我有一个使用C的应用程序服务器和客户端(代码摘自Unix环境中的Advanced Programming)。
对于我来说,SELECT Scorer
,CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%(%)%',Scorer) > 1
THEN LEFT(Scorer, PATINDEX('%(%)%',Scorer)-1)
ELSE RIGHT (Scorer, LEN(Scorer) - CHARINDEX(')',Scorer,1) )
END AS ColumnName
FROM ScoreTable
#ifndef __OPENCV__
#define __OPENCV__
//#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
不再起作用,则可以直接从终端启动它,但是我需要#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
server.c :
#include<netdb.h> //Here are defined AF_INET and the others of the family
#include<syslog.h> //LOG_ERR
#include<errno.h> //errno
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "error.h"
#define BUFLEN 128
#define QLEN 10
#define MAXADDRLEN 256
#define HOST_NAME_MAX 156
int initserver(int type, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t alen, int qlen);
void serve(int sockfd);
void serve2(int sockfd);
void serveConnectionless(int sockfd);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("entered main\n");
struct addrinfo *ailist, *aip, hint;
int sockfd, err, n;
char *host;
if (argc != 1)
printf("usage: ruptimed\n");
sysconf: get configuration information at run time
Maximum length of a hostname, not including the terminating
null byte, as returned by gethostname(2). Must not be less
than _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX (255).*/
if ((n = sysconf(_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX))<0)
if((host = malloc(n)) == NULL)
printf("malloc error\n");
if (gethostname(host, n)<0)
printf("gethostname error\n");
/* The hints argument points to an addrinfo structure that specifies
criteria for selecting the socket address structures returned in the
list pointed to by res. If hints is not NULL it points to an
addrinfo structure whose ai_family, ai_socktype, and ai_protocol
specify criteria that limit the set of socket addresses returned by
getaddrinfo(), as follows:
ai_family This field specifies the desired address family for the
returned addresses. Valid values for this field include
AF_INET and AF_INET6. The value AF_UNSPEC indicates that
getaddrinfo() should return socket addresses for any
address family (either IPv4 or IPv6, for example) that
can be used with node and service.
ai_socktype This field specifies the preferred socket type, for exam‐
ple SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM. Specifying 0 in this
field indicates that socket addresses of any type can be
returned by getaddrinfo().
ai_protocol This field specifies the protocol for the returned socket
addresses. Specifying 0 in this field indicates that
socket addresses with any protocol can be returned by
ai_flags This field specifies additional options, described below.
Multiple flags are specified by bitwise OR-ing them
All the other fields in the structure pointed to by hints must con‐
tain either 0 or a null pointer, as appropriate.*/
memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint));
hint.ai_flags |= AI_PASSIVE;
hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
hint.ai_addr = NULL;
hint.ai_next = NULL;
/*If the AI_PASSIVE flag is specified in hints.ai_flags, and node is
NULL, then the returned socket addresses will be suitable for
binding a socket that will accept(2) connections. The returned
socket address will contain the "wildcard address" (INADDR_ANY for
IPv4 addresses, IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT for IPv6 address). The wildcard
address is used by applications (typically servers) that intend to
accept connections on any of the host's network addresses. If node
is not NULL, then the AI_PASSIVE flag is ignored.
If the AI_PASSIVE flag is not set in hints.ai_flags, then the
returned socket addresses will be suitable for use with connect(2),
sendto(2), or sendmsg(2). If node is NULL, then the network address
will be set to the loopback interface address (INADDR_LOOPBACK for
IPv4 addresses, IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT for IPv6 address); this is used
by applications that intend to communicate with peers running on the
same host.
Service sets the port in each returned address structure. If this
argument is a service name (see services(5)), it is translated to the
corresponding port number. This argument can also be specified as a
decimal number, which is simply converted to binary. If service is
NULL, then the port number of the returned socket addresses will be
left uninitialized. If AI_NUMERICSERV is specified in hints.ai_flags
and service is not NULL, then service must point to a string contain‐
ing a numeric port number. This flag is used to inhibit the invoca‐
tion of a name resolution service in cases where it is known not to
be required.
Either node or service, but not both, may be NULL.*/
if((err = getaddrinfo(NULL, "60185", &hint, &ailist))!=0)
printf("Error line 129 %d\n", err);
syslog(LOG_ERR, "ruptimed: getaddrinfo error %s", gai_strerror(err));
for (aip = ailist; aip!=NULL; aip = aip->ai_next)
if ((sockfd = initserver(SOCK_DGRAM, aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen, QLEN))>=0)
//printf("starting to serve\n");
printf("Exiting \n");
void serveConnectionless(int sockfd)
int n;
socklen_t alen;
FILE *fp;
char buf[BUFLEN];
char abuf[MAXADDRLEN];
struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr*)abuf;
if((n=recvfrom(sockfd, buf, BUFLEN, 0, addr, &alen))<0)
syslog(LOG_ERR, "ruptimed: recvfrom error %s", strerror(errno));
/**pg. 542 Since a common operation is to create a pipe to another process
to either read its output or write its input stdio has provided popen and
pclose: popen creates pipe, close the unused ends of the pipe,
forks a child and call exec to execute cmdstr and
returns a file pointer (connected to std output if "r", to stdin if "w").
