
时间:2019-01-23 22:15:47

标签: excel vba

enter image description here

我正在尝试提供在D列中查找所有重复文本的代码,然后删除第一个重复文本所在的整行。行之间有空格,因此使用代码.End(xl)Up除非您能够将整个列作为目标,而不管两者之间是否有空格,否则它不会起作用  行不知何故。



Sub test()

ActiveSheet.Range("D:D").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, header:=xlNo

End Sub


Sub Row_Dupe_Killer_Keep_Last()
Dim lrow As Long

For lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
    If Cells(lrow, "D") = Cells(lrow, "D").Offset(-1, 0) Then
       Cells(lrow, "D").Offset(-1, 0).EntireRow.Delete
    End If

Next lrow
End Sub


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



您可能想要做的是将数据拉入数组并在数组中搜索重复项。 Excel可以比处理每个单元格快得多的速度来处理数组。



Sub Row_Dupe_Killer_Keep_Last()
    Dim vData As Variant
    Dim rngDelete As Range
    Dim lrow As Long, lrowSearch As Long
    Dim lStartRow as long

    'Change this to the row you wish to start with (the top row)
    lStartRow = 22

    'Get all of the data from the cells into a variant array
    'Normally I would prefer to use usedrange, but this method is fine
    '(Note: Change the 2 to 1 if you want to include the entire column including Row number 1)
    vData = Range(Cells(lStartRow, "D").Address & ":" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Address)

    'Search for duplicates
    'First, loop through backwards one by one
    For lrow = UBound(vData) To LBound(vData) Step -1
        'now loop through forwards (up to the point where we have already looked)
        For lrowSearch = LBound(vData) To lrow
            'Check if we have a duplicate
            If Not IsError(vData(lrow, 1)) And Not IsError(vData(lrowSearch, 1)) Then
                If lrow <> lrowSearch And vData(lrow, 1) = vData(lrowSearch, 1) And vData(lrow, 1) <> "" Then
                    'We have a duplicate! Let's add it to our "list to delete"
                    If rngDelete Is Nothing Then
                        'if rngDelete isn't set yet...
                        Set rngDelete = Range("D" & lrowSearch + lStartRow-1)
                        'if we are adding to rngDelete...
                        Set rngDelete = Union(rngDelete, Range("D" & lrowSearch + lStartRow-1))
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next lrowSearch
    Next lrow

    'Delete all of the duplicate rows
    If Not rngDelete Is Nothing Then
    End If
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:1)


    Option Explicit

    Const c_intMaxBlanks As Integer = 5
    Const c_AbsoluteMaxRowsInSheet As Integer = 5000

    Public Sub RunIt()
        Row_Dupe_Killer_Keep_Last ActiveSheet.Range("D:D")
    End Sub

    Public Sub Row_Dupe_Killer_Keep_Last(rngCells As Range)

        Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer
        Dim intBlankCnt As Integer
        Dim intMaxBlanks As Integer
        Dim blnIsDone As Boolean
        Dim intSaveStartRow As Integer
        Dim blnStartCnt As Boolean
        Dim strTemp As String
        Dim strCheck As String
        Dim intI As Integer
        Dim intJ As Integer
        Dim intSaveEndRow As Integer

        'First, Count the consecutive blanks
        blnIsDone = False
        blnStartCnt = False
        intSaveStartRow = 0
        intSaveEndRow = 0
        intBlankCnt = 0
        iRow = 1
        iCol = rngCells.Column
        Do While (Not blnIsDone)
            'Check for blank Row using length of string
            If (Len(Trim(rngCells.Cells(iRow, 1).Value)) < 1) Then  
                If Not blnStartCnt Then
                    intSaveStartRow = iRow
                    blnStartCnt = True
                    If (intSaveStartRow + intBlankCnt) <> iRow Then
                        intSaveStartRow = iRow
                        intBlankCnt = 0
                    End If
                End If
                intBlankCnt = intBlankCnt + 1
                blnStartCnt = False
                intBlankCnt = 0
            End If

            intSaveEndRow = iRow

            If intBlankCnt >= c_intMaxBlanks Then blnIsDone = True

            'Stop Loop: Maybe Infinite"
            If iRow > c_AbsoluteMaxRowsInSheet Then Exit Do
            iRow = iRow + 1

        'Now, loop through each row in the column and check values.
        For intI = intSaveEndRow To 2 Step -1
            strTemp = LCase(Trim(rngCells.Cells(intI, 1).Value))
            For intJ = intSaveEndRow To 2 Step -1
                If intJ <> intI Then
                    strCheck = LCase(Trim(rngCells.Cells(intJ, 1).Value))
                    If strTemp = strCheck Then
                        'Found a dup, delete it
                        rngCells.Cells(intJ, 1).EntireRow.Delete
                    'ElseIf Len(strCheck) < 1 Then
                    '    'Delete the blank line
                    '    rngCells.Cells(intJ, 1).EntireRow.Delete
                    End If
                End If
            Next intJ
        Next intI

    End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:1)

此方法避免使用foo: bar: '{ "hey": "there''s cake" }' ,而众所周知,sed的速度很慢。清除内容,并对数据集进行排序以消除空白。



