPEndPoint ip1 = null;

        byte[] bytes1 = null;

        if (running == true)
            //array of bytes recieved for subission
            bytes1 = udp.EndReceive(ar, ref ip1);

            //check to see that ip of recieved packet, is from specified 
            //NIC of sender
            if (ip1.Address.Address == Props.IPValue.Address)

                BSubmit = new Byte[220];
                BinSubmit = bytes1;




    public class Sender
        //this sets up NIC of Sender
        IPEndPoint ip2 = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(new byte[] 
        { 10, 0, 101, 67 }), 200);

        Socket sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 
        SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

        static int z = 0;

        public void Send()
            //insures dont try use same port twice
            if (z == 0)
                // binds NIC of reciever to socket

            //states the NIC and port of the Receiver
            IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(Props.NICIP, 

            byte[] bytes = new byte[500];

            bytes[8] = 5;
            bytes[9] = 6;

            //intention is to send from socket bound to sender NIC,
            // to reciever IP and port determined by endPoint
            sock.SendTo(bytes, endPoint);

            ////////////this is the udpclient version of the code/////////
            //   //binds NIC of sender to UDP client
            //  IPEndPoint ip2 = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(new byte[] 
            //  { 10, 0, 101, 67 }),200);
            //   //states NIC and port of reciever
            //   IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(Props.NICIP, 
            //   Props.ListenPort);   
            //   UdpClient client = new UdpClient(ip2);

            //////////////UDP CLIENT VERSION//////////////////
            //  //intention is to send to ip, which defines recievers NIC 
            //  //and port, from client, which is bound to Sender NIC          
            //            client.Send(bytes, bytes.Length, ip);
            //            client.Close();


预期的结果是,接收者应接收由发送者的ipEndPoint确定的发送给它的消息。然后要么根据数据包是否来自预期的NIC允许访问,然后通过此检查过滤 “((ip1.Address.Address == Props.IPValue.Address)”。



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