您好,我正在寻求帮助,我在一个Excel用户窗体中有一个文本框和一个列表框,除了一个小的Detail之外,它都可以正常工作:结果出现在列表框中后,它们代表所有列中的搜索。但是,当我在文本框中键入内容时,第一列是隐藏的,如何确保在搜索过程中该列仍然可见? 预先感谢
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
With Sheets("Sheet1")
lr = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim arr(1 To lr - 1)
ReDim sn(1 To lr - 1, 1 To 13)
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = .Range("A" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("B" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("C" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("D" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("E" & i + 2) & " " & .Range("F" & i + 2)
If InStr(1, arr(i), TextBox1) > 0 Then
j = j + 1
For X = 2 To 8
sn(j, X - 1) = .Cells(i + 2, X)
End If
ListBox1.List = sn
End With
End Sub
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您的原始代码显示了创建过滤列表框列表时 array 和 range 循环的混合。为了在此处仅通过遍历数组*)来保持一致,您可以按以下方式优化代码(例如,通过Instr
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Const STARTROW = 3
Dim i&, iCnt&, r&, c& ' array counters for "rows" and "columns"
Dim sn, tmp ' variant 2-dim 1-based arrays
With Sheets("Sheet1")
iCnt = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - STARTROW + 1 ' items counter
ReDim sn(1 To iCnt, 1 To 13) ' provide for filtered data array
For i = 1 To iCnt
'assign current data row to 2-dim 1-based temporary array
tmp = .Range("A" & (i + 2) & ":F" & (i + 2)) ' current data row (c.f. OP)
'compare search string with concatenated data string from current row
If InStr(1, concat(tmp), TextBox1.Text) > 0 Then ' check occurrence e.g. via Instr
r = r + 1 ' new rows counter
For c = 1 To UBound(tmp, 2) ' col counter
sn(r, c) = tmp(1, c) ' collect found row data
End If
ListBox1.List = sn ' assign array to .List property
End With
End Sub
Private Function concat(ByVal arr, Optional ByVal delim$ = " ") As String
' Purpose: build string from 2-dim array row, delimited by 2nd argument
' Note: concatenation via JOIN needs a "flat" 1-dim array via double transposition
concat = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(arr)), delim)
End Function
您可能还对以下说明使用列表框Column property的解决方案感兴趣。通过玩转,可以帮助您删除列表框中多余的空白行。