Error response :
"stError": {
"azType": "Application",
"azCode": "Bad value parameter - azPassword is empty"
Success response :
"azToken": "qsdsqd", #1 And this field can be inexistant if the bLogin is 0
"bLogin" : 1
因此,我创建了所需的 POJO :
public class LoginAPIResponse {
private String azToken;
private Boolean bLogin;
### Setters and getters stuff ###
public class LOLError {
private stError stError;
### Setters and getters stuff ###
public class stError {
private String azType;
private String azCode;
### Setters and getters stuff ###
public interface LoginService {
* @POST declares an HTTP POST Request
* This request is use when a user needs to login with his credentials
Call<LOLError> login(@Body LoginAPIRequest request);
Call</*[DynamicResponse?]*/> call = loginService.login(request);
call.enqueue(new Callback</*[DynamicResponse?]*/>() {
public void onResponse(Call</*[DynamicResponse?]*/> call, Response<LOLError> response) {
call.enqueue(new Callback</*[DynamicResponse?]*/>() {
public void onResponse(Call</*[DynamicResponse?]*/> call, Response<LOLError> response) {
// Manage to find the way to get either LOLError or LoginAPIResponse
public void onFailure(Call</*[DynamicResponse?]*/> call, Throwable t) {
#Failure from the server, we do not take this in consideration