如何在Linux C上同步两个线程?

时间:2019-01-26 23:30:24

标签: c linux raspberry-pi3

所以我想通过这段代码同步两个线程。顺便说一下,让我解释一下,我希望thread1从传感器读取一个值并将其写入名为“ integers.dat”的文件中。因此thread2的任务是将先前写在“ integers.dat”上的内容发送到gnuplot(如下面的代码所示)。因此,我希望线程执行顺序如下: 线程1(写),线程2(发送),线程1(写),线程2(发送),依此类推。 我尝试使用互斥锁来执行此操作,但是它不起作用。两个线程的执行总是随机的。


     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <pigpio.h>

     #define TRIGGER 5
     #define ECHO  6
     void *thread1_process (void *arg);
     void *thread2_process( void *arg);

   double start, stop,  measure;
   int i, val, it=0;
   FILE *fptr;
   FILE *gnu ; 

   static pthread_mutex_t my_mutex11;
   int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   pthread_t th1, th2;
  void *ret;
  fptr=fopen("integers.dat", "w");
  gnu = popen("gnuplot -persistent","w");

  pthread_mutex_init (&my_mutex11, NULL); 

  pthread_create(&th1, NULL, thread1_process, NULL);
  pthread_create (&th2, NULL, thread2_process, NULL);   

 (void)pthread_join (th1, &ret);
 (void)pthread_join (th2, &ret);    

   void *thread1_process (void *arg)

  for(int i=0; i<20; i++) 

   pthread_mutex_lock (&my_mutex11);

  printf("thread1 %d \n", i);
  gpioSetMode(TRIGGER , PI_OUTPUT);  // trigger
  gpioSetMode(ECHO , PI_INPUT);
  gpioWrite(TRIGGER, 0);
  gpioSleep(PI_TIME_RELATIVE, 0, 1);
  gpioWrite(TRIGGER, 1);
  gpioSleep(PI_TIME_RELATIVE, 0, 10); // sleep for 0.00001 seconds
  gpioWrite(TRIGGER, 0);
  while (gpioRead(ECHO) == 0)
  start = time_time();
  while (gpioRead(ECHO) == 1)
  stop = time_time();
  measure = (stop-start) *17100.50;
  fprintf(fptr, "%d %d\n", it, val);

  pthread_mutex_unlock (&my_mutex11);


 void *thread2_process( void *arg)

   for(int j=0; j<20; j++) 

  pthread_mutex_lock (&my_mutex11); 

  printf("thread2 %d \n", j);   
  fprintf(gnu, "%s \n","plot 'integers.dat' with linespoints lw 3");

   pthread_mutex_unlock (&my_mutex11);

   pthread_exit (0);


[thread1 0 
 thread2 0 
 thread2 1 
 thread2 2 
 thread2 3 
 thread2 4 
 thread2 5 
 thread2 6 
 thread2 7 
 thread2 8 
 thread2 9 
 thread2 10 
 thread2 11 
 thread2 12 
 thread2 13 
 thread2 14 
 thread2 15 
 thread2 16 
 thread2 17 
 thread2 18 
 thread2 19 
 thread1 1 
 thread1 2 
 Warning: empty y range [108:108], adjusting to [106.92:109.08]
 libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
 thread1 3 
 thread1 4 
 thread1 5 
 thread1 6 
 thread1 7 
 thread1 8 
 thread1 9 
 thread1 10 
 thread1 11 
 thread1 12 
 thread1 13 
 thread1 14 
 thread1 15 
 thread1 16 
 thread1 17 
 thread1 18 
 thread1 19]

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


// start here
// go here when step 1 finishes
#define STATE_STEP1 1
// go here when step 2 finishes
#define STATE_STEP2 2
pthread_mutex_t my_mutex;
int cur_state;

void wait_my_turn(int desired_state) {
    if (cur_state == desired_state) return;

void finish_turn() {
    if (cur_state == 3) cur_state = 1;

// in main, initialize mutex, lock it, and set cur_state to STATE_INITIAL
// until you are ready for threads to start.  Then you need to set it
// to STATE_STEP1 to allow that thread to begin.
// in your threads, begin with wait_my_turn(STATE_STEPn)
// and call finish_turn() when done


答案 1 :(得分:0)

谢谢您的回答。 我刚刚找到了同步两个线程的解决方案。必须使用p_thread选项,它是p_thred_cond。您可以按照以下链接上的教程进行操作:https://openclassrooms.com/fr/courses/1513891-la-programmation-systeme-en-c-sous-unix/1514567-les-threads 问候。