
时间:2019-02-01 16:20:06

标签: javascript arrays performance filtering lodash

How do I filter this array as described in the question


请注意, entry1 entry4 对于property: 'subject'property: 'field'具有相同的


我正在寻找一种高效且干净的方法来过滤此数组,并为这两个value实体获取共享两者 property的条目。



我不是要转换数据而是要分析数据。 因此分析返回的值应如下所示:

[['entry1', 'entry4'],...]

并通过此分析 list ,我可以轻松地将我的triples = [...]转换为 triples 的列表,在其中删除其中一项(无论可能是'entry1'或'entry4'),然后更新另一个

  { subject: "entry1", property: "subject", value: "sport" },
  { subject: "entry1", property: "field", value: "category" },
  { subject: "entry1", property: "content", value: "football" },
  { subject: "entry1", property: "content", value: "basketball" },


  1. 我不是在寻找类似的解决方案

    array.filter(({property, value})=> property === 'sport' && value === 'category')

我不知道“运动”或“类别”。 这些是动态值。

  1. 我的实际数据要大得多,并且每个条目包含更多的属性类型。而且它的排序不如我在这里显示的那么好。我确实做了简化,所以请注意性能。


const triples = [
  { subject: "entry1", property: "subject", value: "sport" },
  { subject: "entry1", property: "field", value: "category" },
  { subject: "entry1", property: "content", value: "football" },

  { subject: "entry4", property: "subject", value: "sport" },
  { subject: "entry4", property: "field", value: "category" },
  { subject: "entry4", property: "content", value: "basketball" },

  { subject: "entry2", property: "subject", value: "music" },
  { subject: "entry2", property: "field", value: "category" },
  { subject: "entry2", property: "content", value: "notes" },

  { subject: "entry3", property: "subject", value: "painting" },
  { subject: "entry3", property: "field", value: "category" },
  { subject: "entry3", property: "content", value: "drawings" }

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我必须说输入数据结构不是最佳的,并且将“主题”既用作真实对象属性又用作 property的值将使它变得更加出色令人困惑。我将第一个概念( real subject)称为“ entries”,因为样本值是“ entry1”,“ entry2”,....

这是一种提取示例数据的["entry1", "entry4"]的方法:

  1. 通过将数据输入到对象中来对数据进行分组,在这些对象中,“属性”和“值”被转换为键/值对,因此您将获得如下信息:

        entry1: { subject: "sport", field: "category", content: "football" },
        entry4: { subject: "sport", field: "category", content: "basketball" },
        entry2: { subject: "music", field: "category", content: "notes" },
        entry3: { subject: "painting", field: "category", content: "drawings" }


  2. 为这些对象定义一个新的group属性,该值由主题和字段组成,字符串化为JSON。例如,以上结果的第一个对象将扩展为:

    group: '["sport","category"]'
  3. 创建一个条目映射,以条目的组值为键。因此,这将导致这种结果:

        '["sport","category"]': ["entry1","entry4"],
        '["music","category"]': ["entry2"],
        '["painting","category"]': ["entry3"]
  4. 现在,仅列出值(子数组)并且仅列出具有多个输入值的那些是一个简单的步骤。


const triples = [{subject: "entry1", property: "subject", value: "sport"},{subject: "entry1", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry1", property: "content", value: "football"},{subject: "entry4", property: "subject", value: "sport"},{subject: "entry4", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry4", property: "content", value: "basketball"},{subject: "entry2", property: "subject", value: "music"},{subject: "entry2", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry2", property: "content", value: "notes"},{subject: "entry3", property: "subject", value: "painting"},{subject: "entry3", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry3", property: "content", value: "drawings"},];

// 1. Group the data by subject into objects where "property" and "value" are translated into key/value pairs:
const entries = new Map(triples.map(o => [o.subject, { entry: o.subject }]));
triples.forEach(o => entries.get(o.subject)[o.property] = o.value);
// 2. Define a group value for these objects (composed of subject and field)
entries.forEach(o => o.group = JSON.stringify([o.subject, o.field]));
// 3. Create Map of entries, keyed by their group value
const groups = new Map(Array.from(entries.values(), o => [o.group, []]));
entries.forEach(o => groups.get(o.group).push(o.entry));
// 4. Keep only the subarrays that have more than one value
const result = [...groups.values()].filter(group => group.length > 1);

