
时间:2019-01-14 03:08:35

标签: python python-3.x astropy

我编写了一个代码,该代码查看一个预先存在的图像文件夹,并使用一个恒定的对象名称列表及其在天空中的对应ra,dec位置在每个原始图像中定位它们,并进行10x10 arcsec剪裁(如果对象在图像中)。它正在运行,并且我得到了一些漂亮的抠图,但是由于某些奇怪的原因,每次我运行它时,都会保存新的抠图图像!我真的不知道为什么会这样,因为对象列表及其ra,dec位置始终是完全相同的,而且我总是将剪切图像保存为图像和对象的准确名称,且不应更改。所有原始图像也保持不变。


图像和对象的原始数目都非常长,因此我在较小的子集上运行代码以进行测试,并且每次运行期间仍出现新的剪切图像的问题。我在以下图像上运行了以下代码:'calexp-HSC-I-18012-1,7.fits', 'calexp-HSC-I-18114-0,0.fits', 'calexp-HSC-I-18114-1,1.fits',这些图像保存在目录/Users/myuser/Desktop/Original_Images/中。我在不同的目录中运行代码,最后也保存了切口。第一次运行时,我生成了以下切口:'cutout-IMG-HSC-I-18114-0,0-OBJ-NEP175719.1+652743.2.fits', 'cutout-IMG-HSC-I-18114-1,1-OBJ-NEP175509.2+653523.9.fits'。几分钟后,当我运行完全相同的代码而不进行任何更改时,我还生成了这两个新图像:'cutout-IMG-HSC-I-18114-0,0-OBJ-NEP175654.7+652930.2.fits', 'cutout-IMG-HSC-I-18114-1,1-OBJ-NEP175458.4+653419.1.fits',以此类推,以便以后运行。


import astropy
from astropy.nddata.utils import Cutout2D, NoOverlapError
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle
import re
import glob

def make_cutouts(img_file, box_len):
    # Image data
    hdulist = fits.open(img_file)
    img_data = fits.getdata(img_file)
    img_name = re.search(r'calexp\-(.+)\.fits', img_file)[1]

    # Make cutouts (by locating coords in image with WCS)
    wcs = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
    for i in range(len(objs)):
        # Skip if cutout already exists
        if 'cutout-IMG-'+img_name+'-OBJ-'+objs[i]+'.fits' in glob.glob('cutout*.fits'):
            print('Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...')

        # Convert ra, dec to HMS for specific object
        ra_h = re.search(r'h=(\d+.?\d*)', str(ras_hms[i]))[1]
        ra_m = re.search(r'm=(\d+.?\d*)', str(ras_hms[i]))[1]
        ra_s = re.search(r's=(\d+.?\d*)', str(ras_hms[i]))[1]
        ra_angle = Angle((float(ra_h), float(ra_m), float(ra_s)), unit='hourangle')
        dec_angle = decs_deg[i]

        # Coordinate transformation to pixels
        center = SkyCoord(ra_angle, dec_angle, frame='fk5')
        xp, yp = astropy.wcs.utils.skycoord_to_pixel(center, wcs=wcs, origin=1)

        # Make cutout, skip when object is not in image
        size = u.Quantity((box_len,box_len),u.arcsec)
            co = Cutout2D(img_data,(xp, yp),size,wcs=wcs)
        except NoOverlapError:
        hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=co.data,header=co.wcs.to_header())
        hdu.writeto('cutout-IMG-'+img_name+'-OBJ-'+objs[i]+'.fits', overwrite=True)

# Gather all original images

all_images = glob.glob('/Users/myuser/Desktop/Original_Images/calexp*.fits')
coords_file = 'good_dataset.fits'

# Coordinates

hdul = fits.open(coords_file)
coords_data = hdul[1].data
objs = coords_data['Name']
ras = np.array(coords_data['RA']) # in decimal degrees
decs = np.array(coords_data['DEC']) # in decimal degrees
# Convert coordinate systems using astropy
decs_deg = Angle(decs, unit=u.deg)
ras_deg = Angle(ras, unit=u.deg)
ras_hms = [ra.hms for ra in ras_deg]

for image in all_images:
    make_cutouts(image, 10.0)
    print('Image %d out of %d completed' % (count, len(all_images)))


Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Image 1 out of 3 completed
Image 2 out of 3 completed
Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Cutout of object already exists for this image, skipping...
Image 3 out of 3 completed

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




(2)当您可以循环遍历对象本身时,即for thisobj, thisra in zip(objs, ras_hms):

(3)较小,但是if 'cutout-IMG-'+img_name+'-OBJ-'+objs[i]+'.fits' in glob.glob('cutout*.fits'):的效率比if os.path.exists(if 'cutout-IMG-'+img_name+'-OBJ-'+objs[i]+'.fits' in glob.glob('cutout*.fits'):高。如果您使用'cutout-IMG-{img_name}-OBJ-{obj_id}.fits'.format(img_name=img_name, obj_id=objs[i])作为字符串,您可能还会发现它更易读