
时间:2019-01-29 01:37:53

标签: python gzip



2018/03/25-00:08:48.638553  508     7FF4A8F3D704     snononsonfvnosnovoosr
2018/03/25-10:08:48.985053 346K     7FE9D2D51706     ahelooa afoaona woom
2018/03/25-20:08:50.486601 1.5M     7FE9D3D41706     qojfcmqcacaeia
2018/03/25-24:08:50.980519  16K     7FE9BD1AF707     user: number is 93823004
2018/03/26-00:08:50.981908 1389     7FE9BDC2B707     user 7fb31ecfa700
2018/03/26-10:08:51.066967    0     7FE9BDC91700     Exit Status = 0x0
2018/03/26-15:08:51.066968    1     7FE9BDC91700     std:ZMD:

2018/03/26-20:08:48.638553  508     7FF4A8F3D704     snononsonfvnosnovoosr
2018/03/26-24:08:48.985053 346K     7FE9D2D51706     ahelooa afoaona woom
2018/03/27-00:08:50.486601 1.5M     7FE9D3D41706     qojfcmqcacaeia
2018/03/27-10:08:50.980519  16K     7FE9BD1AF707     user: number is 93823004
2018/03/27-20:08:50.981908 1389     7FE9BDC2B707     user 7fb31ecfa700
2018/03/27-24:08:51.066967    0     7FE9BDC91700     Exit Status = 0x0
2018/03/28-00:08:51.066968    1     7FE9BDC91700     std:ZMD:

2018/03/28-10:08:48.638553  508     7FF4A8F3D704     snononsonfvnosnovoosr
2018/03/28-20:08:48.985053 346K     7FE9D2D51706     ahelooa afoaona woom

** Desired Result**
2018/03/27-20:08:50.981908 1389     7FE9BDC2B707     user 7fb31ecfa700
2018/03/27-24:08:51.066967    0     7FE9BDC91700     Exit Status = 0x0
2018/03/28-00:08:51.066968    1     7FE9BDC91700     std:ZMD:
2018/03/28-10:08:48.638553  508     7FF4A8F3D704     snononsonfvnosnovoosr
2018/03/28-20:08:48.985053 346K     7FE9D2D51706     ahelooa afoaona woom


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import glob
import gzip
from pathlib import Path
import shutil

def open_file(path):
    if Path(path).suffix == '.gz':
        return gzip.open(path, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8')
        return open(path, encoding='utf-8')

def parsed_entries(lines):
    for line in lines:
        yield line.split(' ', maxsplit=1)

def earlier():
    return (datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=24)).strftime('%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S')

def get_files():
    return ['a.log'] + list(reversed(sorted(glob.glob('a.log.*'))))

output = open('output.log', 'w', encoding='utf-8')

files = get_files()

cutoff = earlier()

for i, path in enumerate(files):
    with open_file(path) as f:
        lines = parsed_entries(f)
        # Assumes that your files are not empty
        date, line = next(lines)
        if cutoff <= date:
            # Skip files that can just be appended to the output later
        for date, line in lines:
            if cutoff <= date:
                # We've reached the first entry of our file that should be
                # included
        # Copies from the current position to the end of the file
        shutil.copyfileobj(f, output)
    # In case ALL the files are within the last 24 hours
    i = len(files)

for path in reversed(files[:i]):
    with open_file(path) as f:
        # Assumes that your files have trailing newlines.
        shutil.copyfileobj(f, output)

# Cleanup, it would get closed anyway when garbage collected or process exits.


echo "2019/01/15-00:00:00.000000 hi" > a.log.1
echo "2019/01/31-00:00:00.000000 hi2" > a.log.2
echo "2019/01/31-19:00:00.000000 hi3" > a.log
gzip a.log.1 a.log.2


2019/01/31-00:00:00.000000 hi2
2019/01/31-19:00:00.000000 hi3

答案 1 :(得分:0)


立即想到的最快完成目标的方法(肯定会存在更好的方法)是一个非常简单的随机搜索:我们以相反的顺序搜索日志文件,因此从最新的开始。您无需随意访问所有行,只需随意选择一些stepsize,而仅查看每个stepsize some 行。这样,您可以在很短的时间内搜索千兆字节的数据。



with open("a.log", "rb+") as fh:


timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)  # last 24h
# jump to logfile's end
fh.seek(0, 2)  # <-- '2': search relative to file's end
index = fh.tell()  # current position in file; here: logfile's *last* byte


average_line_length = 65
stepsize = 1000

while True:
    # we move a step back
    fh.seek(index - average_line_length * stepsize, 2)

    # save our current position in file
    index = fh.tell()

    # we try to read a "line" (multiply avg. line length times a number
    # large enough to cover even large lines. Ignore largest lines here,
    # since this is an edge cases ruining our runtime. We rather skip
    # one iteration of the loop then)
    r = fh.read(average_line_length * 10)

    # our results now contains (on average) multiple lines, so we
    # split first
    lines = r.split(b"\n")

    # now we check for our timestring
    for l in lines:
        # your timestamps are formatted like '2018/03/28-20:08:48.985053'
        # I ignore minutes, seconds, ... here, just for the sake of simplicity
        timestr = l.split(b":")  # this gives us b'2018/03/28-20' in timestr[0]

        # next we convert this to a datetime
        found_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr[0], "%Y/%m/%d-%H")

        # finally, we compare if the found time is not inside our 24hour margin
        if found_time < timestamp:

有了这段代码,只要我们过去24小时之内,就只会在每个stepsize(这里:1000行)中搜索几行。离开24小时后,我们知道,至多我们完全stepsize * average_line_length在文件中太远了。


# read in file's contents from current position to end
contents = fh.read()

# split for lines
lines_of_contents = contents.split(b"\n")

# helper function for removing all lines older than 24 hours
def check_line(line):
    # split to extract datestr
    tstr = line.split(b":")
    # convert this to a datetime
    ftime = datetime.datetime.strptime(tstr[0], "%Y/%m/%d-%H")

    return ftime > timestamp

# remove all lines that are older than 24 hours
final_result = filter(check_line, lines_of_contents)

由于contents覆盖了文件的所有其余内容(以及lines所有行,在换行符contents处简单地\n拆分了),因此我们可以轻松地使用{ {1}}得到我们想要的结果。

filter中的每一行都将被馈送到lines,如果该行的时间为check_line并且True是我们的datetime对象,则该行将返回> timestamp timestamp。这意味着now - 1day将为所有早于check_line的行返回False,而timestamp将删除这些行。





这样,如果所有行的使用时间都不超过24小时,则只需存储日志文件的所有行。如果循环在某个时间点中断,即我们找到了一个日志文件,并且确切的行龄超过24小时,则将final_lines = lst() for file in logfiles: # our while-loop while True: ... # if while-loop did not break all of the current logfile's content is # <24 hours of age with open(file, "rb+") as fh: final_lines.extend(fh.readlines()) 扩展final_lines,因为这将只覆盖年龄小于24小时的行。 / p>