我正在尝试从D-link DWM-157 HSPA + USB适配器读取SMS。我可以通过AT命令阅读SMS。当SMS包含的字符少于160个时,该代码可以正常工作。如果SMS包含多部分字符,它将转换为7位格式,我现在可以使用this库对其进行解码。 Decode7bit()方法可以正常工作,但是当字符串(此方法的参数)长度为268时,但是当长度小于268时,它会给出垃圾值。代码是
public static byte[] GetInvertBytes(string source)
byte[] bytes = GetBytes(source);
return bytes;
public static byte[] GetBytes(string source, int fromBase)
List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < source.Length / 2; i++)
bytes.Add(Convert.ToByte(source.Substring(i * 2, 2), fromBase));
return bytes.ToArray();
public static byte[] GetBytes(string source)
return GetBytes(source, 16);
public static string Decode7bit(string source, int length)
byte[] bytes = GetInvertBytes(source);
string binary = string.Empty;
foreach (byte b in bytes)
binary += Convert.ToString(b, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');
binary = binary.PadRight(length * 7, '0');
string result = string.Empty;
for (int i = 1; i <= length; i++)
result += (char)Convert.ToByte(binary.Substring(binary.Length - i * 7, 7), 2);
//return result.Replace('\x0', '\x40');
return result.Replace("\0", "");
public string Read()
gsmPort.WriteLine("AT+CMGF=1"); // Set mode to Text(1) or PDU(0)
Thread.Sleep(1000); // Give a second to write
//gsmPort.WriteLine("AT+CPMS=\"SM\""); // Set storage to SIM(SM)
gsmPort.WriteLine("AT+CPMS=\"ME\",\"SM\",\"MT\""); // Set storage to SIM(SM)
// gsmPort.WriteLine("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\""); // What category to read ALL, REC READ, or REC UNREAD
gsmPort.WriteLine("AT+CMGL=\"ALL\""); // What category to read ALL, REC READ, or REC UNREAD
string response = gsmPort.ReadExisting();
if (response.EndsWith("\r\nOK\r\n\r") || response.EndsWith("\r\nOK\r\n"))
{ //there is no error
return response;
// add more code here to manipulate reponse string.
return "ERROR";
// add more code here to handle error.