
时间:2019-02-04 14:41:39

标签: sql excel vba


Name               Value           Date 

12345_ABC_DefGeh   12345678        01.11.2018


Sub fixing()    
      Dim pReference As String  
      Dim pFixingValue As Double
      Dim pFixingdate As Date
      Dim pReferenceUnderlying As String

       Dim Con As ADODB.Connection
       Dim Q As New AblSQLQuery
       Dim SQL As String

      Dim uniqueid As Long  ' uniqueid is the unique code of this instrument
      Dim uniqueidUnderlying As Long  
      Dim QuoteType As Long
      Dim Numero As Long
      Dim Stmt As ADODB.Recordset
      Dim bInsert As Boolean
      Dim Ins As SR2COM.Instrument
      Dim InsUnderlying As SR2COM.Instrument
      Dim Ins2 As SR2COM.Instrument
     If isDeveloper() = True Then
         pReference = "12345_ABC_DefGeh"
     End If
     Pref.GetUserID Operator, OperatorGroup

     Set Con = Engine.xvz.ConnectADO
     ' get uniqueid and set instrument

     uniqueid = Engine.Instrument(pReference).Code
     Set Ins = Engine.Instrument(uniqueid)

      If pReferenceUnderlying <> vbNullString Then
         UniqueidUnderlying = Engine.Instrument(pReferenceUnderlying).Code
      End If

      ' select latest fixing entry

           SQL = "SELECT *" & _
            " FROM ABV_local_fixings a" & _
           " WHERE Code = " & uniqueid

     If SicovamUnderlying <> 0 Then
         SQL = SQL & _
             " AND underlying = " & uniqueUnderlying
     End If

    SQL = SQL & _
             " AND observation = (SELECT MAX(observation)" & _
                                  " FROM ABV_local_fixings b" & _
                                 " WHERE b.code = a.code"
     If UniqueidUnderlying <> 0 Then
         SQL = SQL & _
                                   " AND b.underlying = a.underlying"
     End If
     SQL = SQL & _
                                 ")" & _
           " ORDER BY numero DESC"

     Set Stmt = Con.Execute(SQL)
 '    End If
     Numero = Stmt!Numero
     QuoteType = Stmt!QuoteType
     UniqueidUnderlying = Stmt!Underlying
     Set InsUnderlying = Engine.Instrument(UniqueidUnderlying)

    If pReferenceUnderlying = vbNullString Then
         pReferenceUnderlying = InsUnderlying.Reference
     End If

check if insert or update

     SQL = "SELECT *" & _
            " FROM ABV_local_fixings a" & _
           " WHERE Code = " & uniqueid

    If UniqueidUnderlying <> 0 Then
         SQL = SQL & _
             " AND underlying = " & UniqueidUnderlying
     End If

    SQL = SQL & _
             " AND observation = TO_DATE('" & Format(pFixingdate, "ddmmyyyy") & "', 'DDMMYYYY')"

     Set Stmt = Con.Execute(SQL)

    If Stmt.EOF Then
         bInsert = True
     End If

     ' insert/update fixing

       If bInsert = True Then
         SQL = "INSERT INTO ABV_local_fixings" & _
                         " (numero, code, observation, underlying, value,  quotetype)" & _
                  " VALUES (" & Numero + 1 & _
                          "," & Uniqueid & _
                          ",TO_DATE('" & Format(pFixingdate, "ddmmyyyy")   & "', 'DDMMYYYY')" & _
                          "," & UniqueidUnderlying & _
                          "," & pFixingValue & _
                          "," & QuoteType & _
         SQL = "UPDATE ABV_local_fixings" & _
                 " SET value = " & pFixingValue & _
               " WHERE numero = " & Numero & _
                 " AND code = " & Uniqueid & _
                 " AND observation = TO_DATE('" & Format(pFixingdate, "ddmmyyyy") & "', 'DDMMYYYY')" & _
                 " AND underlying =" & UniqueidUnderlying
     End If  

 End Sub>


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insert into table_name values ()