请注意,输出是一个嵌套数组,因为理论上可能会有更多的组合条目,例如[ ["entry1", "entry4"], ["entry123", "entry521", "entry951"] ]


const triples = [{subject: "entry1", property: "subject", value: "sport"},{subject: "entry1", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry1", property: "content", value: "football"},{subject: "entry4", property: "subject", value: "sport"},{subject: "entry4", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry4", property: "content", value: "basketball"},{subject: "entry2", property: "subject", value: "music"},{subject: "entry2", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry2", property: "content", value: "notes"},{subject: "entry3", property: "subject", value: "painting"},{subject: "entry3", property: "field", value: "category"},{subject: "entry3", property: "content", value: "drawings"},];

// 1. Group the data by subject into objects where "property" and "value" are translated into key/value pairs:
const entries = new Map(triples.map(o => [o.subject, { entry: o.subject }]));
triples.forEach(o => entries.get(o.subject)[o.property] = o.value);
// 2. Define a group value for these objects (composed of subject and field)
entries.forEach(o => o.group = JSON.stringify([o.subject, o.field]));
// 3. Create Map of objects(*), keyed by their group value
const groups = new Map(Array.from(entries.values(), o => [o.group, []]));
entries.forEach(o => groups.get(o.group).push(o));
// 4. Keep only the subarrays that have more than one value
const result = [...groups.values()].filter(group => group.length > 1)
// 5. ...and convert it back to the original format:
    .flatMap(group => [
        { subject: group[0].entry, property: "subject", value: group[0].subject },
        { subject: group[0].entry, property: "field", value: group[0].field },
        ...group.map(o => ({ subject: group[0].entry, property: "content", value: o.content }))


答案 1 :(得分:0)


let data = [
  {subject: 'entry1', property: 'subject', value: 'sport'},
	{subject: 'entry1', property: 'field', value: 'category'},
	{subject: 'entry1', property: 'content', value: 'football'},

	{ subject: 'entry4', property: 'subject', value: 'sport' },
  { subject: 'entry4', property: 'field', value: 'category' },
  { subject: 'entry4', property: 'content', value: 'basketball' },

	{subject: 'entry2', property: 'subject', value: 'music'},
	{subject: 'entry2', property: 'field', value: 'category'},
	{subject: 'entry2', property: 'content', value: 'notes'},

	{subject: 'entry3', property: 'subject', value: 'painting'},
	{subject: 'entry3', property: 'field', value: 'category'},
	{subject: 'entry3', property: 'content', value: 'drawing'}

let keys = data.map((item, inex) => { return item.subject })

let uniqueKeys = keys.filter((item, index) => { return keys.indexOf(item) >= index })

let propertiesWeCareAbout = ['subject', 'field']

let mappedValues = data.reduce((acc, item, index) => {
    acc[item.subject] = {}
    acc[item.subject].values = data.map((subItm, subIndx) => { if (item.subject === subItm.subject) { if (propertiesWeCareAbout.indexOf(subItm.property) > -1) {return subItm.value} }}).filter(Boolean)
    return acc;
}, {})

// this is where I leave you... because I think you need to finish this up yourself. 
// You have all the mapped data you need to solve your question. 
// You now just need to map over the unique keys checking the `mappedValues` data structure for entries that have the same values in the values array. 
// You can rename things if you want. But these are all the parts of the solution laid out.
// p.s. You can remove the 'category' string from the propertiesWeCareAbout array based on the example you provided... and you can simplify what I've provided in a number of ways.

