我想使用Java 日期格式
来计算时差小时和分钟,不用户应输入类似 锁定时间:23:00 超时:01:00
预期输出应为 2小时00分钟。
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
//Read data
System.out.print("Clock In: ");
String sTimeIn = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Clock Out: ");
String sTimeOut = input.nextLine();
// Process data
String sHourIn = sTimeIn.substring(0, 2);
String sMinuteIn = sTimeIn.substring(3, 5);
String sHourOut = sTimeOut.substring(0, 2);
String sMinuteOut = sTimeOut.substring(3, 5);
int iHourIn = Integer.parseInt(sHourIn);
int iMinuteIn = Integer.parseInt(sMinuteIn);
int iHourOut = Integer.parseInt(sHourOut);
int iMinuteOut = Integer.parseInt(sMinuteOut);
int sumHour =
int sumMinute =
//Display Output
System.out.print(sumHour +"Hour "+ sumMinute + " Minute");
如果在23:00时钟中锁定:01:00 ,并且输出为22Hour(s) 0 Minute(s)
。输出应为02 Hour(s) 0 Minute(s)
System.out.println("*Your time format must be 00:00");
System.out.print("Clock In: ");
String getTimeIn = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Clock Out: ");
String getTimeOut = input.nextLine();
// Process data
String sHourIn = getTimeIn.substring(0, 2);
String sMinuteIn = getTimeIn.substring(3, 5);
String sHourOut = getTimeOut.substring(0, 2);
String sMinuteOut = getTimeOut.substring(3, 5);
int sumHour = Integer.parseInt(sHourIn) - Integer.parseInt(sHourOut);
int sumMinute = Integer.parseInt(sMinuteIn) - Integer.parseInt(sMinuteOut);
if(sumHour < 0) {
sumHour =-sumHour;
if(sumMinute < 0) {
sumMinute =- sumMinute;
//Display Output
System.out.print(sumHour +"Hour(s) "+ sumMinute + " Minute(s)");
答案 0 :(得分:2)
class GoogleSpec extends GebReportingSpec {
def "checking for word"() {
given: " Search for word 'ebay' in google"
def searchPhrase = "ebay"
def googlePage = to GoogleHomePage
when: "I search for ebay"
def resultsPage = googlePage.searchFor(searchPhrase)
then: "Correct results are shown"
resultsPage.countResultsContaining(searchPhrase) == 10
该解决方案缺少 @Joakim Danielson 指出的午夜穿越,所以我修改了上述解决方案以检查import java.time.LocalTime;
public class HelloWorld
public static void main(String[] args)
LocalTime in = LocalTime.parse("18:20");
LocalTime out = LocalTime.parse("20:30");
int hoursDiff = (out.getHour() - in.getHour()),
minsDiff = (int)Math.abs(out.getMinute() - in.getMinute()),
secsDiff = (int)Math.abs(out.getSecond() - in.getSecond());
或in > out
out < in
答案 1 :(得分:2)
如果要使用Java 8的LocalTime
String sTimeIn = "23:15";
String sTimeOut = "1:30";
LocalTime timeIn = LocalTime.parse(sTimeIn, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("H:m"));
LocalTime timeOut = LocalTime.parse(sTimeOut, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("H:m"));
long dif = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(timeIn, timeOut);
if (dif < 0)
dif += 24 * 60;
long sumHour = dif / 60;
long sumMinute = dif % 60;
System.out.println(sumHour + ":"+ sumMinute);
System.out.println(String.format("%02d", sumHour) + ":"+ String.format("%02d", sumMinute));
答案 2 :(得分:1)
public static void calcTime(String sTimeIn, String sTimeOut) {
final String timePattern = "[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]";
if (sTimeIn == null || sTimeOut == null || !sTimeIn.matches(timePattern) || !sTimeIn.matches(timePattern)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
String[] timeIn = sTimeIn.split(":");
