我几乎是Excel VBA的新手。 我试图在UserForm2上显示工作表中某些单元格的值,并在用户单击CommandButton1时卸载表单。 为了避免为控件构建类,我从一个UserForm草稿开始,将需要的所有组件都放在该草稿上。 我设置文本框的位置,填写它们,然后设置CommandButton1的位置。这些都很好,都按预期/计划显示了。 当我单击窗体上的CommandButton1时,我听到一个“叮”声,并且我希望看到的“单击的CB1”消息没有显示。 我做错了什么或缺少什么?
Option Explicit
Public leftOfForm As Long
Public topOfForm As Long
Public widthOfForm As Long
Public heightOfForm As Long
' ***********************************
Dim numInfoMessages As Long
Dim heightBox As Long
Dim lengthTextbox As Long
Dim lengthCommandButton As Long
Dim numberOfScreenRows As Long
Dim horizantalPadding As Long
Dim verticalPadding As Long
Dim indexLoop As Integer
Dim contr As Control
Dim theFontSize As Integer
Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Just to confirm it is ok --- current userform will be unloaded
MsgBox "clicked CB1"
End Sub
Public Sub UserForm_initialize()
' Save forms current info - not needed in fact
theFontSize = 12
leftOfForm = UserForm2.Left
topOfForm = UserForm2.top
widthOfForm = UserForm2.Width
heightOfForm = UserForm2.Height
numInfoMessages = 6
' Calculate userform size based on number of lines to be displayed
heightBox = 25
lengthTextbox = 500
lengthCommandButton = 90
verticalPadding = 20
horizantalPadding = 15
numberOfScreenRows = (numInfoMessages + 1) * 2 + 1
' Resize form according to the results
UserForm2.Width = horizantalPadding * 3 + lengthTextbox + 10
UserForm2.Height = verticalPadding * (numberOfScreenRows + 2)
UserForm2.top = 0
UserForm2.Left = 0
' Fill in and allocate the text boxes
indexLoop = 1
For Each contr In UserForm2.Controls
If TypeName(contr) = "TextBox" Then
contr.top = (indexLoop) * 2 * verticalPadding
contr.Left = horizantalPadding
contr.Width = lengthTextbox
contr.Height = heightBox
contr.BorderStyle = 1
contr.Text = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.messagesPageName).Range("B" & indexLoop + 1).Value
contr.WordWrap = False
contr.MultiLine = False
contr.Font.Size = theFontSize
indexLoop = 1 + indexLoop
End If
' Allocate the command button
For Each contr In UserForm2.Controls
If TypeName(contr) = "CommandButton" Then
contr.top = (indexLoop) * 2 * verticalPadding
contr.Width = lengthCommandButton
contr.Height = heightBox
contr.Width = lengthCommandButton
contr.Left = UserForm2.Width / 2 - contr.Width / 2
contr.top = (indexLoop) * 2 * verticalPadding
contr.Font.Size = theFontSize
End If
End Sub