gcloud-即使我是所有者,也没有任何API的权限,并且可以通过Web UI正常运行

时间:2019-01-18 21:16:24

标签: google-cloud-platform gcloud

我是我新创建的组织的所有者,我在该组织下创建了一个项目,并将其链接到我的信用额度为1000 $的组织计费帐户中。通过Web UI,我可以启动集群,VM,网络...但是当我想通过gcloud进行启动时,我的权限被拒绝了。例如:

$ gcloud compute networks list
API [compute.googleapis.com] not enabled on project [XXX]. 
Would you like to enable and retry (this will take a few minutes)? 
(y/N)?  y

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.networks.create) PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission

但是我可以在Web UI GCP中看到该API已明确启用(并且可以使用),只是gcloud不允许我使用它们。 gcloud下的帐户与我在网络控制台中使用的帐户完全相同-已通过gcloud auth list验证:

$ gcloud config configurations describe myproject
is_active: true
name: myproject
    region: europe-west1
    zone: europe-west1-b
    account: <my-email>
    project: <the-project-I-want>

$ gcloud services list
ERROR: (gcloud.services.list) User [<myusername>] does not have permission to access project [myproject] (or it may not exist): The caller does not have permission


更新gcloud init之后,至少gcloud services list开始工作。但是其他人没有:

$ gcloud services list
NAME                              TITLE
bigquery-json.googleapis.com      BigQuery API
cloudapis.googleapis.com          Google Cloud APIs
clouddebugger.googleapis.com      Stackdriver Debugger API
cloudtrace.googleapis.com         Stackdriver Trace API
compute.googleapis.com            Compute Engine API
container.googleapis.com          Kubernetes Engine API
containerregistry.googleapis.com  Container Registry API
datastore.googleapis.com          Cloud Datastore API
logging.googleapis.com            Stackdriver Logging API
monitoring.googleapis.com         Stackdriver Monitoring API
oslogin.googleapis.com            Cloud OS Login API
pubsub.googleapis.com             Cloud Pub/Sub API
servicemanagement.googleapis.com  Service Management API
serviceusage.googleapis.com       Service Usage API
sql-component.googleapis.com      Cloud SQL
storage-api.googleapis.com        Google Cloud Storage JSON API
storage-component.googleapis.com  Google Cloud Storage
$ gcloud compute networks create testing-net --subnet-mode=custom '--description=Network to host testing kubernetes cluster'

API [compute.googleapis.com] not enabled on project [{PROJECT_ID}]. 
Would you like to enable and retry (this will take a few minutes)? 
(y/N)?  y

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.networks.create) PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

所以问题是当project_id和gcloud由于某种原因默认为组织时,我使用了错误的gcloud config set project

所以我不得不使用gcloud projects list找到正确的项目ID,然后使用gcloud config set project {PROJECT-ID}不是项目名称!)