
时间:2019-01-29 13:17:12

标签: sql sql-server database-administration


我们为员工配备了DBA的时间很短,但他从未参加过工作,所以被放开了。这很大程度上是开发人员管理的数据库。我已经运行了Brent Ozar的Sps(sp_BlitzFirst),并且对该视图的查询一直是成本最高的。



rae.ResourceAvailabilityExceptEventId AS MasterEventEntityId,
me.MasterEventId AS MasterEventId,     
null AS ParentEventId,
me.MasterEventBillingInfoId AS MasterEventBillingInfoId,
0 AS HasScheduledParentEvent,
me.Subject AS EventSubject,
me.Description AS EventDescription,
me.EventStartDate AS EventStartDate,
me.EventEndDate AS EventEndDate,
me.TimeZone AS TimeZone,
mebi.TotalBillAmount  AS BillAmount,
null AS CancelledReason,
null AS HasDiagnosis,
null  AS ParticipantAuthorizationId,
null  AS AuthorizationNumber,
null  AS AuthorizationDescription,
null  AS BillingSourceName,
null  AS BillingSourceTypeId,
me.EventTypeId      AS EventTypeId,
cet.Description      AS EventType,
me.EventSubTypeId    AS EventSubTypeId,
cest.Description    AS EventSubType,
1    AS IsTimeOff,
0    AS IsInsurance,
CASE WHEN me.MasterEventBillingInfoId is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS IsBillable,
0    AS IsScheduled,
0    AS IsCompleted,
0    AS IsRecurring,
0    AS IsLinkedEvent,
null  AS ChildEventTypeId,
null  AS ChildEventType,
'timeoff'        AS EventStatus,
null  AS EventStatusId,
null  AS WorkflowStatusId,
null  AS WorkflowStatusDescription,
ra.LinkId        AS LinkId,
ra.EntityId        AS EntityId,
IIF(ra.EntityId = 'E32955F7-1CE8-46A1-98D3-06A69FA4B29E',1,0) AS IsAssignedParticipant,
IIF(ra.EntityId = '173F0473-747A-48F6-B7E8-06948370AAF8',1,0) AS IsAssignedEmployee,
par.PersonId      AS ParticipantId, 
emp.PersonId      AS AssignedEmployeeId,
null  AS BillUnderEmployeeId,
null  AS SupervisorEmployeeId,
par.FirstName      AS ParticipantFirstName,
par.LastName      AS ParticipantLastName,
emp.FirstName      AS AssignedEmployeeFirstName,
emp.LastName      AS AssignedEmployeeLastName,
null  AS BillUnderEmployeeFirstName,
null  AS BillUnderEmployeeLastName,
null  AS SupervisorEmployeeFirstName,
null  AS SupervisorEmployeeLastName,
null  AS CredentialId,
null  AS CredentialName,
me.LocationId      AS LocationId,
o.Name  AS Location,
0    AS PublishedScoreSheetCount,
0    AS SessionCount,
0    AS AuthItemCount,
null  AS BillCodes,
pstat.Description    AS PayrollStatus,
me.PayrollStatusId    AS PayrollStatusId,
me.PayrollLastExportDate    AS PayrollLastExportDate,
me.PayCodeId      AS PayCodeId,
pc.Name  AS PayCodeName
FROM Data.MasterEvent me
JOIN Data.ResourceAvailabilityExceptEvent rae WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON me.MasterEventId = rae.ResourceAvailabilityExceptEventId
JOIN Data.ResourceAvailability ra WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON rae.ResourceAvailabilityId = ra.ResourceAvailabilityId AND ra.IsSoftDeleted = 0
JOIN Mgr.Code cet WITH ( NOLOCK ) on cet.CodeId = me.EventTypeId
LEFT JOIN Mgr.Code cest WITH ( NOLOCK ) on cest.CodeId = me.EventSubTypeId
LEFT JOIN Data.MasterEventBillingInfo mebi WITH ( NOLOCK ) on me.MasterEventBillingInfoId = mebi.MasterEventBillingInfoId
LEFT JOIN Data.Person emp WITH ( NOLOCK ) on ra.LinkId = emp.PersonId AND ra.EntityId = '173F0473-747A-48F6-B7E8-06948370AAF8'
LEFT JOIN Data.Person par WITH ( NOLOCK ) on ra.LinkId = par.PersonId AND ra.EntityId = 'E32955F7-1CE8-46A1-98D3-06A69FA4B29E'
LEFT JOIN Data.Organization o WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON o.OrganizationId = me.LocationId AND o.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Mgr.Code pstat WITH ( NOLOCK ) on pstat.CodeId = me.PayrollStatusId
LEFT JOIN Data.PayCode pc  WITH(NOLOCK) on pc.PayCodeId = me.PayCodeId
WHERE me.IsSoftDeleted = 0


