
时间:2019-01-12 00:42:13

标签: npm yarnpkg package.json

我正在import lxml.etree as ET # Create root element root = ET.Element("Base", attrib={'Name': 'My Base Node'}) # Create first child element FirstElement = ET.SubElement(root, "FirstNode", attrib={'Name': 'My First Node', 'Comment':'Hello'}) # Create second child element SecondElement = ET.SubElement(FirstElement, "SecondNode", attrib={'Name': 'My Second Node', 'Comment': 'World'}) # Create XML file XML_data_as_string = ET.tostring(root, encoding='utf8') with open("TestFile.xml", "wb") as f: f.write(XML_data_as_string) # Variable to substitute in second portion of predicate NewValue = "My Second Node" # #### AREA OF PROBLEM ### # Question. How to pass variable 'NewValue' in the predicate? # Gives "SyntaxError: invalid predicate" x = root.find("./FirstNode/SecondNode[@Name={subs}]".format(subs=NewValue)) # I commented above line and reexecuted the code with this below line # enabled. It gave "ValueError: empty namespace prefix must be passed as None, # not the empty string" x = root.find("./FirstNode/SecondNode[@Name=%s]", NewValue) 中为lodash设置分辨率,如下所示:


适用于所有传递依赖,但不适用于仍在单独包含的特定依赖,如我们的"resolutions": { "lodash": "^4.17.11" } 所示:


是否有一种方法可以告知要应用于lodash.isinteger@^4.0.4: version "4.0.4" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/lodash.isinteger/-/lodash.isinteger-4.0.4.tgz#619c0af3d03f8b04c31f5882840b77b11cd68343" integrity sha1-YZwK89A/iwTDH1iChAt3sRzWg0M= lodash.isnumber@^3.0.3: version "3.0.3" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/lodash.isnumber/-/lodash.isnumber-3.0.3.tgz#3ce76810c5928d03352301ac287317f11c0b1ffc" integrity sha1-POdoEMWSjQM1IwGsKHMX8RwLH/w= ... 的所有子项的分辨率?

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