Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM)在发送消息后使Node.js进程保持活动状态

时间:2019-01-31 03:47:07

标签: node.js firebase push-notification firebase-cloud-messaging serverless

我们正在尝试在无服务器环境(AWS Lambda)中将Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM)与node.js一起使用。以下是我们使用SDK向设备发送推送的简单功能。



var admin = require("firebase-admin")

// authorize for Firebase with private key cleaned up to avoid PEM formatting error
let firebaseApp = admin.initializeApp({
  databaseURL: process.env.GCLOUD_FIREBASE_DB_URL,
  credential: admin.credential.cert({
    projectId: process.env.GCLOUD_ADMIN_PROJECT_ID,
    clientEmail: process.env.GCLOUD_ADMIN_CLIENT_EMAIL,
    privateKey: process.env.GCLOUD_ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY.replace(/\\n/g, "\n"),

async function sendPush(options) {

   let msg = {
     notification: {body: options.body, title: options.title},
     token: options.token

  const dryRun = true
  firebaseApp.messaging().send(msg, dryRun)
    .then((msgId) => {
      // Response is a message ID string.
      console.log(`Successfully sent a push to ${msgId}.`)
      return msgId
    // No catch as errors are expected to be handled outside this function

module.exports = sendPush

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