|name_x | age_x | salary_x | name_y | age_y | salary_y | age_diff
| James | 23 | 200000 | Jack | 24 | 210040 | 1
| Jack | 24 | 210040 | James | 23 | 200000 | 1
| Irene | 25 | 200012 | John | 25 | 210000 | 0
| Johny | 26 | 21090 | Elon | 29 | 210012 | 3
| Josh | 24 | 21090 | David | 23 | 213012 | 1
| John | 25 | 210000 | Irene | 25 | 200012 | 0
行1 和行2 也是重复项
name_x == name_y , age_x == age_y , salary_x == salary_y
并且不考虑 age_diff ,即< strong>输出。
|name_x | age_x | salary_x | name_y | age_y | salary_y | age_diff
| James | 23 | 200000 | Jack | 24 | 210040 | 1
| Irene | 25 | 200012 | John | 25 | 210000 | 0
| Johny | 26 | 21090 | Elon | 29 | 210012 | 3
| Josh | 24 | 21090 | David | 23 | 213012 | 1
def duplicate_index(df):
length = len(df.columns) - 1 # -1 for removing the time difference
length = length//2
nrows = df.shape[0]
duplicate_index = []
for row in range(nrows-1):
count = 0
for frow in range(row+1,nrows):
if (list(df.iloc[row][:length]) == list(df.iloc[frow][length:-1])):
if (list(df.iloc[row][length:-1]) == list(df.iloc[frow][:length])):
#print(row, frow)
count = count + 1
if count == 1:
return duplicate_index
del_index = duplicate_index(df)
final_df = df.drop(index = del_index)
但是现在我不得不在Scala上使用spark进行这些操作,是否存在,采用任何更快的方法来处理这些过滤器或类似python中的 shift 。或Scala上的窗口
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您可以将附加条件添加到仅保留两行之一的联接中,例如name_x 示例数据框: 哪个给: 重命名数据框的列: 然后加入以下三个条件: 返回 根据在数据中定义重复项的方式,区分两个重复项的条件会有所不同。 val rowsRdd: RDD[Row] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
Row(1, "James", 1, 10),
Row(1, "Jack", 2, 20),
Row(2, "Tom", 3, 30),
Row(2, "Eva", 4, 40)
val schema: StructType = new StructType()
.add(StructField("id", IntegerType, false))
.add(StructField("name", StringType, false))
.add(StructField("age", IntegerType, false))
.add(StructField("salary", IntegerType, false))
val df0: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(rowsRdd, schema)
| id| name|age|salary|
| 1|James| 1| 10|
| 1| Jack| 2| 20|
| 2| Eva| 4| 40|
| 2| Tom| 3| 30|
val df1 = df0.columns.foldLeft(df0)((acc, x) => acc.withColumnRenamed(x, x+"_x"))
val df2 = df0.columns.foldLeft(df0)((acc, x) => acc.withColumnRenamed(x, x+"_y"))
val df3 = df1.join(df2,
col("id_x") === col("id_y") and
col("name_x") =!= col("name_y") and
col("name_x") < col("name_y"),
| 1| Jack| 2| 20| 1| James| 1| 10|
| 2| Eva| 4| 40| 2| Tom| 3| 30|
答案 1 :(得分:1)
val people = Seq(
("1", "James", 23, 200000),
("1", "James", 24, 210040), // two people with same name
("2", "Irene", 25, 200012),
("2", "John", 25, 210000),
("3", "Johny", 26, 21090),
("3", "Elon", 29, 200000),
("4", "Josh", 24, 200000),
("4", "David", 23, 200000))
val columns = Seq("ID", "name", "age", "salary")
val df = people.toDF(columns:_*)
// In general you want to use the primary key from the underlying data store
// as your unique keys. If for some weird reason the primary key is not
// available or does not exist, you can try to create your own. This
// is fraught with danger. If you are willing to make the (dangerous)
// assumption a unique row is enough to uniquely identify the entity in
// that row, you can use a md5 hash of the contents of the row to create
// your id
val withKey = df.withColumn("key", md5(concat(columns.map(c => col(c)):_*)))
val x = withKey.toDF(withKey.columns.map(c => if (c == "ID") c else "x_" + c):_*)
val y = withKey.toDF(withKey.columns.map(c => if (c == "ID") c else "y_" + c):_*)
val partition = Window.partitionBy("ID").orderBy("x_key")
val df2 = x.join(y, Seq("ID"))
.where('x_key =!= 'y_key)
.withColumn("rank", rank over partition)
.where('rank === 1)
.drop("rank", "x_key", "y_key")
| 3| Elon| 29| 200000| Johny| 26| 21090|
| 1| James| 24| 210040| James| 23| 200000|
| 4| David| 23| 200000| Josh| 24| 200000|
| 2| Irene| 25| 200012| John| 25| 210000|