opengl 3.3中的纹理问题(程序在intel hd上运行,但不在Nvidia 1050 ti中运行)

时间:2019-01-13 13:41:58

标签: c++ opengl

我正在制作一个有房间的程序,里面有各种对象。为此,我使用OpenGL 3.3版。 为了照亮房间,我在房间中间使用了点光源,并使用了立方体阴影贴图来创建阴影。 (要创建阴影立方体贴图,我要使用几何着色器,但我认为这与问题无关)

我的问题是,在具有英特尔高清图形GPU的笔记本电脑上,或者甚至在使用该内核的英特尔GPU的台式机上,一切都运行良好,但是当我使用英伟达1050ti时,一切都消失了,而我所看到的只是天空盒,在房间周围。 这是使用Nvidia时的结果






vec4 mlpier =vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
if (texequip==1){
    mlpier = vec4(texture(diffuseColorSampler,vertex_UV).rgb,1.0);


float ShadowCalculation(vec3 vertex_pos_world){

    // get vector between fragment position and light position
    vec3 fragToLight = vertex_pos_world - light.lightPosition_worldspace;

    // use the light to fragment vector to sample from the depth map    
    float closestDepth = texture(depthMap, fragToLight).r;

    // it is currently in linear range between [0,1]. Re-transform back to original value
    closestDepth *= farplane;

    // now get current linear depth as the length between the fragment and light position
    float currentDepth = length(fragToLight);

    // now test for shadows
    float bias = 0.05; 
    float shadow = (currentDepth-bias) < closestDepth ? 1.0 : 0.0;

    return shadow;


fragment_color = vec4(Ia + shadow_factor * ( Id * light.power / distance_sq + Is * light.power / distance_sq),1.0) * mlpier;


fragment_color = vec4(Ia + shadow_factor * ( Id * light.power / distance_sq + Is * light.power / distance_sq),1.0);


fragment_color = vec4(Ia +  ( Id * light.power / distance_sq + Is * light.power / distance_sq),1.0)* mlpier;





#version 330 core

// construct input layout for the corresponding attributes
// (vertexPosition_modelspace, vertexNormal_modelspace, vertexUV)
layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertexPosition_modelspace;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 vertexNormal_modelspace;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 vertexUV;

// Output variables (position_modelspace, normal_modelspace and UV coordinates), 
// that will be interpolated for each fragment
out vec3 vertex_position_modelspace;
out vec3 vertex_normal_modelspace;
out vec2 vertex_UV;
out vec4 st_shadow;

// uniforms (P, V, M)
uniform mat4 P;
uniform mat4 V;
uniform mat4 M;
uniform mat4 lightP;
uniform mat4 lightV;

void main()
    // Output position of the vertex, in clip space : MVP * position
    gl_Position =  P * V * M * vec4(vertexPosition_modelspace, 1);

    //  propagate the position of the vertex to fragment shader
    vertex_position_modelspace = vertexPosition_modelspace;

    // propagate the normal of the vertex to fragment shader
    vertex_normal_modelspace = vertexNormal_modelspace; 

    // propagate the UV coordinates   
    vertex_UV = vertexUV;

    // create a shadow map texture coordinate by backwards-ising the position.
    vec4 vertex_position_worldspace = M * vec4(vertex_position_modelspace,1.0);
    st_shadow = lightP * lightV * vertex_position_worldspace; /= st_shadow.w; += vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0); *= 0.5;


#version 330 core

// interpolated values from the vertex shaders (vertex_position_modelspace, 
// vertex_normal_modelspace and vertex_UV coordinates)
in vec3 vertex_position_modelspace;
in vec3 vertex_normal_modelspace;
in vec2 vertex_UV;
in vec4 st_shadow;

// uniform variables (lightPosition_worldspace, V, M)

uniform vec3 light_position_worldspace;
uniform mat4 V;
uniform mat4 M;
uniform int texequip;
uniform float farplane;

// (diffuseColorSampler, specularColorSampler)
uniform sampler2D diffuseColorSampler;
uniform sampler2D texturemapSampler;
uniform sampler2D depth_map;
uniform samplerCube depthMap;

// Phong
// light properties
struct Light {
    vec3 La;
    vec3 Ld;
    vec3 Ls;
    vec3 lightPosition_worldspace;
    float power;
uniform Light light;

// materials
struct Material {
    vec3 Ka;
    vec3 Kd;
    vec3 Ks;
    float Ns;
    sampler2D texKa;
    sampler2D texKd;
    sampler2D texKs;
    sampler2D texNs;
uniform Material mtl;

// output data
out vec4 fragment_color;

// for point light - cube shadow mapping
float ShadowCalculation(vec3 vertex_pos_world){

    // get vector between fragment position and light position
    vec3 fragToLight = vertex_pos_world - light.lightPosition_worldspace;

    // use the light to fragment vector to sample from the depth map    
    float closestDepth = texture(depthMap, fragToLight).r;

    // it is currently in linear range between [0,1]. Re-transform back to original value
    closestDepth *= farplane;

    // now get current linear depth as the length between the fragment and light position
    float currentDepth = length(fragToLight);

    // now test for shadows
    float bias = 0.05; 
    float shadow = (currentDepth-bias) < closestDepth ? 1.0 : 0.0;

    return shadow;


void phong();

void main(){

void phong() {
    vec3 _Ks = mtl.Ks;
    vec3 _Kd = mtl.Kd;
    vec3 _Ka = mtl.Ka;
    float _Ns = mtl.Ns;
    // use texture for materials
    if (_Ka.r < 0.0) _Ka = vec3(texture(mtl.texKa, vertex_UV).rgb);
    if (_Kd.r < 0.0) _Kd = vec3(texture(mtl.texKd, vertex_UV).rgb);
    if (_Ks.r < 0.0) _Ks = vec3(texture(mtl.texKs, vertex_UV).rgb);
    if (_Ns < 0.0) _Ns = texture(mtl.texNs, vertex_UV).r;

    vec3 vertex_position_worldspace = vec3(M * vec4(vertex_position_modelspace,1.0));
    vec3 vertex_position_cameraspace = vec3(V * vec4(vertex_position_worldspace,1.0));
    vec3 vertex_normal_cameraspace = vec3(V * M * vec4(vertex_normal_modelspace,0.0));

    // model ambient intensity (Ia)
    vec3 Ia = light.La * _Ka;

    // model diffuse intensity (Id)
    vec3 N = normalize(vertex_normal_cameraspace);
    vec3 L = normalize((V * vec4(light.lightPosition_worldspace, 1)).xyz
    - vertex_position_cameraspace);
    float cosTheta = clamp(dot(L, N), 0, 1);
    vec3 Id = light.Ld * _Kd * cosTheta;

    // model specular intensity (Is)
    vec3 R = reflect(-L, N);
    vec3 E = normalize(- vertex_position_cameraspace);
    float cosAlpha = clamp(dot(E, R), 0, 1);
    float specular_factor = pow(cosAlpha, _Ns);
    vec3 Is = light.Ls * _Ks * specular_factor;

    //model the light distance effect
    float distance = length(light.lightPosition_worldspace
    - vertex_position_worldspace);
    float distance_sq = distance * distance;

    // check if the object has a texture or not
    vec4 mlpier =vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
    if (texequip==1){
        mlpier = vec4(texture(diffuseColorSampler,vertex_UV).rgb,1.0);

    // calculating the shadow factor
    float shadow_factor = ShadowCalculation(vertex_position_worldspace);

    // final fragment color
    fragment_color = vec4(Ia +shadow_factor * ( Id * light.power /     distance_sq + Is * light.power / distance_sq),1.0) * mlpier;

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