我找到了tutorial via Google,并且可以使用。问题是,它还捕获了这些括号内的逗号,我需要省略它们。我不知道如何编辑正则表达式以从这些括号对之一中排除捕获的逗号。我尝试了类似",(?=([^\"\\{\\[]*\"[^\"\\}\\]]*\")*[^\"]*$)"
public class JavaJSON {
private HashMap<String, Object> content;
// Constructors
* Create new empty JSON object
public JavaJSON() {
this.content = new HashMap<>();
// ...
* Parse a JSON string to a JSON object
* @param JSON JSON string to be converted to JSON object
* @return JSON object from given string
public static JavaJSON parse(@NotNull String JSON) {
if (!JSON.startsWith("{") || !JSON.endsWith("}")) return null;
// If this is not a valid JSON string, return nothing.
JavaJSON output = new JavaJSON();
String content = JSON.substring(1, JSON.length() - 1);
if (content.length() == 0) return output; // if empty, return an empty JSON object
// Regex literals
String commaSeparated = ",(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"; // TODO: Change commaSeparated to capture any {} [] "" pair group
String colonSeparated = ":(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"; // TODO: Change colonSeparated to capture any {} [] "" pair group
String[] tokens = content.split(commaSeparated);
if (tokens.length == 0) return null;
// Don't know exactly if this is going to happen, but better be sure
for (String token : tokens) {
String rawToken = token.trim();
if (rawToken.length() == 0) return null;
// Omitted comma, extra comma, etc. = JSON error
String[] mapToken = rawToken.split(colonSeparated);
if (mapToken.length < 2 || mapToken.length > 2) return null;
// Expected format = {"foo": "bar"}; format isn't valid
String mapKey = mapToken[0].trim();
String mapValue = mapToken[1].trim();
if (!mapKey.startsWith("\"") || !mapKey.endsWith("\"")) return null;
// Key must be a string
String rawMapKey = mapKey.substring(1, mapKey.length() - 1); // get quote-less variant
if (rawMapKey.length() == 0) return null;
// Key must not be empty
// check errors
if (mapValue.startsWith("{") && !mapValue.endsWith("}")) return null;
// Not a valid JSON object
if (mapValue.startsWith("[") && !mapValue.endsWith("]")) return null;
// Not a valid JSON array
if (mapValue.startsWith("\"") && !mapValue.endsWith("\"")) return null;
// Not a valid string
// get value object
Object rawMapValue;
// parse value object
if (mapValue.startsWith("\"") && mapValue.endsWith("\"")) {
rawMapValue = mapValue.substring(1, mapValue.length() - 1);
} else if (mapValue.startsWith("{") && mapValue.endsWith("}")) {
rawMapValue = parse(mapValue);
} else if (mapValue.startsWith("[") && mapValue.endsWith("]")) {
rawMapValue = parseArray(mapValue);
} else {
try {
rawMapValue = Long.parseLong(mapValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
rawMapValue = Double.parseDouble(mapValue);
} catch (Exception f) {
return null;
// Not a valid number
output.update(rawMapKey, rawMapValue);
return output;
// ...