import java.io.File;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class FileReader {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String filePath = "qwe.csv";
System.out.println("Enter the City name to be Searched\n");
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
String searchTerm = in.nextLine();
readRecord(filePath, searchTerm);
public static void readRecord( String filePath, String searchTerm ) {
boolean found = false;
String City = ""; String City_Asciis = ""; String Lattitude = "";
String longitude = ""; String Country = "";
String iso_2 = ""; String iso_3 = ""; String Admin_Name = "";
String Capital = ""; String Population = ""; String Id = "";
try {
File file = new File(filePath);
Scanner x = new Scanner (file);
x.useDelimiter("[,\n]"); //to separate the data items
//hasNext - Returns true if the scanner has another token/value in its input
while(x.hasNext() && !found) {
City = x.next();
City_Asciis = x.next();
Lattitude = x.next();
longitude = x.next();
Country = x.next();
iso_2 = x.next();
iso_3 = x.next();
Admin_Name = x.next();
Capital = x.next();
Population = x.next();
Id = x.next();
if (City.equals(searchTerm)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
System.out.println(" The following details are of city : " + City +"\n The Ascii string would be : "
+ City_Asciis +"\n Its having the lattitude around : "
+ Lattitude + "\n and Longitude of : "+ longitude +"\n It is situated in : "
+ Country +"\n These have iso code like : "+ iso_2 +" and : "+ iso_3 +"\n It comes under : "
+ Admin_Name +" State \n Capital of this city is : "+ Capital +"\n The population is around : "
+ Population +"\n ZIP code is : "+Id+"");
else {
System.out.print("Enter the Correct City Name");
catch(Exception e1){
System.out.print("file not found \n");
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这很简单,只要您满足 while 循环条件内的布尔值 found 变量条件,然后循环就会停止读取。我怀疑这是因为您确实指出了"code will load the searched city from the file path given"
。我应该认为,这并不是您真正想要的,仅因为某些国家/地区包含相同的城市名称。实际上,同一国家/地区中的某些州,省或地区可以包含相同的城市名称。举例来说,您是否知道在United States单独的 中有 88 个名为华盛顿的城镇?我知道,这很奇怪,特别是当您考虑到只有50个州和2个地区时。 本杰明·富兰克林也是美国的开国元勋之一,有 35 个城市和乡镇/村庄,其名字都以 Franklin 为名在那个国家内。
如果您的数据文件或数据库足够大,那么我确定您将要显示所有符合您特定搜索条件的城市。话虽如此,也许您需要做的就是摆脱 while 循环的&& !found
条件。我个人也不会在 while 循环条件下使用Scanner#hasNext()方法。这是灾难的邀请,因为与Scanner#next()结合使用时,它更侧重于检查令牌的可用性,而不是实际的文件行。结合使用Scanner#hasNextLine()和Scanner#nextLine()方法,然后使用String#split()方法来一次解析CSV逗号分隔的数据行。
下面,我提供一个可运行的Java代码示例,以演示上述方法。您的 readRecord()方法已使用,但已进行了相当多的修改,以适应以下选项:
与提供的搜索条件有关。允许选择所需的城市信息字段 搜索条件将适用。城市信息领域 是:
城市,CityAscii,纬度,经度,国家/地区,ISO2, ISO3,管理员名称,资本,人口和ID
搜索名称以 Wash 开头的任何城市
洗涤顿或洗涤土加尔或洗涤 tucna。
下面是可运行的代码,它演示了上述概念。该代码是很好的注释。代码中使用了Regular Expressions,如果您想对这些表达式进行解释,则将它们复制/粘贴到regex101.com中。
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CityInfoRecords {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* The appplication is started this way so that there
is no need for static methods or variables.
new CityInfoRecords().startApp(args);
// Application Start method.
private void startApp(String[] args) {
String ls = System.lineSeparator(); // Not all OS Consoles work well with "\n"
String filePath = "qwe.csv"; // Path and file name of the data file.
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
// Provide the City Info Field to base search from...
System.out.println("Enter the Data Field you want to search by:" + ls
+ "[City, CityAscii, Lattitude, Longitude, Country" + ls
+ "ISO2, ISO3, AdminName, Capital, Population, ID]" + ls
+ "Wildcards (? and *) can be used:");
String searchField = in.nextLine();
// Provide the Search Criteria to find within the supplied City Info Field.
System.out.println(ls + "Enter the search criteria you are looking for" + ls
+ "in " + searchField + ". Wildcards (? and *) are permitted:");
String searchCriteria = in.nextLine();
// Declare a List Interface of String and fill it
// with the call to the readRecord method.
