:每次主线程需要查找可能的移动时(我们将此称为 JOB ),它将计算所有当前深度中的可能动作,然后开始Pool
,并向其中添加每个可能的动作(我们称之为 TASK ),因此线程分别为每个动作开发了游戏树,所有其他深度。
现在,任务使用自己的缓存,这意味着它们在工作时会保存并重新使用缓存,但它们之间不会共享缓存,也不会从服务器上接管缓存。 JOB 转到另一个 JOB 。我尝试解决此问题并以某种方式进行了管理,但我认为这不是预期的方法,因为它会使所有过程变慢。
对象中的实例合并。就像在 JOB 1 中创建的缓存一样,可以在 JOB 2 中看到它的工作原理,但是它会使整个过程变得慢得多,当时线程仅使用自己的缓存,该缓存是在构建树时构建的,然后在线程完成时销毁。我做错了吗,还是我想要的东西根本无法实现?这是我的代码:
class BattlefieldWork extends Threaded {
public $taskId;
public $innerIterator;
public $thinkAhead;
public $originalBattlefield;
public $iteratedBattlefield;
public $hashes;
public function __construct($taskId, $thinkAhead, $innerIterator, Battlefield $originalBattlefield, Battlefield $iteratedBattlefield) {
$this->taskId = $taskId;
$this->innerIterator = $innerIterator;
$this->thinkAhead = $thinkAhead;
$this->originalBattlefield = $originalBattlefield;
$this->iteratedBattlefield = $iteratedBattlefield;
public function run() {
$result = 0;
$dataSet = $this->worker->getDataSet();
$HashClassShared = null;
$dataSet->synchronized(function ($dataSet) use(&$HashClassShared) {
$HashClassShared = $dataSet['hashes'];
}, $dataSet);
$myHashClass = clone $HashClassShared;
$thinkAhead = $this->thinkAhead;
$innerIterator = $this->innerIterator;
$originalBattlefield = $this->originalBattlefield;
$iteratedBattlefield = $this->iteratedBattlefield;
// the actual recursive function that will build the tree, and calculate a quantify for the move, this will use the hash I've created
$result = $this->performThinkAheadMoves($thinkAhead, $innerIterator, $originalBattlefield, $iteratedBattlefield, $myHashClass);
// I am trying to retrieve the common cache here, and upload the result of this thread
$HashClassShared = null;
$dataSet->synchronized(function($dataSet) use ($result, &$HashClassShared) {
// I am storing the result of this thread
$dataSet['results'][$this->taskId] = $result;
// I am merging the data I've collected in this thread with the data that is stored in the `Volatile` object
$HashClassShared = $dataSet['hashes'];
$HashClassShared = $HashClassShared->merge($myHashClass);
}, $dataSet);
class Battlefield {
/* ... */
public function step() {
/* ... */
/* get the possible moves for the current depth, that is 0, and store them in an array, named $moves */
// $nextInnerIterator, is an int, which shows which hero must take an action after the current move
// $StartingBattlefield, is the zero point Battlefield, which will be used in quantification
foreach($moves as $moveid => $move) {
$moves[$moveid]['quantify'] = new BattlefieldWork($moveid, self::$thinkAhead, $nextInnerIterator, $StartingBattlefield, $this);
$Volatile = new Volatile();
$Volatile['results'] = array();
$Volatile['hashes'] = $this->HashClass;
$pool = new Pool(6, 'BattlefieldWorker', [$Volatile]);
foreach ($moves as $moveid => $move) {
if (is_a($moves[$moveid]['quantify'], 'BattlefieldWork')) {
while ($pool->collect());
$HashClass = $Volatile['hashes'];
$this->HashClass = $Volatile['hashes'];
foreach ($Volatile['results'] as $moveid => $partialResult) {
$moves[$moveid]['quantify'] = $partialResult;
/* The moves are ordered based on quantify, one is selected, and then if the battle is not yet finished, step is called again */
class HashClass {
public $id = null;
public $cacheDir;
public $battlefieldHashes = array();
public $battlefieldCleanupHashes = array();
public $battlefieldMoveHashes = array();
public function merge(HashClass $HashClass) {
$this->battlefieldCleanupHashes = array_merge($this->battlefieldCleanupHashes, $HashClass->battlefieldCleanupHashes);
$this->battlefieldMoveHashes = array_merge($this->battlefieldMoveHashes, $HashClass->battlefieldMoveHashes);
return $this;