String[] timeOut = sTimeOut.split(":");
int inMinutes = 60 * Integer.valueOf(timeIn[0]) + Integer.valueOf(timeIn[1]);
int outMinutes = 60 * Integer.valueOf(timeOut[0]) + Integer.valueOf(timeOut[1]);
int diff = 0;
if (outMinutes > inMinutes) {
diff = outMinutes - inMinutes;
} else if (outMinutes < inMinutes) {
diff = outMinutes + 24 * 60 - inMinutes;
System.out.printf("Time difference between %s and %s is %d hours and %d minutes\n", sTimeIn, sTimeOut, diff / 60, diff % 60);
public static void calcTime2(String sTimeIn, String sTimeOut) {
final String timePattern = "[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]";
if (sTimeIn == null || sTimeOut == null || !sTimeIn.matches(timePattern) || !sTimeIn.matches(timePattern)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
String[] timeIn = sTimeIn.split(":");
String[] timeOut = sTimeOut.split(":");
LocalTime localTimeIn = LocalTime.of(Integer.valueOf(timeIn[0]), Integer.valueOf(timeIn[1]));
LocalTime localTimeOut = LocalTime.of(Integer.valueOf(timeOut[0]), Integer.valueOf(timeOut[1]));
Duration duration;
if (localTimeOut.isAfter(localTimeIn)) {
duration = Duration.between(localTimeIn, localTimeOut);
} else {
Duration prevDay = Duration.ofHours(24).minusHours(localTimeIn.getHour()).minusMinutes(localTimeIn.getMinute());
Duration nextDay = Duration.between(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT, localTimeOut);
duration = prevDay.plus(nextDay);
System.out.printf("Time difference between %s and %s is %d hours and %d minutes\n", sTimeIn, sTimeOut,
duration.toHours(), duration.minusHours(duration.toHours()).toMinutes());
答案 3 :(得分:0)
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
//Read data
System.out.println("Clock In: ");
String sTimeIn = "20:30";
System.out.println("Clock Out: ");
String sTimeOut = "18:20";
// Process data
String sHourIn = sTimeIn.substring(0, 2);
String sMinuteIn = sTimeIn.substring(3, 5);
String sHourOut = sTimeOut.substring(0, 2);
String sMinuteOut = sTimeOut.substring(3, 5);
int iHourIn = Integer.parseInt(sHourIn);
int iMinuteIn = Integer.parseInt(sMinuteIn);
int iHourOut = Integer.parseInt(sHourOut);
int iMinuteOut = Integer.parseInt(sMinuteOut);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
Long timeIn = cal.getTime().getTime();
Long timeOut = cal.getTime().getTime();
Long finaltime= timeIn-timeOut;
// Convert the result to Hours and Minutes
Long temp = null;
// get hours
temp = finaltime % 3600000 ;
int sumHour = (int) ((finaltime - temp) / 3600000 );
finaltime = temp;
int sumMinute = (int) (finaltime/ 60000);
//Display Output
System.out.println(sumHour +" Hour "+ sumMinute + " Minute");
答案 4 :(得分:-1)
public class MainClass1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
//Read data
System.out.print("Clock In: ");
String[] sTimeIn = input.nextLine().split(":");
System.out.print("Clock Out: ");
String[] sTimeOut = input.nextLine().split(":");
int iHourIn = Integer.parseInt(sTimeIn[0]);
int iMinuteIn = Integer.parseInt(sTimeIn[1]);
int iHourOut = Integer.parseInt(sTimeOut[0]);
int iMinuteOut = Integer.parseInt(sTimeOut[1]);
if(iMinuteIn < iMinuteOut) {
iMinuteIn = 60 + iMinuteIn;
int sumHour = iHourIn - iHourOut;
int sumMinute = iMinuteIn - iMinuteOut;
//Display Output
System.out.print(sumHour +"Hour "+ sumMinute + " Minute");