pclose closes the stream, waits for the command to terminate*/
if ((fp = popen("/home/usr/Desktop/openCV", "r")) == NULL)
/*sprintf copy the string passed as second parameter inside buf*/
sprintf(buf, "error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
/*pag 610. send is similar to write. send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, it flags)*/
//send(clfd, buf, strlen(buf),0);
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
/*get data from the pipe that reads created to exec /usr/bin/uptime */
if(fgets(buf, BUFLEN, fp)!=NULL)
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
/*see popen pag. 542*/
void serve(int sockfd)
int clfd;
FILE *fp;
char buf[BUFLEN];
/*After listen, the socket can receive connect requests. accept
retrieves a connect request and converts it into a connection.
The file returned by accept is a socket descriptor connected to the client that
called connect, haing the same coket type and family type. The original
soket remains available to receive otherconneion requests. If we don't care
about client's identity we can set the second (struct sockaddr *addr)
and third parameter (socklen_t *len) to NULL*/
if((clfd = accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL))<0)
/*This generates a log mesage.
syslog(int priority, const char *fformat,...)
priority is a combination of facility and level. Levels are ordered from highest to lowest:
LOG_EMERG: emergency system unusable
LOG_ALERT: condiotin that must be fied immediately
LOG_CRIT: critical condition
LOG_ERR: error condition
format and other arguements are passed to vsprintf function forf formatting.*/
syslog(LOG_ERR, "ruptimed: accept error: %s", strerror(errno));
/* set the FD_CLOEXEC file descriptor flag */
/*it causes the file descriptor to be automatically and atomically closed
when any of the exec family function is called*/
/**pg. 542 Since a common operation is to create a pipe to another process
to either read its output or write its input stdio has provided popen and
pclose: popen creates pipe, close the unused ends of the pipe,
forks a child and call exec to execute cmdstr and
returns a file pointer (connected to std output if "r", to stdin if "w").
pclose closes the stream, waits for the command to terminate*/
if ((fp = popen("/usr/bin/uptime", "r")) == NULL)
/*sprintf copy the string passed as second parameter inside buf*/
sprintf(buf, "error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
/*pag 610. send is similar to write. send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, it flags)*/
send(clfd, buf, strlen(buf),0);
/*get data from the pipe that reads created to exec /usr/bin/uptime */
while(fgets(buf, BUFLEN, fp)!=NULL)
/* clfd is returned by accept and it is a socket descriptor
connected to the client that called connect*/
send(clfd, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
/*see popen pag. 542*/
#include<unistd.h> //_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX
#include<netdb.h> //Here are defined AF_INET and the others of the family
#include<syslog.h> //LOG_ERR
#include<errno.h> //errno
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "error.h"
#define BUFLEN 128
#define QLEN 10
#define MAXADDRLEN 256
#define HOST_NAME_MAX 156
int initserver(int type, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t alen, int qlen);
void serveConnectionless(int sockfd);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("entered main\n");
struct addrinfo *ailist, *aip, hint;
int sockfd, err, n;
char *host;
if (argc != 1)
printf("usage: ruptimed\n");
if ((n = sysconf(_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX))<0)
if((host = malloc(n)) == NULL)
printf("malloc error\n");
if (gethostname(host, n)<0)
printf("gethostname error\n");
memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint)); //set to 0 all bytes
/*If hints.ai_flags includes the AI_CANONNAME flag, then the ai_canon‐
name field of the first of the addrinfo structures in the returned
list is set to point to the official name of the host.*/
//hint.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
hint.ai_flags |= AI_PASSIVE;
hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
hint.ai_addr = NULL;
hint.ai_next = NULL;
if((err = getaddrinfo(NULL, "60185", &hint, &ailist))!=0)
printf("Error line 129 %d\n", err);
syslog(LOG_ERR, "ruptimed: getaddrinfo error %s", gai_strerror(err));
for (aip = ailist; aip!=NULL; aip = aip->ai_next)
if ((sockfd = initserver(SOCK_DGRAM, aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen, QLEN))>=0)
//printf("starting to serve\n");
printf("Exiting \n");
void serveConnectionless(int sockfd)
int n;
socklen_t alen;
FILE *fp;
char buf[BUFLEN];
char abuf[MAXADDRLEN];
struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr*)abuf;
if((n=recvfrom(sockfd, buf, BUFLEN, 0, addr, &alen))<0)
syslog(LOG_ERR, "ruptimed: recvfrom error %s", strerror(errno));
if ((fp = popen("/home/usr/Desktop/openCV", "r")) == NULL)
/*sprintf copy the string passed as second parameter inside buf*/
sprintf(buf, "error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
/*pag 610. send is similar to write. send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, it flags)*/
//send(clfd, buf, strlen(buf),0);
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
/*get data from the pipe that reads created to exec /usr/bin/uptime */
if(fgets(buf, BUFLEN, fp)!=NULL)