List<String> cityInfoList = readRecord(filePath, searchField, searchCriteria, 0, "N/A");
// Display the returned List to console window.
for (int i = 0; i < cityInfoList.size(); i++) {
* Returns a List Interface of the City Information found based on the supplied
* search criteria.<br><br>
* @param filePath (String) The full path and file name of the data file to read
* containing City information.<br>
* @param searchField (String) The City Information Field to based the supplied
* Search Criteria from. Any City Information Field can be supplied here and
* letter case is optional. The wildcard characters (? and *) can also be used
* here so that the entire field name does not need to be supplied, for example:
* <pre>
* lat* for the Latitude field or
* *asc* for the CityAscii field or
* iso? for either the ISO2 or ISO3 fields or simply
* City for the City field.</pre><br>
* The <b>?</b> wildcard character specifies any single alphanumeric character,
* as in ?an, which locates "ran," "pan", "can", and "ban".<br><br>
* The <b>*</b> wildcard character specifies zero or more of any alphanumeric
* character, as in corp*, which locates "corp", "corporate", "corporation",
* "corporal", and "corpulent".<br>
* @param searchCriteria (String) The search criteria string. This can be any
* string you would like to search for within the supplied City Information
* Field. By default letter case is ignored during searches therefore the
* supplied search criteria string does not need to be letter case specific
* however if you want the search to be case specific then set this methods
* optional ignoreLetterCase parameter to false.<br><br>
* Wildcard characters (? and *) can also be used within the Search Criteria
* string so as to expand the search to other possibilities, for example if
* the "City" field is supplied and a criteria string like: "wash*" is supplied
* then any city which name starts with "Wash" will have their city information
* returned.<br><br>
* The <b>?</b> wildcard character specifies any single alphanumeric character,
* as in ?an, which locates "ran," "pan", "can", and "ban".<br><br>
* The <b>*</b> wildcard character specifies zero or more of any alphanumeric
* character, as in corp*, which locates "corp", "corporate", "corporation",
* "corporal", and "corpulent".<br>
* @param numberOfFoundToReturn (int) The number of cities who's information
* should be returned. If 0 is supplied then all cities found will be returned.<br>
* @param noDataReplacement (String) Sometimes there is no data supplied for a
* specific field within the data file or the file data line may not contain
* the same amount of delimited data. Rather than returning NULL or Null String
* ("") for empty data fields you can supply here what to actually return in
* such a case. "N/A" is a good choice or perhaps: "Nothing Supplied". Whatever
* you like to use can be supplied here.<br>
* @param ignoreLetterCase (Optional - Boolean - Default is true) By default
* searches ignore letter case but if you want your search to be letter case
* specific then you can supply boolean false to this optional parameter.<br>
* @return (String List Collection) Information for every City found within the
* supplied data file which matches the supplied field and search criteria.
public List<String> readRecord(String filePath, String searchField,
String searchCriteria, int numberOfFoundToReturn,
String noDataReplacement, boolean... ignoreLetterCase) {
String ls = System.lineSeparator(); // Not all OS Consoles work well with "\n" (property)
boolean ignoreCase = true; // Ignore letter case when searching (Default - property)
if (ignoreLetterCase.length > 0) {
ignoreCase = ignoreLetterCase[0];
boolean found = false; // Flag to indicate data was found (toggles)
int foundCounter = 0; // Indicates number of same data found (increments)
List<String> returnableList = // The List of found city information that will be returned (collection)
new ArrayList<>();
// City Information Variables (data fields)
String city;
String cityAscii;
String latitude;
String longitude;
String country;
String iso2;
String iso3;
String adminName;
String capital;
String population;
String id;
// Open Scanner to read data file...
// Try With Resources is used here to auto close the reader.
try (Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(new File(filePath))) {
// Iterate through data file...
while (fileReader.hasNextLine()) {
// Read file line by line and remove leading or
// trailing whitespaces, tabs, line breaks, etc.
String cityData = fileReader.nextLine().trim();
// Skip blank or comment lines (comment lines can be lines that start with # or ;)
if (cityData.equals("") || cityData.startsWith("#") || cityData.startsWith(";")) {
continue; // Get next file line
// Split the read line based on any comma delimited anomaly.
String[] cityInfo = cityData.split(",|,\\s+|\\s+,|\\s+,\\s+");
// The number of data pieces split from data line.
// Not all lines may contain the same amount of data.
int i = cityInfo.length;
/* Ternary is used to fill city information variables
so that data not provided will not be null or null string.
