
时间:2019-01-27 05:50:18

标签: coq


Proof with eauto.
  remember (@empty ty) as Gamma.
  intros t t' T HT. generalize dependent t'.
  induction HT;
       intros t' HE; subst Gamma; subst;
       try solve [inversion HE; subst; auto].
  - (* T_App *)
    inversion HE; subst...
    (* Most of the cases are immediate by induction,
       and [eauto] takes care of them *)
    + (* ST_AppAbs *)
      apply substitution_preserves_typing with T11...
      inversion HT1...

此行中的椭圆是做什么的? apply substitution_preserves_typing with T11...

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

椭圆采用某种预定义的策略。在此证明中,它是eauto,因为证明以Proof with eauto开头。有关更多信息,请参见reference manual