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
/*see popen pag. 542*/
/*struct sockaddr *ai_addr;*/
/*socklen_t ai_addrlen;*/
/* initserver(SOCK_STREAM, aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen, QLEN))>=0)*/
int initserver(int type, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t alen, int qlen)
int fd, err;
int reuse = 1;
if ((fd = socket(addr->sa_family, type, 0))<0)
return (-1);
if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof(int))<0)
goto errout;
if(bind(fd, addr, alen)<0)
goto errout;
if (type == SOCK_STREAM || type == SOCK_SEQPACKET)
if(listen(fd, qlen)<0)
goto errout;
return fd;
err = errno;
close (fd);
errno = err;
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include "../common/error.h"
#include <signal.h>
#define BUFLEN 128
#define TIMEOUT 20
#define HOST_NAME_MAX 156
//int connect_retry(int, int, int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t);
void print_uptime(int sockfd, struct addrinfo *aip);
void sigalrm(int signo);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//char *host;
struct addrinfo *ailist, *aip;
struct addrinfo hint;
int sockfd, err;
int n;
struct sigaction sa;
char *host;
if (argc != 2)//not needed any more but keep it for consistency
//err_quit("usage: ruptime hostname");
printf("no argument passed but thats ok cuz im using 127.0.01 anyway\n");
if ((n = sysconf(_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX))<0)
if((host = malloc(n)) == NULL)
printf("malloc error\n");
if (gethostname(host, n)<0)
printf("gethostname error\n");
printf("hostname: %s\n", host);
sa.sa_handler = sigalrm;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
//third argument if not NULL would return the old handler
if (sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL)<0)
err_sys("sigaction err");
memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint));
hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
hint.ai_canonname = NULL;
hint.ai_addr = NULL;
hint.ai_next = NULL;
//if ((err = getaddrinfo(argv[1], "60185", &hint, &ailist)) != 0)
if ((err = getaddrinfo("", "60185", &hint, &ailist)) != 0)
err_quit("getaddrinfo error: %s", gai_strerror(err));
for (aip = ailist; aip != NULL; aip = aip->ai_next)
printf("Trying a connection\n");
/*if ((sockfd = connect_retry(aip->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0,
aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen)) < 0)*/
if((sockfd = socket(aip->ai_family, SOCK_DGRAM,0))<0)
err = errno;
print_uptime(sockfd, aip);
fprintf(stderr, "can't contact \"\": %s\n", strerror(err));
err_exit(err, "can’t connect to %s", argv[1]);
void print_uptime(int sockfd, struct addrinfo *aip)
int n;
char buf[BUFLEN];
buf[0] = 0;
if (sendto(sockfd, buf, 1, 0, aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen)<0)
err_sys("sendto err");
//When the timer expires, SIGALRM is generated
if ((n=recvfrom(sockfd, buf, BUFLEN, 0, NULL, NULL))<0)
if (errno !=EINTR)
err_sys("recv error");
write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, n);
void sigalrm(int signo)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "constants.h"
#include "error.h"
/* for definition of errno */
/* ISO C variable aruments */
static void err_doit(int, int, const char *, va_list);
/*Nonfatal error related to a system call.
Print a message and return.*/
void err_ret (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
err_doit (1, errno, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
/*Fatal error related to a system cal1.
* Print a message and terminate*/
void err_sys(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
err_doit (1, errno, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
/*Nonfatal error unrelated to a system call.
Error code passed as explict parameter
Print a message and return*/
void err_cont(int error, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
err_doit(1, error, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
/*Fatal error unrelated to a system call
t Error code passed as explict parameter
*Print a message and terminate.*/
void err_exit(int error, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt) ;
err_doit (1, error, fmt, ap);
exit (1);
/*Fatal error related to a system call.
*Print a message, dump core, and terminate*/
void err_dump(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
err_doit(1, errno, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
abort();/* dump core and terminate */
exit (1);/* shouldn't get here */
/*Nonfatal error unrelated to a system call.
Print a message and return*/
void err_msg(const char *fmt,...)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
err_doit (0, 0, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
/* Fatal error unrelated to a system call.
* Print a message and terminate*/
void err_quit (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
err_doit (0, 0, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
/*Print a message and return to caller.
*Caller specifies "errnoflag"*/
static void err_doit(int errnoflag, int error, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
char buf [MAXLINE];
vsnprintf (buf, MAXLINE-1, fmt, ap);
if (errnoflag)
snprintf (buf+strlen(buf), MAXLINE-strlen(buf)-1, ": %s",
strerror (error));
strcat(buf, "\n");
fflush(stdout); /*in case stdout and stderr are the same*/
fputs (buf, stderr);
fflush(NULL); /* flushes all stdio output streams*/