
时间:2019-01-16 18:17:57

标签: r tidyverse


Read CSV into R based on where header begins


file1 <- structure(list(X..Text = c("# Text", "#", "agency_cd", "5s", 
"USGS", "USGS"), X = c("", "", "site_no", "15s", "4294000", "4294000"
), X.1 = c("", "", "datetime", "20d", "6/24/13 0:00", "6/24/13 0:15"
), X.2 = c("", "", "tz_cd", "6s", "EDT", "EDT"), X.3 = c("", 
"", "Gage height", "14n", "1.63", "1.59"), X.4 = c("", "", " Discharge", 
"14n", "1310", "1250")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

file2 <- structure(list(X..Text = c("# Text", "# Text", "#", "agency_cd", 
"5s", "USGS", "USGS"), X = c("", "", "", "site_no", "15s", "4294002", 
"4294002"), X.1 = c("", "", "", "datetime", "20d", "6/24/13 0:00", 
"6/24/13 0:15"), X.2 = c("", "", "", "tz_cd", "6s", "EDT", "EDT"
), X.3 = c("", "", "", "Gage height", "14n", "1.63", "1.59"), 
X.4 = c("", "", "", " Discharge", "14n", "1310", "1250")), class = 
"data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

我想对上述相关问题使用类似的解决方案,尽管我还需要跳过标头(标头行=以“ agency_cd”开头的行)之后的行,然后执行类似的操作将所有CSV绑定到一个数据帧中,文件名列在其中:

# Path to the data
data_path <- "Data/folder1/folder2"

# Bind all files together to form one data frame
discharge <-

  # Find all file names ending in CSV in all subfolders
  dir(data_path, pattern = "*.csv", recursive = TRUE) %>% 

  # Create a dataframe holding the file names
  data_frame(filename = .) %>% 

  # Read in all CSV files into a new data frame, 
  # Create a new column with the filenames
  mutate(file_contents = map(filename, ~ read_csv(file.path(data_path, .), col_types = cols(.default = "c")))
    ) %>% 

  # Unpack the list-columns to make a useful data frame



# Function
detect_header_line <- function(file_names, column_name) {
    header_begins <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(file_names)){
      lines_read <- readLines(file_names[i], warn=F)
      header_begins[i] <- grep(column_name, lines_read)

# Path to the data
data_path <- "Data/RACC_2012-2016/discharge"

# Get all CSV file names
file_names = dir(data_path, pattern = "*.csv", recursive = TRUE)

# Get beginning rows of each CSV file
header_begins <- detect_header_line(file.path(data_path, file_names), 'agency_cd')



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Lines1 <- capture.output(write.table(file1, stdout(), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE))
ix <- grep("agency", Lines1) # line number of header
DF1 <- read.table(text = Lines1[-c(seq_len(ix-1), ix+1)], header = TRUE)


> DF1
  agency_cd site_no datetime tz_cd Gage height Discharge
1      USGS 4294000  6/24/13  0:00  EDT   1.63      1310
2      USGS 4294000  6/24/13  0:15  EDT   1.59      1250



答案 1 :(得分:0)


    #define column names
    #columnnames<-c("agency_cd","site_no", "datetime", "tz_cd", "Gage height", "Discharge")

    #find files that match pattern
    fname<-dir( pattern = "file[0-9]\\.csv")

    #loop and read all files
    dfs<-lapply(fname, function(f) {
    #find header row
    headerline<-grep("agency_cd", readLines(f))
    #read data with header row and following row
    #by reading the header row bind will align the columns
    df<- read.csv(f, skip=headerline-1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

finalanswer<-do.call(rbind, dfs)

> finalanswer
#  agency_cd site_no     datetime tz_cd Gage.height Discharge
#        5s     15s          20d    6s         14n       14n
#      USGS 4294000 6/24/13 0:00   EDT        1.63      1310
#      USGS 4294000 6/24/13 0:15   EDT        1.59      1250
#        5s     15s          20d    6s         14n       14n
#      USGS 4294002 6/24/13 0:00   EDT        1.63      1310
#      USGS 4294002 6/24/13 0:15   EDT        1.59      1250


注意“ \”。在dir函数中,点在正则表达式中具有特殊含义。点表示任何字符。对于仅表示一个句点的点,然后使用R中的双\对其进行转义。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我找到2个解决方案。第一个使用大多数@ Dave2e的解决方案,但是我没有使用do.call(rbind, dfs)将所有dfs绑定为一个,而是使用了dplyr::bind_rows()do.call(rbind, dfs)无法正常工作,因为有时我的标题列的名称有时会稍有不同,这导致了以下错误:Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) : names do not match previous namesdplyr::bind_rows()使用不同的列名更加灵活。我还根据个人喜好使用readr::read_csv代替了read.csv

# First solution using most of @Dave2e's solution

# Path to the data
data_path <- "Data/RACC_2012-2016/discharge"
# Get all CSV file names
file_names = dir(data_path, pattern = "*.csv", recursive = TRUE)

# Loop and read all files
dfs <- lapply(file.path(data_path, file_names), function(f) {
  # Find header row
  headerline <- grep("agency_cd", readLines(f))
  # Read data with header row and following row
  # by reading the header row bind will align the columns
  df <- read_csv(f, col_types = cols(.default = "c"), skip = headerline-1)
}) %>% 
  # Bind all into one data frame
  bind_rows() %>% 
  # Filters the row below the header row that doesn't contain data
  dplyr::filter(agency_cd != "5s") %>% 
  # Combine "Gage Height" and "Gage height" columns into one
  # First rename the columns to make them easier to call
  rename(Gage_height = "Gage Height", Gage_height2 = "Gage height") %>% 
  mutate(Gage_height = ifelse(is.na(Gage_height), Gage_height2, Gage_height)) %>% select(-Gage_height2)


# Second solution


# Path to the data
data_path <- "Data/RACC_2012-2016/discharge"

# Bind all files together to form one data frame
discharge <-
  # Find all file names ending in CSV in all subfolders
  fs::dir_ls(data_path, regexp = "*.csv", recursive = TRUE) %>% 
  # Create a dataframe holding the file names
  data_frame(filename = .) %>% 
  # Read in all CSV files into a new data frame, 
         # Create a new column with the filenames
  mutate(file_contents = map(filename, 
                             # Here we append path to the data before the file name & force all columns to be as character
                             # because the typecasting was causing problems
                             # We use skip = grep("agency_cd", readLines(.))-1)) to find header row
                             ~ read_csv(., col_types = cols(.default = "c"), skip = grep("agency_cd", readLines(.))-1))
        ) %>% 
  # Unpack the list-columns to make a useful data frame
  unnest() %>% 
  # Filters the row below the header row that doesn't contain data
  dplyr::filter(agency_cd != "5s") %>% 
  # Combine "Gage Height" and "Gage height" columns into one
  # First rename the columns to make them easier to call
  rename(Gage_height = "Gage Height", Gage_height2 = "Gage height") %>% 
  mutate(Gage_height = ifelse(is.na(Gage_height), Gage_height2, Gage_height)) %>% select(-Gage_height2)

感谢大家的帮助!我也从以下方面获得帮助: https://serialmentor.com/blog/2016/6/13/reading-and-combining-many-tidy-data-files-in-RHow to import multiple .csv files at once?