export function* removeProfile(auth, database){
const url = `/users/${action.user.uid}`
const {ref} = database
const {remove} = database.ref()
const result = yield call([database, ref], url)
yield call([result, remove])
const deleteFunction = () => action.user.delete()
yield call([action.user, deleteFunction])
//yield action.user.delete() && database.ref(url).remove()
yield put(ActionCreator.removeProfileSuccess())
yield destroyAuth(auth)
yield put(ActionCreator.removeProfileFailure(message))
describe('should test removeProfile', () => {
const databaseMock = {
ref: jest.fn()
const {ref} = databaseMock
const remove = databaseMock.ref() // i need to do something like this, for get remove function, but i don't need if this is correct
const url = undefined
const it = sagaHelper(removeProfile(authMock, databaseMock, action))
it('should call apis ref and remove from database', result => {
let newResult = {}
expect(result).toEqual(newResult = call([databaseMock, ref], url))
expect(newResult).toEqual(call([newResult, remove]))
我的疑问是:在测试代码中,我需要获取remove函数,该函数位于其他函数下(database.ref())。我怎样才能做到这一点。 expect(result).toEqual(newResult = call([databaseMock, ref], url))
expect(newResult).toEqual(call([newResult, remove]))