我正在寻找在PXProcessing页面中自动创建客户付款方式的方法。我想我已经接近解决这个问题,但是我一直在挠头太久了,希望有人可以提供帮助。 本质上,我需要创建此Payment方法来模拟通用测试卡。由于已经捕获了付款,所以这其中的任何一个都不会到达付款网关,主要目的是通过付款和应用程序记录将发票标记为已付款。
我尝试了两种策略。 1)创建付款,然后在明细记录中插入或更新所需的设置。 2)(如示例所示)在自动创建的详细记录上进行迭代,并将每个记录设置为其正确的值。
在此先感谢您的任何建议。 罗伯特
This method creates a new Customer Payment Method if no ClickToPay Payment Method is present.
This method is primarily a means to an end as to be able to use the CaptureCCPayment
action item to finalize and register a payment captured on the ClickToPayServer.
It uses a standard test card as the Detail of the Payment Method
<param name="bankingPaymentMethodKey">
Holds the primary key value of the Bank Payment Method used in setting up this new Payment Method.
<param name="paymentFromCtp">
Holds data retrieved from the click to pay server needed to create the Customer Payment Method.
It is not currently working. Will likely need to reach out for help.
private int? CreateCustomerPaymentMethod(int? bankingPaymentMethodKey, PaymentViewModel paymentFromCtp)
PaymentMethod paymentMethod = GetBankingPaymentMethod(bankingPaymentMethodKey);
const bool getDefault = true; //for BQL readability
const bool getActive = true;
CCProcessingCenterPmntMethod proCentPmtMthXref =
.Select(this, paymentMethod.PaymentMethodID, getDefault,getActive);
PaymentMethodAccount paymentMethodAccount = (PaymentMethodAccount)PXSelect<PaymentMethodAccount,
>.Select(this, paymentMethod.PaymentMethodID).FirstOrDefault();
var cpmGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<CustomerPaymentMethodMaint>();
var customerPaymentMethod = new CustomerPaymentMethod
BAccountID = int.Parse(paymentFromCtp.CustomerId),
PaymentMethodID = paymentMethod.PaymentMethodID,
CashAccountID = paymentMethodAccount.CashAccountID,
CCProcessingCenterID = proCentPmtMthXref.ProcessingCenterID
//customerPaymentMethod.CustomerCCPID = "12345"; //this is empty on my manual created records but trying this gets the same resutls.
//either of these seem to yield the same result.
//cpmGraph.CustomerPaymentMethod.Current = cpmGraph.CustomerPaymentMethod.Insert(customerPaymentMethod);
cpmGraph.CurrentCPM.Current = cpmGraph.CurrentCPM.Insert(customerPaymentMethod);
I would have assumed I should be able to do so with the DetailsAll or Details view, but this
seems to be empty at the point we reach this.
int detailCountForDebugger = cpmGraph.Details.Select().Count; //returns 0
int detailAllCountForDebugger = cpmGraph.DetailsAll.Select().Count; //returns 0
//but it appears we can find the auto generated detail records in this cache under the inserted collection.
var targetCache = cpmGraph.Caches["CustomerPaymentMethodDetail"];
long insertedCountForDebugger = targetCache.Inserted.Count(); //returns 5
PXTrace.WriteInformation($"Detail.count {detailCountForDebugger} DetailAll.Count {detailAllCountForDebugger} inserted.Count {insertedCountForDebugger}");
foreach (var cpmGraphDetail in targetCache.Inserted)
CustomerPaymentMethodDetail detail = (CustomerPaymentMethodDetail) cpmGraphDetail;
switch (detail.DetailID)
case "CCDNUM":
detail.Value = "4111111111111111";
case "CCPID":
detail.Value = "12345";
case "CVV":
detail.Value = "555";
case "EXPDATE":
detail.Value = "10/2025";
case "NAMEONCC":
detail.Value = "Blank Card";
//these where added to address error that PMIntanceID is missing on previous attempts.
detail.PMInstanceID = cpmGraph.CustomerPaymentMethod.Current.PMInstanceID;
detail.PaymentMethodID = customerPaymentMethod.PaymentMethodID;
using update seems to add or insert a record as I
start this iteration with 5 records in the cache
then end up with 10 at the end.
the original records do seem to have the desired data in them.
not sure if this is related to the error
Another process has added the 'CustomerPaymentMethodDetail' record. Your changes will be lost.
//cpmGraph.Details.Insert(detail); //get the same results with insert
detailCountForDebugger = cpmGraph.Details.Select().Count; //returns 4
detailAllCountForDebugger = cpmGraph.DetailsAll.Select().Count; //returns 5
insertedCountForDebugger = targetCache.Inserted.Count(); //returns 10 but note that the original records reflect updated values
PXTrace.WriteInformation($"Detail.count {detailCountForDebugger} DetailAll.Count {detailAllCountForDebugger} inserted.Count {insertedCountForDebugger}");
//Calling Persist generates the following error
//"Error: Another process has added the 'CustomerPaymentMethodDetail' record. Your changes will be lost."
return cpmGraph.CustomerPaymentMethod.Current.PMInstanceID;