
时间:2019-01-29 18:12:07

标签: json typescript local-storage


export interface IStep {
    id: number;
    icon: string;
    name: string;
    selected: boolean;

export class InitStep implements IStep {
    id: number;
    icon: string;
    name: string;
    selected = false;

export class InputStep implements IStep {
    id: number;
    icon: string;
    name: string;
    selected = false;
    primaryKey: string;
    file: File;

export class QueryStep implements IStep {
    constructor () {
        this.filters = [];
        this.output_fields = [];
        this.table_fields = [];
        const filter = new Filter;

    get input_ids(): number[] {
        return this.filters.map(filter => filter.input_id);

    id: number;
    icon: string;
    name: string;
    selected = false;
    table: string;
    table_fields: string[];
    filters: Filter[];
    output_fields: string[];

export class OutputStep implements IStep {

    constructor() {
        this.fields = [];

    id: number;
    icon: string;
    name: string;
    selected = false;
    fields: string[];

export class DeliveryStep implements IStep {

    constructor() {
        this.output_ids = [];

    id: number;
    icon: string;
    name: string;
    selected = false;
    output_ids: number[];
    format: BatchOutputType;
    frequency: BatchFrequencyType;
    email: string;
    password: string;


const key = 'notgunnawork';
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(this.steps));
const s = JSON.parse(key) as IStep[];

我知道在地狱中有一个滚雪球的机会,这将可以正确地进行解析,显然,解析器不知道哪些步骤最终属于哪些类。我只是想知道是否有一种简单的方法可以使数组出来的样子与输入数组相同。我最终会将这个列表发布到服务器,并希望我的.Net Core代码也能够解析此JSON,而无需创建自定义解析器。


添加了Im尝试序列化的完整类,以获取更多详细信息。每当我尝试序列化然后反序列化时遇到的错误是:“ JSON在位置1处出现意外令牌o”

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



首先,我们需要建立一个系统,齐磊者将通过该系统了解您的可序列化类。我将使用一个class decorator,它将把每个类构造函数添加到reviver可以使用的注册表中。我们将要求可序列化的类构造函数可分配给我们可以称为Serializable的类型:它需要有一个无参数的构造函数,而它所构造的事物需要有一个className属性:

// a Serializable class has a no-arg constructor and an instance property
// named className
type Serializable = new () => { readonly className: string }

// store a registry of Serializable classes
const registry: Record<string, Serializable> = {};

// a decorator that adds classes to the registry
function serializable<T extends Serializable>(constructor: T) {
  registry[(new constructor()).className] = constructor;
  return constructor;


// a custom JSON parser... if the parsed value has a className property
// and is in the registry, create a new instance of the class and copy
// the properties of the value into the new instance.
const reviver = (k: string, v: any) =>
  ((typeof v === "object") && ("className" in v) && (v.className in registry)) ?
    Object.assign(new registry[v.className](), v) : v;

// use this to deserialize JSON instead of plain JSON.parse        
function deserializeJSON(json: string) {
  return JSON.parse(json, reviver);

好了,现在我们有了,让我们做一些课程。 (在编辑之前,我在这里使用的是原始定义。)请注意,我们需要添加一个className属性,并且必须有一个no-arg构造函数(如果您不指定构造函数,因为default constructor是无参数):

// mark each class as serializable, which requires a className and a no-arg constructor
class StepType1 implements IStep {
  id: number = 0;
  name: string = "";
  prop1: string = "";
  readonly className = "StepType1"

@serializable // error, property className is missing
class OopsNoClassName {


@serializable // error, no no-arg constructor
class OopsConstructorRequiresArguments {
  readonly className = "OopsConstructorRequiresArguments"
  constructor(arg: any) {


class StepType2 implements IStep {
  id: number = 0;
  name: string = "";
  prop2: string = "";
  prop3: string = "";
  prop4: string = "";
  readonly className = "StepType2"

class StepType3 implements IStep {
  id: number = 0;
  name: string = "";
  prop5: string = "";
  prop6: string = "";
  readonly className = "StepType3"


// create some objects of our classes
const stepType1 = new StepType1();
stepType1.id = 1;
stepType1.name = "Alice";
stepType1.prop1 = "apples";

const stepType2 = new StepType2();
stepType2.id = 2;
stepType2.name = "Bob";
stepType2.prop2 = "bananas";
stepType2.prop3 = "blueberries";
stepType2.prop4 = "boysenberries";

const stepType3 = new StepType3();
stepType3.id = 3;
stepType3.name = "Carol";
stepType3.prop5 = "cherries";
stepType3.prop6 = "cantaloupes";

// make an array of IStep[]
const arr = [stepType1, stepType2, stepType3];


// verify that an array of IStep[] contains class instances
function verifyArray(arr: IStep[]) {
  console.log("Array contents:\n" + arr.map(a => {
    const constructorName = (a instanceof StepType1) ? "StepType1" :
      (a instanceof StepType2) ? "StepType2" :
        (a instanceof StepType3) ? "StepType3" : "???"
    return ("id=" + a.id + ", name=" + a.name + ", instanceof " + constructorName)
  }).join("\n") + "\n");


// before serialization, everything is fine
// Array contents:
// id=1, name=Alice, instanceof StepType1
// id=2, name=Bob, instanceof StepType2
// id=3, name=Carol, instanceof StepType3


// serialize to JSON
const json = JSON.stringify(arr);


// try to deserialize with just JSON.parse
const badParsedArr = JSON.parse(json) as IStep[];

// uh oh, none of the deserialized objects are actually class instances
// Array contents:
// id=1, name=Alice, instanceof ???
// id=2, name=Bob, instanceof ???
// id=3, name=Carol, instanceof ???



// do the deserialization with our custom deserializer
const goodParsedArr = deserializeJSON(json) as IStep[];

// now everything is fine again
// Array contents:
// id=1, name=Alice, instanceof StepType1
// id=2, name=Bob, instanceof StepType2
// id=3, name=Carol, instanceof StepType3



const badArr = [stepType1, stepType1];
console.log(badArr[0] === badArr[1]); // true, same object twice
const badArrParsed = deserializeJSON(JSON.stringify(badArr));
console.log(badArrParsed[0] === baddArrParsed[1]); // false, two different objects

在上述情况下,同一对象出现多次。在对数组进行序列化和反序列化时,新数组包含两个具有相同属性值的 different 对象。如果需要确保只对某个特定对象反序列化一次,那么您需要一个更复杂的deserialize()函数,该函数跟踪某些唯一属性(如id)并返回现有对象而不是创建新的。


