App Center应用内更新未显示在Xamarin Android应用中

时间:2019-01-29 17:27:54

标签: xamarin visual-studio-app-center visual-studio-app-center-distribute

我正在尝试配置AppCenter.Distribute以在我的Xamarin Android应用程序中进行应用程序内更新。这是非常基本的设置代码,我在主启动器活动的OnCreate方法中有此代码(在base.OnCreate调用之后):

AppCenter.Start (Resources.GetString (Resource.String.appcenter_app_secret), typeof (Analytics), typeof (Crashes), typeof (Distribute));



Distribute.ReleaseAvailable = OnReleaseAvailable;// Called before AppCenter.Start

private bool OnReleaseAvailable (ReleaseDetails releaseDetails) {
            // Show custom dialog.
            Droid.ApplicationContext.Activity.CustomDialogBuilder ().Show (new NotificationArgs {
                Title = "New update available!",
                Message = "A new version of RPR Mobile, {0} ({1}) is available. Release notes: {2}"
                    .WithFormat (releaseDetails.ShortVersion, releaseDetails.Version, releaseDetails.ReleaseNotes),
                PositiveButtonText = "Update",
                PositiveAction = () => {
                    // Notify SDK that user selected to update...
                    Distribute.NotifyUpdateAction (UpdateAction.Update);
                HideNegativeButton = releaseDetails.MandatoryUpdate,
                NegativeButtonText = "Postpone Update",
                NegativeAction = () => {
                    // Notify SDK that user selected to postpone (for 1 day)...
                    // Note that this method call is ignored by the SDK if the update is mandatory.
                    Distribute.NotifyUpdateAction (UpdateAction.Postpone);

            // Return true if you are using your own dialog, false otherwise.
            return true;


  1. AppCenter.Start代码在base.OnCreate调用之前还是之后执行是否重要?
  2. 从中调用AppCenter.Start的活动是否正在运行还是结束?因为在我们的例子中,主启动器只是一个启动屏幕,几秒钟后关闭。
  3. App Center SDK是否应该每隔几秒钟轮询一次更新?还是只在打开和关闭活动时检查?

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