
时间:2019-01-28 18:13:40

标签: r plotly r-plotly

在使用type =“ scatter”时,Plotly忽略了我设置的配色方案,但是在使用type = NULL时,它保留了它,即使在代码后面没有设置配色方案也是如此。

尝试使用mode =“ markers”或mode =“ lines”或mode =“ lines + markers”会导致创建多行。

对于该代码示例,我意识到mtcars是一个奇怪的数据集,可向其中添加警报和时间,但它确实显示了问题。我已经修复了代码,并且在生产中使用type = NULL,但是可以推测出绘图类型似乎不稳定(并且在某些情况下,它假定为条形图)。

如果我在第1节中使用type = NULL,那么我会得到正确的配色方案(红色,黄色,绿色)。

如果我使用type =“ scatter”,那么它将使用不同的配色方案。 如果我使用type =“ scatter”,mode =“ lines + markers”,它也会使用不同的配色方案。

当x轴为正数或日期时,则至少将其全部保留为一条带有不同色点的线。但是由于我依靠type = NULL来获取正确的配色方案(取决于时间组件的类别),因此它可能会采用条形图,或创建多行(每条警报一条)。


pal <- c("red","yellow","green4")

pal <- setNames(pal,c("Serious","Moderate","Low"))

x = NULL
for(i in 2007:2009){
for(j in 1:12)
x <- c(x, paste(i,j,"01",sep="-"))
x <- x[1:nrow(mtcars)]
x <-as.Date(x)
y <-  as.POSIXct(x)


mtcars$alert <- sample(c("Serious","Moderate","Low"),size = 
nrow(mtcars),replace = TRUE)
mtcars$date  <- x 
mtcars$posixct  <- y  

#' Section 1 
p <- plot_ly(mtcars, width = 800, 
         height = 600, type = NULL # must be made null
         #' for some reason using any other type (i.e. scatter) 
         #' results in multiple traces for each factor (i.e. when you color 
         #' by the alert, multiple lines are created.) OR results in the colors being ignored
         #' The only current workaround is for plot_ly to assume scatter 
         #' in which case it does not separate the values into new traces and keeps the set colors. 
         #' in ggplot you can use geom_point() and geom_line() to layer the 
         #' graphics, but this is not possible in plot_ly. 
         ) %>% 

#' Section 2 
  add_markers(x=~posixct, y=~wt, mode = "markers",color =~alert, colors = pal, 
          marker =list(size = 10)) %>%
add_trace(x=~posixct,y=~wt,mode = 'line',
        line = list(color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', width = 2), showlegend=FALSE) 

p <- p %>% layout(
  xaxis = list(title = "Time"),
  yaxis = list(title = "weight"),    
  title = "weight over index as a time", titlefont = list(size = 20),
  margin = list(l = 50, r = 50, t = 50, b = 50),
  showlegend = TRUE,legend = list(traceorder = "reversed")

config(p,collaborate = FALSE,cloud = FALSE,displaylogo = FALSE, 
   modeBarButtonsToRemove = c("zoom2d","pan2d","select2d","lasso2d",


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