
时间:2019-02-05 12:46:07

标签: powershell utf-8 character-encoding

我尝试将我的所有源文件从目标文件夹转换为UTF-8(无BOM)编码。 我使用以下PowerShell脚本:

$MyPath = "D:\my projects\etc\"
Get-ChildItem $MyPath\* -Include *.h, *.cpp, *.c | Foreach-Object {
    $content = Get-Content $_.FullName  
    $Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($_.FullName, $content, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)    
cmd /c pause | out-null

如果文件已经在UTF-8中不是,则可以正常工作。但是,如果某个文件已经存在于UTF-8 no-BOM中,则所有本国符号都将转换为未知符号(例如,如果我再次运行该脚本)。如何更改脚本以解决问题?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Ansgar Wiechers在评论中指出,问题在于 Windows PowerShell 在没有BOM的情况下默认将文件解释为“ ANSI”编码< / strong>,即旧系统语言环境(ANSI代码页)所隐含的编码,由[System.Text.Encoding]::Default中的.NET Framework(而不是.NET Core )反映。 >

鉴于您的后续评论,输入文件中的 -BOM-less文件是Windows-1251编码和UTF-8文件的混合 >,您必须检查其内容 ,以确定其特定的编码:

  • 使用-Encoding Utf8读取每个文件,并测试结果字符串是否包含Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD)。如果是这样,则表示文件不是UTF-8,因为此特殊字符用于表示遇到了在UTF-8中无效的字节序列。

  • 如果该文件不是有效的UTF-8,只需指定-Encoding即可再次读取该文件,这将导致Windows PowerShell将文件解释为Windows-1251-编码,因为这就是系统语言环境所隐含的编码(代码页)。

$MyPath = "D:\my projects\etc"
Get-ChildItem $MyPath\* -Include *.h, *.cpp, *.c | Foreach-Object {
    # Note:
    #  * the use of -Encoding Utf8 to first try to read the file as UTF-8.
    #  * the use of -Raw to read the entire file as a *single string*.
    $content = Get-Content -Raw -Encoding Utf8 $_.FullName  

    # If the replacement char. is found in the content, the implication
    # is that the file is NOT UTF-8, so read it again *without -Encoding*,
    # which interprets the files as "ANSI" encoded (Windows-1251, in your case).
    if ($content.Contains([char] 0xfffd)) {
      $content = Get-Content -Raw $_.FullName  

    # Note the use of WriteAllText() in lieu of WriteAllLines()
    # and that no explicit encoding object is passed, given that
    # .NET *defaults* to BOM-less UTF-8.
    # CAVEAT: There's a slight risk of data loss if writing back to the input
    #         file is interrupted.
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($_.FullName, $content)    

更快的替代方法是将[IO.File]::ReadAllText()与UTF-8编码对象一起使用,当遇到无效的UTF-8字节时,该对象会抛出异常 (PSv5 +语法):

$utf8EncodingThatThrows = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::new($false, $true)

# ...

  try {
     $content = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName, $utf8EncodingThatThrows)
  } catch [Text.DecoderFallbackException] {         
     $content = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName, [Text.Encoding]::Default)

# ...

使上述解决方案适应PowerShell Core / .NET Core:

  • PowerShell Core 默认为(无BOM)UTF-8,因此仅省略-Encoding不适用于读取ANSI编码的文件。

    < / li>
  • 类似地,[System.Text.Encoding]::Default 总是报告.NET Core中的UTF-8。


$ansiEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(
  [int] (Get-ItemPropertyValue HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage ACP)

然后,您需要将此编码明确传递给Get-Content -EncodingGet-Content -Raw -Encoding $ansiEncoding $_.FullName)或.NET方法([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName, $ansiEncoding))。


因此,如果某些UTF-8编码文件(已经) 不含BOM,则必须明确指示Get-Content使用-Encoding Utf8 将它们视为UTF-8-否则,如果它们包含7位ASCII范围之外的字符,则会被误解:

$MyPath = "D:\my projects\etc"
Get-ChildItem $MyPath\* -Include *.h, *.cpp, *.c | Foreach-Object {
    # Note:
    #  * the use of -Encoding Utf8 to ensure the correct interpretation of the input file
    #  * the use of -Raw to read the entire file as a *single string*.
    $content = Get-Content -Raw -Encoding Utf8 $_.FullName  

