我有一个如下的URL JSON数组:sOdd = "The cat jumped over the moon very quickly."
sEven = "The cat jumped over the moon very quickly now."
def split_on_delim_mid(s, delim=" "):
delim_indexes = [
x[0] for x in enumerate(s) if x[1]==delim
] # [3, 7, 14, 19, 23, 28, 33]
# Select the correct number from delim_indexes
middle = len(delim_indexes)/2
if middle % 2 == 0:
middle_index = middle
middle_index = (middle-.5)
# Return the separated sentances
sep = delim_indexes[int(middle_index)]
return s[:sep], s[sep:]
split_on_delim_mid(sOdd) # ('The cat jumped over', ' the moon very quickly.')
split_on_delim_mid(sEven) # ('The cat jumped over the', ' moon very quickly now.')
[{"category_id":"57","category_name":"Martin","parent_id":0},{"category_id":"18","category_name":"Intel","parent_id":0}, etc