
时间:2019-01-30 02:12:39

标签: dialogflow actions-on-google

因此,在测试# in my_utils.py from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor MAX_THREADS = 10 def run_thread_pool(): """ Note that this is not a normal function, but a coroutine. All jobs are enqueued first before executed and there can be no more than 10 threads that run at any time point. """ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_THREADS) as executor: while True: func, args, kwargs = yield executor.submit(func, *args, **kwargs) pool_wrapper = run_thread_pool() # Advance the coroutine to the first yield (priming) next(pool_wrapper) 应用程序期间,from my_utils import pool_wrapper def job(*args, **kwargs): # do something def handle(request): # make args and kwargs pool_wrapper.send((job, args, kwargs)) # return a response 突然来到了对Google Assistant具有只读权限的用户。

代码不包含push notification的设置,因此,很明显,Actions on Google事件根本没有设置,这意味着没有push notification要求与{ {1}}应用。没有人参与开发,只有我一个。


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