    # Note the use of WriteAllText() in lieu of WriteAllLines()
    # and that no explicit encoding object is passed, given that
    # .NET *defaults* to BOM-less UTF-8.
    # CAVEAT: There's a slight risk of data loss if writing back to the input
    #         file is interrupted.
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($_.FullName, $content)    

注意:在您的方案中,无需BOM的UTF-8文件无需重写,但这样做是有益的,并且可以简化代码。 替代测试每个文件的前3个字节是否为UTF-8 BOM ,并跳过这样的文件:
$hasUtf8Bom = "$(Get-Content -Encoding Byte -First 3 $_.FullName)" -eq '239 187 191'(Windows PowerShell)或
$hasUtf8Bom = "$(Get-Content -AsByteStream -First 3 $_.FullName)" -eq '239 187 191'(PowerShell核心)。

顺便说一句:如果有使用非UTF8编码的输入文件(例如UTF-16),则只要这些文件具有BOM表,该解决方案就仍然有效,因为 PowerShell(安静地)将BOM的优先级高于通过-Encoding 指定的编码。

请注意,使用-Raw / WriteAllText()来读取/写入整个文件 (单个字符串)不仅可以加快处理速度,而且可以确保以下操作每个输入文件的特征均保留

  • 特定的换行符样式(CRLF(Windows)与仅LF(Unix))
  • 最后一行是否有尾随换行符。

通过对比,不使用-Raw(逐行阅读)和使用.WriteAllLines()并不会保留这些特征:您总是获得适合于平台的换行符(在Windows PowerShell中,始终为CRLF),并且总是在换行符结尾。

请注意,在读取文件时,多平台 Powershell Core 版本明智地默认为UTF-8 不带BOM且默认情况下创建不含BOM的UTF-8文件-创建具有 BOM的UTF-8文件需要明确选择加入与-Encoding utf8BOM

因此, PowerShell Core 解决方案要简单得多

# PowerShell Core only.

$MyPath = "D:\my projects\etc"
Get-ChildItem $MyPath\* -Include *.h, *.cpp, *.c | Foreach-Object {
    # * Read the file at hand (UTF8 files both with and without BOM are 
    #   read correctly).
    # * Simply rewrite it with the *default* encoding, which in 
    #   PowerShell Core is BOM-less UTF-8.
    # Note the (...) around the Get-Content call, which is necessary in order
    # to write back to the *same* file in the same pipeline.
    # CAVEAT: There's a slight risk of data loss if writing back to the input
    #         file is interrupted.
    (Get-Content -Raw $_.FullName) | Set-Content -NoNewline $_.FullName


上述解决方案有效,但是 Get-ContentSet-Content相对较慢,因此使用.NET类型读取和重写文件会更好。

如上所述,在以下解决方案中(即使在 Windows PowerShell 中也不必明确指定无需编码),因为 .NET本身值得称赞的默认值为BOM自诞生以来就使用了较少的UTF-8 (同时仍识别存在 if 的UTF-8 BOM):

$MyPath = "D:\my projects\etc"
Get-ChildItem $MyPath\* -Include *.h, *.cpp, *.c | Foreach-Object {
  # CAVEAT: There's a slight risk of data loss if writing back to the input
  #         file is interrupted.

答案 1 :(得分:0)


$ps1scripts = Get-ChildItem .\*.ps1 -Recurse      # change to match your circumstances
foreach ( $ps1script in $ps1scripts ) {
    $first3 = $ps1script | Get-Content -Encoding byte -TotalCount 3
    $first3Hex = '{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}' -f $first3[0],$first3[1],$first3[2]
    $first2Hex = '{0:x2}{1:x2}'       -f $first3[0],$first3[1]

    if ( $first3Hex -eq 'EFBBBF' )     {
        # UTF-8 BOM

    } elseif ( $first2Hex -eq 'fffe' ) {
        # UCS-2LE BOM

    } elseif ( $first2Hex -eq 'feff' ) {
        # UCS-2BE BOM

    } else {
        # unknown (no BOM)



$MyPath = "D:\my projects\etc\"
$ps1scripts = Get-ChildItem $MyPath\* -Include *.h, *.cpp, *.c