// this is where you map to get just the strings of "entry1" and "entry4" based on the other mapped data provided. Then you can combine data as you said you need to.
let finalListOfEntriesThatNeedToBeMerged = uniqueKeys.map((item, index) => {return item})




答案 2 :(得分:0)


triples.reduce((acc, triple) => {
    acc[triple.property] = acc[triple.property] || {};
    acc[triple.property][triple.value] = acc[triple.property][triple.value] || [];
    return acc;
}, {})


答案 3 :(得分:0)

使用lodash可以GROUPBY的subject,转换为对象,GROUPBY对象被新的subject属性和field属性,并转换回项的数组:< / p>

const { flow, partialRight: pr, groupBy, map, set, head, flatMap, toPairs, isArray } = _;

const dontCollect = key => ['entry', 'subject', 'field'].includes(key);
const createPropery = (subject, property, value) => ({ subject, property, value });

const fn = flow(
  pr(groupBy, 'subject'),
  pr(map, (g, entry) => ({ // convert to object with the subject as entry
    ...g.reduce((r, o) => set(r, o.property, o.value), {}),
  pr(groupBy, o => `${o.subject}-${o.field}`),
  pr(map, g => g.length > 1 ? _.mergeWith(...g, (a, b, k) => { // merge everything to an object
    if(dontCollect(k)) return a;
    return [].concat(a, b); // convert non entry, subject, or field properties to array if repeated
  }) : head(g)),
  pr(flatMap, ({ entry: subject, ...o }) => // convert back a series of rows
      pr(flatMap, ([property, value]) => isArray(value) ?
        map(value, v => createPropery(subject, property, v))
        createPropery(subject, property, value)

const triples = [{"subject":"entry1","property":"subject","value":"sport"},{"subject":"entry1","property":"field","value":"category"},{"subject":"entry1","property":"content","value":"football"},{"subject":"entry4","property":"subject","value":"sport"},{"subject":"entry4","property":"field","value":"category"},{"subject":"entry4","property":"content","value":"basketball"},{"subject":"entry2","property":"subject","value":"music"},{"subject":"entry2","property":"field","value":"category"},{"subject":"entry2","property":"content","value":"notes"},{"subject":"entry3","property":"subject","value":"painting"},{"subject":"entry3","property":"field","value":"category"},{"subject":"entry3","property":"content","value":"drawings"}];

const result = fn(triples);

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.11/lodash.js"></script>

答案 4 :(得分:0)



然后,我创建一个映射对象(mergeEntriesBysubjectIndex,在那里我得到{0: true, 1: false, 2: true},其中每个键都引用subjects索引值。



* @description 
* Get an mulitdimensional array, where each inner array represent a list
* of entries with similar value
* @ return [[], [], []]
const subjects = Object.values(
    .filter(triple => triple.property === "subject")
    .reduce((subjects, entry) => {
      if (subjects[entry.value]) {
      } else {
        subjects[entry.value] = [];
      return subjects;
    }, {})
).filter(arr => arr.length > 1);

const fields = triples.filter(triple => triple.property === "field");

* @description
* Create an object based on the "subjects" mulit-dimensional array from before
* Each key represent the index of "subjects", where the value is a boolean * 
* representing a similar "property:field" value 
const mergeEntriesBysubjectIndex = subjects.reduce((filtered, chunk, index) => {
  let values = [];
  chunk.forEach(subject => {
    const obj = fields.find(field => field.subject === subject).value;
  filtered[index] = values.every((val, i, arr) => val === arr[0]);
  return filtered;
}, {});

* @description
* Get an array of subjects value (e.g. "entry1", "entry2")
* and return a new "merged" collection with uniqe objects
* and with the same name for a subject
const mergeEntries = entries => {
  const ent = triples.filter(triple => triple.subject === entries[0]);
  const newContent = triples
      triple => triple.subject === entries[1] && triple.property === "content"
    .map(triple => ({ ...triple, subject: entries[0] }));
  return [...ent, ...newContent];

* @description
* return a new updated list of triples without the specified entries
const removeEntriesFromCurrentTriples = entries =>
  triples.filter(triple => !entries.includes(triple.subject));

for (let index in mergeEntriesBysubjectIndex) {
  if (mergeEntriesBysubjectIndex[index]) {
    const mergeEntry = mergeEntries(subjects[index]);
    const updateEntries = [
    // The new trasformed triples collection
    console.log('transformed triples:', updateEntries)