我正在为项目工作使用Cloudsim Plus(模拟工具),我需要计算每个虚拟机的功耗,以使用最大功耗减少策略来实施VM选择算法。
以下代码是我在PowerExample.java中编写的大型代码的一小部分,它已在clousimPlus examples文件夹中提供。我已经创建了四个虚拟机,两个主机和八个cloudlet。
Map<Double, Double> percent = v.getUtilizationHistory().getHistory();
System.out.println("Vm Id " + v.getId());
for (Map.Entry<Double, Double> entry : percent.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
Output of the above code :-
Vm Id 0
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
Vm Id 1
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
Vm Id 2
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
Vm Id 3
10.0 1.0
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.0
40.0 1.0
50.0 1.0
60.0 0.5
70.0 0.5
80.0 0.5
90.0 0.5
99.0 0.5
100.0 0.5
100.21 0.0
答案 0 :(得分:0)
基于您提到的PowerExample,您可以在模拟中添加以下方法以打印VM利用率历史记录(确保将CloudSim Plus更新为最新版本):
private void printVmsCpuUtilizationAndPowerConsumption() {
for (Vm vm : vmList) {
System.out.println("Vm " + vm.getId() + " at Host " + vm.getHost().getId() + " CPU Usage and Power Consumption");
double vmPower; //watt-sec
double utilizationHistoryTimeInterval, prevTime = 0;
final UtilizationHistory history = vm.getUtilizationHistory();
for (final double time : history.getHistory().keySet()) {
utilizationHistoryTimeInterval = time - prevTime;
vmPower = history.vmPowerConsumption(time);
final double wattsPerInterval = vmPower*utilizationHistoryTimeInterval;
"\tTime %8.1f | Host CPU Usage: %6.1f%% | Power Consumption: %8.0f Watt-Sec * %6.0f Secs = %10.2f Watt-Sec\n",
time, history.vmCpuUsageFromHostCapacity(time) *100, vmPower, utilizationHistoryTimeInterval, wattsPerInterval);
prevTime = time;
更新叉子后,您可以获得完整的PowerExample here。