CASE WHEN separent.ScheduledEventId is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as HasScheduledParentEvent,
me.Subject as EventSubject,
me.Description as EventDescription,
mebi.TotalBillAmount  AS BillAmount,
COALESCE(se.CancelledReason,sece.CancelledReason,null) AS CancelledReason,
IIF(egb.DiagnosisCodes IS NOT NULL,1,0) AS HasDiagnosis,
auth.Description as AuthorizationDescription,
billsrccmp.Name as BillingSourceName,
cet.Description as EventType,
cest.Description as EventSubType,
0    AS IsTimeOff,
  WHEN billsrc.BillingSourceTypeId = 'CCBDBCFC-2225-4511-B617-190430D1897C' THEN 1 
  else 0 END as IsInsurance,
CASE WHEN me.MasterEventBillingInfoId is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as IsBillable,
CASE WHEN se.ScheduledEventId is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as IsScheduled,
CASE WHEN ce.CompletedEventId is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as IsCompleted,
CASE WHEN se.ScheduleRecurrenceId is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as IsRecurring,
IIF(meparent.EventTypeId = '7d881908-d373-43eb-a550-ca5e6b55137c', 0, 1) IsLinkedEvent,

pevstat.EventTypeId as ChildEventTypeId,
pevstat.EventType as ChildEventType,

COALESCE(pevstat.EventStatus, evstat.EventStatus) as EventStatus,

IIF(mee.LinkId = par.ParticipantId, 1, 0) as IsAssignedParticipant,
IIF(mee.LinkId = me.AssignedEmployeeId, 1, 0) as IsAssignedEmployee,
aemp.EmployeeId as AssignedEmployeeId,
buemp.EmployeeId as BillUnderEmployeeId,
semp.EmployeeId as SupervisorEmployeeId,
pperson.FirstName as ParticipantFirstName,
pperson.LastName as ParticipantLastName,
aeperson.FirstName as AssignedEmployeeFirstName,
aeperson.LastName as AssignedEmployeeLastName,
bueperson.FirstName as BillUnderEmployeeFirstName,
bueperson.LastName as BillUnderEmployeeLastName,
seperson.FirstName as SupervisorEmployeeFirstName,
seperson.LastName as SupervisorEmployeeLastName,
c.Name as CredentialName,
o.Name AS Location,
COALESCE(sss.ScheduledScoreSheetCount, css.CompletedScoreSheetCount, 0) as PublishedScoreSheetCount,
COALESCE(sss.ScheduledSessionCount, css.CompletedSessionCount, 0) as SessionCount,
aai.ApptAuthItemCount as AuthItemCount,    
pstat.Description as PayrollStatus,
pc.Name AS PayCodeName
FROM Data.MasterEventEntity mee WITH ( NOLOCK )
JOIN Data.MasterEvent me WITH ( NOLOCK ) on mee.MasterEventId = me.MasterEventId AND me.IsSoftDeleted = 0
JOIN Views.EventStatus evstat on evstat.MasterEventId = me.MasterEventId
LEFT JOIN Data.Organization o WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON o.OrganizationId = me.LocationId AND o.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Views.EventGroupingBase egb on egb.MasterEventId = mee.MasterEventId
LEFT JOIN Data.ScheduledEvent se WITH ( NOLOCK ) on se.ScheduledEventId = me.MasterEventId
LEFT JOIN Data.CompletedEvent ce WITH ( NOLOCK ) on ce.CompletedEventId = me.MasterEventId
LEFT JOIN Mgr.Code ceC WITH ( NOLOCK ) on ce.WorkflowStatusId = ceC.CodeId
LEFT JOIN Data.ScheduledEvent sece WITH ( NOLOCK ) on sece.ScheduledEventId = ce.ScheduledEventId
JOIN Mgr.Code cet WITH ( NOLOCK ) on cet.CodeId = me.EventTypeId
LEFT JOIN Mgr.Code cest WITH ( NOLOCK ) on cest.CodeId = me.EventSubTypeId
LEFT JOIN Data.MasterEvent meparent WITH ( NOLOCK ) on meparent.MasterEventId = me.ParentEventId
LEFT JOIN Data.ScheduledEvent separent WITH ( NOLOCK ) on separent.ScheduledEventId = me.ParentEventId
LEFT JOIN Views.ParentEventStatus pevstat on me.EventTypeId = '7d881908-d373-43eb-a550-ca5e6b55137c' AND pevstat.MasterEventId = me.MasterEventId
LEFT JOIN Data.MasterEventBillingInfo mebi WITH ( NOLOCK ) on mebi.MasterEventBillingInfoId = me.MasterEventBillingInfoId and mebi.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Mgr.Code pstat WITH ( NOLOCK ) on pstat.CodeId = me.PayrollStatusId
LEFT JOIN Data.PayCode pc  WITH(NOLOCK) on pc.PayCodeId=me.PayCodeId
LEFT JOIN Data.Participant par WITH ( NOLOCK ) on par.ParticipantId = COALESCE(mebi.ParticipantId, mee.LinkId)