As an Example for the city variabel this is the same as:
if (i >= 1 && !cityInfo[0].equals("")) {
city = cityInfo[0].trim();
else {
city = noDataReplacement;
city = (i >= 1 && !cityInfo[0].equals("")) ? cityInfo[0].trim() : noDataReplacement;
cityAscii = (i >= 2 && !cityInfo[1].equals("")) ? cityInfo[1].trim() : noDataReplacement;
latitude = (i >= 3 && !cityInfo[2].equals("")) ? cityInfo[2].trim() : noDataReplacement;
longitude = (i >= 4 && !cityInfo[3].equals("")) ? cityInfo[3].trim() : noDataReplacement;
country = (i >= 5 && !cityInfo[4].equals("")) ? cityInfo[4].trim() : noDataReplacement;
iso2 = (i >= 6 && !cityInfo[5].equals("")) ? cityInfo[5].trim() : noDataReplacement;
iso3 = (i >= 7 && !cityInfo[6].equals("")) ? cityInfo[6].trim() : noDataReplacement;
adminName = (i >= 8 && !cityInfo[7].equals("")) ? cityInfo[7].trim() : noDataReplacement;
capital = (i >= 9 && !cityInfo[8].equals("")) ? cityInfo[8].trim() : noDataReplacement;
population = (i >= 10 && !cityInfo[9].equals("")) ? cityInfo[9].trim() : noDataReplacement;
id = (i >= 11 && !cityInfo[10].equals("")) ? cityInfo[10].trim() : noDataReplacement;
// Determine the city data field we want to search in
String regex;
// Were wildcards used in the supplied Search Field string?
if (searchField.contains("?") || searchField.contains("*")) {
// Yes... Prep regex to get proper search field
regex = searchField.replace("?", ".?").replace("*", ".*?").toLowerCase();
else {
regex = "(?i)(" + searchField + ")";
// Get proper search field data
String field = "";
if ("city".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = city;
else if ("cityAsciis".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = cityAscii;
else if ("lattitude".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = latitude;
else if ("longitude".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = longitude;
else if ("country".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = country;
else if ("iso2".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = iso2;
else if ("iso3".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = iso3;
else if ("adminName".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = adminName;
else if ("capital".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = capital;
else if ("population".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = population;
else if ("id".toLowerCase().matches(regex)) {
field = id;
if (field.equals("")) {
System.err.println("Invalid Search Field Name Provided! (" + searchField + ")");
return returnableList;
// See if the search criteria contains wildcard characters
// A search can be carried out using wildcards in this method.
if (searchCriteria.contains("?") || searchCriteria.contains("*")) {
// There is...build the required Regular Expression (RegEx) to use.
regex = searchCriteria.replace("?", ".?").replace("*", ".*?");
// See if the data item matches the search criteria ignoring letter case if desired.
// The String.matches() method is used for this and ternary for ignoring letter case.
if (ignoreCase ? field.toLowerCase().matches(regex.toLowerCase()) : field.matches(regex)) {
found = true; // toogle flag to true if there is a match.
// No wildcard characters in search criteria...
// Ternary is used in condition to handle ignore letter case if desired.
else if (ignoreCase ? field.equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria) : field.equals(searchCriteria)) {
found = true; // toogle flag to true if there is a match.
// If the 'found' flag has been set to true...
if (found) {
// Add City information to returnable ArrayList
String info = ls + "The following details are of city: " + city + ls
+ "The Ascii string would be: " + cityAscii + ls
+ "It has the approximate Lattitude of: " + latitude + ls
+ "And the approximate Longitude of: " + longitude + ls
+ "It is situated in the country of: " + country + ls
+ "The city has iso codes like: " + iso2 + " and: " + iso3 + ls
+ "The State/Province/Region is: " + adminName + ls
+ "Capital of this city is: " + capital + ls
+ // Didn't know cities had capitals
"The population is approximately: " + population + ls
+ "City general ZIP code is: " + id;
returnableList.add(info); // Add to list
found = false; // Toggle found flag back to false in prep to locate more city data.
foundCounter++; // increment the found counter.
// If the First Instance Only flag is true then...
if (numberOfFoundToReturn > 0 && foundCounter == numberOfFoundToReturn) {
// Break out of the 'while' loop. We don't need anymore cities.
// If the Found Counter was not incremented then
// we didn't find any data in file... Inform User.
if (foundCounter == 0) {
System.err.print(ls + "Can not find City Name (" + searchCriteria
+ ") in data file!" + ls);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.err.print("City Data file not found! (" + filePath + ")" + ls);
// Return the List of found data.
return returnableList;
创建一个新的Java应用程序项目,并将其命名为 CityInfoRecords 。将以上代码复制并粘贴到Main Startup类的顶部。运行该应用程序,仔细阅读控制台提示并输入正确的数据。
现在将 readRecord 设为一个类,而不是将其设为更好的方法。