Central error handling in coroutines kotlin

时间:2019-01-15 18:05:52

标签: android kotlin coroutine

In my retrofit + kotlin + RxJava setup I have added an adapter factory which looks into the response body and if it finds that a certain property does not have a certain value it converts the response into a custom exception.

Is there any way to get a similar result using only retrofit + kotlin coroutines?


class ErrorCheckingCallAdapterFactory() : CallAdapter.Factory() {

    override fun get(returnType: Type, annotations: Array<Annotation>, retrofit: Retrofit): CallAdapter<*, *>? {
        if (CallAdapter.Factory.getRawType(returnType) != Single::class.java) {
            return null // Ignore non-Observable types.

        // Look up the next call adapter which would otherwise be used if this one was not present.

        val delegate = retrofit.nextCallAdapter(this, returnType,
                annotations) as CallAdapter<Any, Single<*>>

        return object : CallAdapter<Any, Any> {
            override fun adapt(call: Call<Any>): Any {
                // Delegate to get the normal Observable...
                val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
                val o = delegate.adapt(call)
                // ...and change it to send notifications to the observer on the specified scheduler.
                return o.compose(errorCheckTransformer<Any>(startTime))

            override fun responseType(): Type {
                return delegate.responseType()

    fun <T> errorCheckTransformer(startTime: Long): SingleTransformer<T, T> {
        return SingleTransformer { observable ->
            observable.flatMap { response ->
                if (response is BaseResponse) {
                     if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
                        return@flatMap Single.error<T>(MemErrorException(response.result?.retCode, response.result?.retMsg, response))

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