注意:我还将密钥存储到本地存储中的方法是,为列表中的每个项目指定一个ID,从“ 0”开始,一直递增1从API收到的数据的结尾。例如,如果我得到9个项目,那么所有这些项目的ID都应从0一直到第9个项目。
import * as World from 'fusioncharts/maps/fusioncharts.world';
let not_favored = [...document.querySelectorAll(".not-favored")];
for(let index =0; index<not_favored.length;index++ ){
// Allow type cast instead of doing it manually, recall '==' allows type casting while '===' doesn't
console.log("the index of the children is " + not_favored[index].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].id + " and the index of the local_storage is " + localStorage.key(index+"") )
if(not_favored[index].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].id == localStorage.key(index +"") && localStorage.key(index+"") !== null){
console.log("how many times this occurs? Does it even work or compare key, which is the ID with the right index of that ID?")
not_favored[index] = localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(index.toString()))
not_favored[index] = not_favored[index].outerHTML;
the index of the children is 0 and the index of the local_storage is 2
the index of the children is 1 and the index of the local_storage is 3
the index of the children is 2 and the index of the local_storage is null
the index of the children is 3 and the index of the local_storage is null
the index of the children is 4 and the index of the local_storage is null