Python 2.7-将自定义对象添加到列表,然后打印出属性会打印随机值

时间:2019-01-30 00:53:26

标签: python list


class Neuron(object):
    def __init__(self):
            self.bias = 1.0
        self.weightBias = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightBias = 1000
        self.area = 0.0
        self.weightArea = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightArea = 1000
        self.perimeter = 0.0
        self.weightPerimeter = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightPerimeter = 1000
        self.compactness = 0.0
        self.weightCompactness = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightCompactness = 1000
        self.length = 0.0
        self.weightLength = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightLength = 1000
        self.width = 0.0
        self.weightWidth = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightWidth = 1000
        self.asymmetryCoefficient = 0.0
        self.weightAsymmetryCoefficient = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightAsymmetryCoefficient = 1000
        self.lengthGroove = 0.0
        self.weightLengthGroove = uniform(-1, 1)
        # self.weightLengthGroove = 1000
        self.activationValue = 0.0
        self.output = 0


# Calculates the output, 0 or 1, for the neuron
def calculateOutput(neuron):
    activationValue = neuron.bias * neuron.weightBias
    activationValue += neuron.area * neuron.weightArea
    activationValue += neuron.perimeter * neuron.weightPerimeter
    activationValue += neuron.compactness * neuron.weightCompactness
    activationValue += neuron.length * neuron.weightLength
    activationValue += neuron.width * neuron.weightWidth
    activationValue += neuron.asymmetryCoefficient * neuron.weightAsymmetryCoefficient
    activationValue += neuron.lengthGroove * neuron.weightLengthGroove

    neuron.activationValue = activationValue
    neuron.output = 1 if activationValue >= 0 else 0
    return neuron

# Retrieves data from row
def parseRow(neuron, row):
    neuron.area = float(row[1][0])
    neuron.perimeter = float(row[1][1])
    neuron.compactness = float(row[1][2])
    neuron.length = float(row[1][3])
    neuron.width = float(row[1][4])
    neuron.asymmetryCoefficient = float(row[1][5])
    neuron.lengthGroove = float(row[1][6])

    return neuron

def main():
    df = importCSV('trainSeeds.csv')

    neuron1 = Neuron()
    neuron2 = Neuron()

    errorNeuron1 = []
    errorNeuron2 = []
    for i in range(0, 1):
        # Iterate over dataframe rows
        for row in df.iterrows():
            neuron1 = parseRow(neuron1, row)
            # print(neuron1.area)
            neuron1 = calculateOutput(neuron1)

            expectedOutput = row[1][7]

            neuron2 = parseRow(neuron2, row)
            neuron2 = calculateOutput(neuron2)

            expectedOutputBinary = format(int(expectedOutput), '02b')

            # If the expectedOutput is equal to the output of the first node
            if int(expectedOutputBinary[0]) != neuron1.output:
                errorNeuron1.append((neuron1.activationValue, row))

                # neuron1 = calculateNewWeights(neuron1.output, neuron1, int(expectedOutputBinary[0]))
            elif int(expectedOutputBinary[1]) != neuron2.output:
                # neuron2 = calculateNewWeights(neuron1.output, neuron2, int(expectedOutputBinary[1]))

        # errorNeuron1.sort(key=lambda x: x.activationValue)


        for n in errorNeuron1:
            print n




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