LEFT JOIN Data.Person pperson WITH ( NOLOCK ) on pperson.PersonId = par.ParticipantId and pperson.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.Employee buemp WITH ( NOLOCK ) on buemp.EmployeeId = mebi.BillUnderEmployeeId
LEFT JOIN Data.Person bueperson WITH ( NOLOCK ) on bueperson.PersonId = buemp.EmployeeId and bueperson.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.Employee aemp WITH ( NOLOCK ) on aemp.EmployeeId = me.AssignedEmployeeId
LEFT JOIN Data.Person aeperson WITH ( NOLOCK ) on aeperson.PersonId = aemp.EmployeeId and aeperson.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.Credential c WITH ( NOLOCK ) on c.CredentialId = mebi.CredentialId and c.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.Employee semp WITH ( NOLOCK ) on semp.EmployeeId = mebi.SupervisorEmployeeId
LEFT JOIN Data.Person seperson WITH ( NOLOCK ) on seperson.PersonId = semp.EmployeeId and seperson.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.ParticipantAuthorization auth WITH ( NOLOCK ) on auth.ParticipantAuthorizationId = mebi.ParticipantAuthorizationId and auth.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.Contract authContract WITH ( NOLOCK ) on authContract.ContractId = auth.ContractId and authContract.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.BillingSource billsrc WITH ( NOLOCK ) on billsrc.BillingSourceId = authContract.BillingSourceId
LEFT JOIN Data.Company billsrccmp WITH ( NOLOCK ) on billsrccmp.CompanyId = billsrc.BillingSourceId and billsrccmp.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.InvoiceCharge ic WITH ( NOLOCK ) on ic.CompletedEventId = me.MasterEventId and ic.InvoiceChargeStatusId != 'A2D34290-8630-4735-ACCF-E08D3D1A9480' and ic.IsSoftDeleted = 0
LEFT JOIN Data.Invoice inv WITH ( NOLOCK ) on ic.InvoiceId = inv.InvoiceId and inv.IsSoftDeleted = 0
count(AuthorizationItemId) ApptAuthItemCount
FROM Data.MasterEventBillingInfoAuthItem mebiai WITH ( NOLOCK )
WHERE mebiai.IsSoftDeleted = 0
GROUP BY mebiai.MasterEventBillingInfoId) aai ON aai.MasterEventBillingInfoId = mebi.MasterEventBillingInfoId
SELECT ',' + CONCAT(bc.Name,
IIF(caeai.Modifier1 != '', CONCAT('-', caeai.Modifier1), ''),
IIF(caeai.Modifier2 != '', CONCAT(' ', caeai.Modifier2), ''),
IIF(caeai.Modifier3 != '', CONCAT(' ', caeai.Modifier3), ''),
IIF(caeai.Modifier4 != '', CONCAT(' ', caeai.Modifier4), ''))
FROM Data.MasterEventBillingInfoAuthItem caeai WITH ( NOLOCK ) 
JOIN Data.AuthorizationItem ai WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON caeai.AuthorizationItemId = ai.AuthorizationItemId AND ai.IsSoftDeleted = 0
JOIN Data.FeeScheduleItem fsi WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON ai.FeeScheduleItemId = fsi.FeeScheduleItemId AND fsi.IsSoftDeleted = 0
JOIN Data.BillCode bc WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON bc.BillCodeId = fsi.BillCodeId AND bc.IsSoftDeleted = 0
WHERE mbi2.MasterEventBillingInfoId = caeai.MasterEventBillingInfoId AND caeai.IsSoftDeleted = 0
ORDER BY bc.Name
FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '') AS BillCodes
FROM Data.MasterEventBillingInfo mbi2 WITH ( NOLOCK ) 
) bc ON bc.MasterEventBillingInfoId = mebi.MasterEventBillingInfoId
count(s.ScoreSheetId) ScheduledScoreSheetCount,
count(SessionId) ScheduledSessionCount
FROM Data.ScheduledEventScoreSheet s WITH ( NOLOCK ) 
left join Data.DataSheet ds on s.ScoreSheetId = ds.DataSheetId
WHERE s.IsSoftDeleted = 0 AND ds.DefinitionFinishedDate IS NOT NULL AND ds.CompletionDate IS NULL
GROUP BY s.ScheduledEventId) sss ON sss.ScheduledEventId = me.MasterEventId
count(ScoreSheetId) CompletedScoreSheetCount,
count(SessionId) CompletedSessionCount
FROM Data.CompletedEventScoreSheet s WITH ( NOLOCK )
WHERE s.IsSoftDeleted = 0
GROUP BY s.CompletedEventId) css ON css.CompletedEventId = me.MasterEventId        
WHERE mee.ShowOnCalendar = 1 AND mee.IsSoftDeleted = 0


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