I have a WMSLayer which takes a string of comma-separated layer names to make a call to fetch tiles.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { WMSTileLayer } from "react-leaflet";
class WMSLayers extends Component {
render = () => (
This component begins network requests when the layers
prop changes. This means as soon as a new layers
prop is passed, the current WMSLayer is erased, and new tiles begin to draw as they are received. This of course makes total sense.
What I would like to do is somehow retain the old component until the new tiles are fetched, and then render the new tiles all at once. This way, if I simply turn one more layer on, the current layers do not disappear.
I realize I can accomplish this by creating a separate WMSTileLayer for each layer, but this leads to many API calls per zoom/pan if multiple layers are switched on.
The layer does provide an onLoad
event that gets fired when the tiles are done loading, but I don't know how to keep the old layers drawn until this is done, if it's even possible.
Advice would be greatly appreciated!
Also, this is not a duplicate of How to keep old tiles until each new tile is loaded when redrawing a layer in Leaflet? - that question is about using multiple layers with one map, but this question is about using one layer with a map (I realize the WMSTileLayer layers
prop name might make this seem confusing)