
时间:2019-01-29 19:27:31

标签: python bokeh

我希望获得帮助,我在这里转圈。我知道我在做一些愚蠢的事情,但是我的情节没有更新。我无法调试以查看我的过滤器功能是否无法正常工作,或者存在我的绘图输入未链接动态源输入的问题。由于即使起始图也没有初始化参数,因此我认为它已经存在。 PS-关于全选的任何建议,包括所有选择框的分类选择,都将是惊人的。

干杯, 汤姆

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from bokeh.io import show, output_notebook, push_notebook, curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure

from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapper, HoverTool, ColumnDataSource, Panel, Div
from bokeh.models.widgets import (CheckboxGroup, Slider, Select, TextInput, RangeSlider, Tabs, CheckboxButtonGroup, TableColumn, DataTable, Select)

from bokeh.layouts import layout, column, row, Widgetbox
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox, row, column
from bokeh.palettes import Category20_16

from bokeh.application.handlers import FunctionHandler
from bokeh.application import Application

weather = pd.read_csv('YYYYYY.csv', dayfirst=True, parse_dates=True, index_col=[1], encoding = "ISO-8859-1")

def style(p):
    # Title 
    p.title.align = 'center'
    p.title.text_font_size = '20pt'
    p.title.text_font = 'serif'

    # Axis titles
    p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt'
    p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold'
    p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt'
    p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold'

    # Tick labels
    p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '12pt'
    p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '12pt'

    return p    

def make_plot(src):
    p = figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=700, title="'2018'", toolbar_location="below", tooltips=TOOLTIPS)
    p.circle(x="Deal_Number", y="USD_Base", source=src, size=7, line_color=None)
    p = style(p)
    return p

    ("Name", "@Target"),
    ("$", "@Round"),
    ("Country", "@CC")

def get_dataset(deal_num, ccstring, descstring, vertstring):
    df_filter = weather[weather['USD_Base'] >=(deal_num) & weather['CC'].str.contains(ccstring) & weather['Description'].str.contains(descstring) & weather['Vertical Market'].str.contains(vertstring)]
    return ColumnDataSource(df_filter)

def update_plot(attr, old, new):
    deal_num = int(deal_select.value)
    ccstring = str(cc_select.value)
    descstring = str(description_select.value)
    vertstring = str(vert_select.value)
    new_src = get_dataset(deal_num, ccstring, descstring, vertstring)

# Create Input controls
deal_select = Slider(title="$ Invested", value=0, start=0, end=200, step=2)
cclist = weather["CC"].unique().tolist()
cc_select = Select(title="Country Name:", options= cclist, value='GB')
description_select = TextInput(title="Company description contains")
vertlist = weather["Vertical Market"].unique().tolist()
vert_select = Select(title="Vertical:", options= ['All'] + vertlist, value='None')

controls = widgetbox(deal_select, cc_select, description_select, vert_select)

deal_select.on_change('value', update_plot) 

# Make the deal data source

src = get_dataset(deal_num = deal_select.value, 
            ccstring = cc_select.value, 
            descstring = description_select.value, 
            vertstring = vert_select.value)

# Make the deal plot
p = make_plot(src)

layout = row(controls, p)

# Make a tab with the layout 
tab = Panel(child=layout, title = '2018')

# Put all the tabs into one application
tabs = Tabs(tabs = [tab])

# Put the tabs in the current document for display

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


circle = p.circle(x="Deal_Number", y="USD_Base", source=src, size=7, line_color=None)

然后在您的update_plot(attr, old, new)函数中尝试以下操作:

circle = p.select_one({'name':'circle'})

circle.data_source.data = new_src.data

要选择全部,MultiSelect Widget可能会起作用?