因此,现在我试图找到一种更新协作者的方法,而不是删除/添加。我正在做的事情是从文件夹中建立一个协作者列表。然后,我在列表中寻找特定用户。如果找不到它们,我添加它们。如果找到它们,我需要将其安全性从“编辑器”更新为“ Co_Owner”。
// Loop through the property's sub-folders
for (final BoxFolder propertySubfolder : boxService.getSubFolders( propertyFolder ))
out.format( " %s%n", propertySubfolder.getInfo().getName() );
// Capture a list of all existing collaborators for later...
List<BoxCollaboration.Info > listOfCollaborators = new ArrayList<BoxCollaboration.Info >();
for( final BoxCollaboration.Info collaboration : propertySubfolder.getCollaborations() )
// Loop through existing collaborators and remove any groups so we can add them later with the appropriate access
if( collaboration.getAccessibleBy() != null )
String collabName = collaboration.getAccessibleBy().getName();
if( StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase( listOfGroupEditors.toString(), collabName ) )
out.println( " Removing: " + collabName );
// Add all collaborators in this subfolder to a list for checking if we need to add collaborators later
listOfCollaborators.add( collaboration );
int index;
BoxCollaboration.Info aCollaboration;
// Add the regional directory as a co_owner
if( regionalDirector != null )
index = findCollaborator( regionalDirector, listOfCollaborators );
if( index == -1 )
out.println( " Adding regional director: " + regionalDirector.getInfo().getName() );
propertySubfolder.collaborate( regionalDirector, BoxCollaboration.Role.CO_OWNER );
aCollaboration = listOfCollaborators.get( index );
aCollaboration.setRole( BoxCollaboration.Role.CO_OWNER );
// now what?