
时间:2019-01-19 18:54:47

标签: asp-classic


我有一个表单页面,该页面仅允许SESSION(“ adminrole”)=“ admin”使用表单和记录各部分的各个字段来更新记录。

如果SESSION(“ adminrole”)=“ nonadmin”,则页面上将包含其他VB脚本


 @IBAction func onSignUp(_ sender: Any) {

        print("Sign Up pressed")
        isValidUsername(username: usernameTextField.text!)
        print("[SIGN UP] - Username: \(usernameVerified)")
        isValidEmail(email: emailTextField.text!)
        print("[SIGN UP] - Email: \(emailVerified)")
        isValidPassword(password: passwordTextField.text!)
        print("[SIGN UP] - Password: \(passwordVerified)")

        if passwordVerified && emailVerified && usernameVerified {

            Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: emailTextField.text!, password: passwordTextField.text!) { (authResult, error) in
                if error != nil {
                    self.errorLabel.alpha = 1
                    self.errorLabel.text = error?.localizedDescription
                    self.shake(viewToShake: self.errorLabel)

                guard let user = authResult?.user else {

                //Successfully Authenticated User
                let ref = Database.database().reference(fromURL: "https://heytest.firebaseio.com/")
                let usersReference = ref.child("users").child(user.uid)
                let values = ["username": self.usernameTextField.text!, "email": self.emailTextField.text!, "games-played": "0"] 
                usersReference.updateChildValues(values, withCompletionBlock: { (err, ref) in
                    if err != nil {

                    //Successfully registered user's data to database
                    print("[SIGN UP] - Successfully Signed Up")
                    self.errorLabel.alpha = 0
                    self.present((self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "TabBarViewController"))!, animated: false, completion: nil)


        } else {

            errorLabel.alpha = 1
            shake(viewToShake: errorLabel)
            print("Password/Email/Username verification not complete!")
            print("[SIGN UP] - Password: \(passwordVerified)")
            print("[SIGN UP] - Username: \(usernameVerified)")
            print("[SIGN UP] - Email: \(emailVerified)")



    //MARKUP: Validations/Verifications

    //Email Verification (Must follow correct email format: example@gmail.com)
    func isValidEmail(email: String) {

        let emailRegex = "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}"
        var valid = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", emailRegex).evaluate(with: email)
        if valid {
            valid = !email.contains("Invalid email id")

        if valid == false {

            emailLabel.textColor = UIColor.red
            emailLabel.text = "EMAIL INVALID"
            emailTextField.layer.addBorder(edge: UIRectEdge.bottom, color: UIColor.red, thickness: 1.5)

        } else {
            emailVerified = true
            emailTextField.layer.addBorder(edge: UIRectEdge.bottom, color: UIColor.black, thickness: 1.5)
            emailLabel.textColor = UIColor.black
            emailLabel.text = "EMAIL"

    //Password Verification (Must be greater than 8 digits
    func isValidPassword(password: String) {

        let passwordRegex = ".{8,}"
        var valid = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", passwordRegex).evaluate(with: password)

        if valid {
            valid = !password.contains("Invalid password id")

        if valid == false {

            passwordLabel.textColor = UIColor.red
            passwordLabel.text = "PASSWORD MUST BE AT LEAST 8 DIGITS"
            passwordTextField.layer.addBorder(edge: UIRectEdge.bottom, color: UIColor.red, thickness: 1.5)

        } else {
            passwordVerified = true
            passwordTextField.layer.addBorder(edge: UIRectEdge.bottom, color: UIColor.black, thickness: 1.5)
            passwordLabel.textColor = UIColor.black
            passwordLabel.text = "PASSWORD"

    //Username Verification (Must be between 3-15 charaters w/ username not taken)
    func isValidUsername(username: String) {
        let usernameRegex = ".{3,15}"
        var valid = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", usernameRegex).evaluate(with: username)

        if valid {
            valid = !username.contains("Invalid username id")

        if valid == false {

            usernameLabel.textColor = UIColor.red
            usernameLabel.text = "USERNAME MUST BE 3-15 CHARS"
            usernameTextField.layer.addBorder(edge: UIRectEdge.bottom, color: UIColor.red, thickness: 1.5)

        } else {
            let ref = Database.database().reference(fromURL: "https://heytest.firebaseio.com/")
            let usernamesRef = ref.child("users")
            usernamesRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "username").queryEqual(toValue: username).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
               // if there is data in the snapshot reject the registration else allow it

                if (snapshot.value! is NSNull) {

                    self.usernameVerified = true
                    print("[SIGN UP] - Username: \(self.usernameVerified)")
                    self.usernameTextField.layer.addBorder(edge: UIRectEdge.bottom, color: UIColor.black, thickness: 1.5)
                    self.usernameLabel.textColor = UIColor.black
                    self.usernameLabel.text = "USERNAME"

                } else {

                    self.usernameVerified = false
                    self.usernameTaken = true
                    self.usernameLabel.textColor = UIColor.red
                    self.usernameLabel.text = "USERNAME TAKEN"
                    self.usernameTextField.layer.addBorder(edge: UIRectEdge.bottom, color: UIColor.red, thickness: 1.5)


            }) { (error) in


我已验证SESSION(“ adminrole”)是用户在我的位置登录Response.write时所声明的内容,以便我可以直观地看到该用户的会话角色名称。

问题在于,无论是谁登录,都会被包含的包含页面用于NON Admin角色-并且永远不会第一个包含文件

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


请参阅此链接中的示例: http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/022504-1.shtml


Dim strInclude
Dim I_want_to_include_file_1
I_want_to_include_file_1 = True

If I_want_to_include_file_1 = True Then
  strInclude = getMappedFileAsString("include1.asp")
  strInclude = getMappedFileAsString("include2.asp")
End If

Execute strInclude

因为此方法不使用内置的IIS include,所以代码   该页面运行时将运行,但仅包含一个文件。   显示了getMappedFileAsString(filepath)函数的代码   下面。本质上,它将获取指定内容的完整内容   filepath,以字符串形式返回文件的内容。

Function getMappedFileAsString(byVal strFilename)
  Const ForReading = 1

  Dim fso
  Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")

  Dim ts
  Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(strFilename), ForReading)

  getMappedFileAsString = ts.ReadAll

  Set ts = nothing
  Set fso = Nothing
End Function